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Re: Wow, I took a hard fall today out on my dog walk.... Scary!

So sorry you fell.  I'm sure your body will let you know 'if' anything

is out of sync.  That warm bath with Epsom sounds like a very good idea.  You might already own some, but the "trax" or "good grips" cleats are ice is so dangerous.  Take care,

and hope that hot bath helps with the soreness.

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Re: Wow, I took a hard fall today out on my dog walk.... Scary!

@SeaMaiden wrote:

When ai first fell, I  was most concerned about my double hip and knee replacements... but since I feel on my butt,  my hips and knees  were not injured thank goodness.  I am going to see how I feel here  in a few hours... a long hot bath will probably feel good. I do not think I need a doctor  being that I was able to walk home after falling. 

That's not how concussions work. You may feel dizzy, but you may not. You may get blurred vision, but you may not. Some will make you vomit, others won't. It's best to get checked out and NOT take a warm bath until you do, as a warm bath + concussion could make you fall asleep in the tub. Some symptoms don't even show up for hours or days after the injury, so getting checked is important.

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Re: Wow, I took a hard fall today out on my dog walk.... Scary!

Poor you!  I hope you will feel better soon.  Please call your doc about your headache.  Better to be safe than sorry.  What happened to you could happen to anybody.  That's why they call it accident.


A year and a half ago I walked out on my deck, coffee in hand, to commune with nature.  I did not see a patch of water left over from the night before from watering a hanging plant.  The rest is history.  I fell on my left side and broke my left arm.  Fortunately, not my hip.  There is some benefit to having all my padding!  Was happy it was then, and not before DD's wedding not even two weeks earlier.  Accidents happen!  But after a bad fall, I will tell you I am paranoid about chancing a fall.  You likely will be too, but that's not a bad thing.


You take care and get well soon!

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Re: Wow, I took a hard fall today out on my dog walk.... Scary!

Thank you for all the helpful posts and well wishes. Nice to have that when I usually go all day without speaking to anyone.  I am not one to go to the doctor unless I broke something. So that will not be happening. I understand why some of you mentioned I could go get checked out.   You are airing on the side of cautious. And rightfully so.  I am just one stubborn old lady.  Hope I do not eat my words. Thanks for your kindness still.  It means a lot.

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Re: Wow, I took a hard fall today out on my dog walk.... Scary!

[ Edited ]

If you want to be tough for yourself, that's your choice.  However, if you live alone and don't have anyone else to take your dogs if you die, YOU DON'T HAVE THAT LUXURY!  YOU OWE YOUR DOGS THEIR SAFETY!  IF YOU DIE, WHO TAKES CARE OF THEM?  CALL YOUR DOCTOR, PLEASE, FOR THE SAKE OF YOUR DOGS!!!

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Re: Wow, I took a hard fall today out on my dog walk.... Scary!

Remember what happened to Liam Neeson's wife.   Be cautious, please.

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Re: Wow, I took a hard fall today out on my dog walk.... Scary!

Oh SeaMaiden, I am sorry you fell.  I hope you are feeling better.  But please may I suggest that you go to your doctor or the emergency room and have your head bump checked out.  Sometimes these things don't show any real effects until days later.  Just hope you are ok.  

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Re: Wow, I took a hard fall today out on my dog walk.... Scary!

Oh I HATE FALLING!  I'm so sorry!  I fell last summer with the dogs when I was in my own yard - took one step down and down I went - twisted both ankles and knees and my shoulder.  I have stones as steps and I think one was slick - it's awful!  And blace ice is the worst - I started walking them down in the woods on a asphault road and slipped and yep, it was black ice - I turned right around and went home with them. 

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Re: Wow, I took a hard fall today out on my dog walk.... Scary!



Oh no! I'm glad you didn't break anything, but you'll be a lot more sore tomorrow!


It reminds me of when my DD was a teenager and was kidding me that I was too old to remember how to skate, so I decided I'd show her.....HA!


Within 10 seconds, I landed on my tailbone (I have NO padding, unfortunately!) and I sat on cushions for the next 2 months, LOL!


Glad you're okay!Heart

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Re: Wow, I took a hard fall today out on my dog walk.... Scary!


thank you for the information!Smiley Happy

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