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Re: Complaint about TSV presentations

Interesting, isn't it, that there haven't been any denials forthcoming... ?


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Re: Complaint about TSV presentations

On 4/23/2014 Sylanne said:

Ladybug724, ITA.

I never watched QVC or any TV shopping show all day for backround noise.

There were times when I would watch full shows of items that might be of interest. Now, I can't remember when I watched a full show of anything QVC presents.

I don't even do "Q checks" anymore b/c everytime I do, all I see are the tired same old items. LOL, I'm finding the the network commercials are far more interesting.

Hi Sylanne---

I only tune in for a few vendors that interest me, and they seem to be seldom on anymore.....or they put them on at 2AM or 3AM and if I scan the channel with my remote in the evenings, in prime time, the Q insists on showing they same ole stuff, so I move that remote quickly to another channel

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Re: Complaint about TSV presentations

On 4/25/2014 stevieb said:
On 4/24/2014 Sylanne said:
On 4/24/2014 Ladybug724 said:
On 4/24/2014 Bungo said:

Toby: You work for QVC,don't you?

I think so too

So do I & there are more QVC employees on this board.

I don't envy their job trying to justify the QVC mindset of boring programming.

But a paycheck is a paycheck.

I too have wondered about a few regular posters who never, ever have any problem whatsoever with anything and everything QVC opts to do... and who seem to justify QVC's every action with 'it's their business plan' or 'it works for them' or some similar buzz-phrase... Truth is, they can attempt to justify QVC's programming and product selection all they want, but boring is still boring...

Hey Stevie....yes one wonders about the DEFENDERS OF THE Q! Either they are "secret" moderators or they must be really really really bored..........{#emotions_dlg.laugh}

I caught one of them saying they did not like something, and when I mentioned it, she denied that she was being critical, she was just making a suggestion for an improvement..{#emotions_dlg.laugh}{#emotions_dlg.laugh}{#emotions_dlg.rolleyes}

I think all companies do sis was complaining about how slow Sprint was on a website that was not affiliated in any way with Sprint. Very mysteriously she got an email from the official Sprint IT Dept saying they checked her signal and equipment and it was working fine, and the interim slow periods were attributed to some upgrades they were installing city by city and would be completed some time in 2015.....she thought it very creepy that Sprint was "spying" on her....

And then she griped about Facebook---and I had to explain that FB has always had and increasingly has security issues, no matter what settings you use....that is why other than a few photos I post for my brother and niece I seldom use it....

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Re: Complaint about TSV presentations

On 4/26/2014 CalmInTheHeart said:
On 4/23/2014 KYToby said:

For the sake of argument, let us assume you ran the shopping network. Each day, you have an item that you want to push hard as you have many of them now sitting in your warehouse and you have gotten a special price on it (giving you a high profit margin). Knowing that many people no longer sit and watch your network for hours and a time, and significant number of viewers on check your channel intermittently as they switch channels, would you show this daily "special" for several minutes only a few times a day or would you show it for extended periods of time many times a day in order to "catch" consumers as they flip by?

There is a reason shopping channels -- all of them -- show their daily specials for these extended periods of time. It is to maximize profits -- not to annoy or bore you.

Thanks, Q, for responding.



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Re: Complaint about TSV presentations

On 4/23/2014 KYToby said:

For the sake of argument, let us assume you ran the shopping network. Each day, you have an item that you want to push hard as you have many of them now sitting in your warehouse and you have gotten a special price on it (giving you a high profit margin). Knowing that many people no longer sit and watch your network for hours and a time, and significant number of viewers on check your channel intermittently as they switch channels, would you show this daily "special" for several minutes only a few times a day or would you show it for extended periods of time many times a day in order to "catch" consumers as they flip by?

There is a reason shopping channels -- all of them -- show their daily specials for these extended periods of time. It is to maximize profits -- not to annoy or bore you.

Unfortunately, when you tune in to watch a rare one hour span of Q programming that you enjoy, and I understand all about the TSV, but long presentations aren't just for TSVs anymore....this is happening with hot picks too....and if it's only an hour show it is ANNOYING to us CUSTOMERS to hog the time with just a couple of products.....and then its back to QVC's regular programming--ya know the vacuums, blenders, mattresses, philosphy, ortha {#emotions_dlg.rolleyes}and I end up tuning OUT and never BUY!

It's obvious QVC's strategy seems to be concentrating on "drive by" sales and in the process are losing regular customers! And their financials reflect flat perhaps they need to change their approach....and as another online retailer has said, "find ways to keep their regular customers engaged".....

It takes more money to entice new customers, than keep current customers that is a retail fact!

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Re: Complaint about TSV presentations

On 4/23/2014 circles said:

another funny story....I don't sleep I tour the channels all night and day long...yesterday I turned ShopHQ on...around 4am....there was Skip Connelly and a vendor presenting portable air conditioners.....

the shows name was Around the House...I expected to see other home products...but, no...they kept repeating that same presentation over and over till 8am...

this morning...I was awake, again...turned on ShopHQ , again, about the same time...and low and behold....there was Skip, again...showing the same portable air conditioner...over and over till 8am....

I had to about overkill...the air conditioner wasn't even there TS...hahahaha....

As to QVC....while Toby gives a good explanation of the sure is annoying to those of us that would like shortened presentations of the TSV....hence...I just don't watch the Q. much any more...mostly just check the recently viewed items and watch a video if its something I am interested in....

Oh but circles-- QVC is experimenting with those taped YOUR HOME WITH JILL shows and their QPLUS network (that they paid a fortune for) repeats shows that were one wonders what the future holds and whether the Q will keep taped shows on their QPlus or incorporate this philosophy into their regular programming on their regular TV channels....afterall think of the money they would save on host salaries/benefits and they show so few items anyway they might as well all be taped....{#emotions_dlg.glare}

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Re: Complaint about TSV presentations

I'd bet they do 'plant' posters, but some, whether they actually work for the Q or merely want to... carry their defense to a level that's unlikely among mere shoppers. I mean think about it, what's in it for them to rush to the Q's defense at every turn of the key...? And so often, it's the same verbiage from post to post, thread to thread and forum to forum. You know, redundant, sort of like the Q's programming...

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Re: Complaint about TSV presentations

On 4/27/2014 stevieb said:

I'd bet they do 'plant' posters, but some, whether they actually work for the Q or merely want to... carry their defense to a level that's unlikely among mere shoppers. I mean think about it, what's in it for them to rush to the Q's defense at every turn of the key...? And so often, it's the same verbiage from post to post, thread to thread and forum to forum. You know, redundant, sort of like the Q's programming...

Perhaps they aren't people at all but robots who have been programmed to respond to certain words or phrases with stock replies....{#emotions_dlg.laugh}Wink..

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Re: Complaint about TSV presentations

Roboposters... !! Could be...

In my pantry with my cupcakes...