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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

 @beauty junkie

I'm so sorry you have been unwell. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Remember the strength of Mr. Schmoo and the rest of our mighty furbabies and the perseverance they show. Get well soon.



God bless you for sharing this need with us. Us Schmoosters must stick together through it all. 


Happy Easter everyone!

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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

Praying for Beauty Junkie. 

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

[ Edited ]

Hi everyone.

beastie thank you so much for caring about me and the prayer request. I'm on a mild pain pill and will have to have a shot in my neck. Not much can be done about my pancreas,I'm on some kind of enzyme and have to follow a special diet. Becaus of my digestive issues I can't take the RA medication now so it is what it is.All the years of steroids seemed to have affected my pancreas.Love the picture,you know how I feel about kitty paws,such a great shot of those tootsies. Frankies little pink tongue in the picture from Sammycat is also priceless.

Thank you KitTKat and newtoallthis.I Had a bad few days but am a little better and like Mr Schmoo I'll keep on keeping on.

Sammycat I hope you are feeling better,pain sure is no fun. How are Frankie&Fay Wray doing? ALso Trin Trin and Finn? Have I missed any updates?

Tissyanne and Shop,I don't want to complain about my issues when both of your Mom's are dealing with so much.

I hope everyone has a Happy Easter&Passover.

We do not remember days,we remember moments.
The Rainbow Bridge!!!
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Posts: 8,008
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0


Schmoo deep thoughts.jpg


Wishing Sammycat,DH,KS, and all of

my wonderful Schmoo sisters a very

peaceful and blessed Easter and that

it is filled with much joy.


Sending out more special healing

prayers to beauty junkie,Sammycat

and her mom,Shop's and Tissyanne's

moms and to the rest of you who

are also in need.


Love this photo of Schmoo bathed in Heavenly light.HeartCat Happy


(((((HeartGROUP HUGHeart)))))



All of my children have paws =^..^=

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Posts: 8,008
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

@beauty junkiewrote:

Hi everyone.

beastie thank you so much for caring about me and the prayer request. I'm on a mild pain pill and will have to have a shot in my neck. Not much can be done about my pancreas,I'm on some kind of enzyme and have to follow a special diet. Becaus of my digestive issues I can't take the RA medication now so it is what it is.All the years of steroids seemed to have affected my pancreas.Love the picture,you know how I feel about kitty paws,such a great shot of those tootsies. Frankies little pink tongue in the picture from Sammycat is also priceless.

Thank you KitTKat and newtoallthis.I Had a bad few days but am a little better and like Mr Schmoo I'll keep on keeping on.

Sammycat I hope you are feeling better,pain sure is no fun. How are Frankie&Fay Wray doing? ALso Trin Trin and Finn? Have I missed any updates?

Tissyanne and Shop,I don't want to complain about my issues when both of your Mom's are dealing with so much.

I hope everyone has a Happy Easter&Passover.


You're my dear and cherished friend

and as I couldn't be with you to help

you in your time of need,this was the

only thing that I could do.HeartWoman Happy


Sending more special healing prayers

and wishes for a peaceful and restful night.



All of my children have paws =^..^=



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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

BJ- Praying you feel a bit better each day..We Love You Dear Friends, Prayers and Hugs being sent your way.


Dear Friends, Thinking of each of you and hoping you all have the best week possible.


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Registered: ‎12-07-2012

Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

[ Edited ]

Hello Schmoo Family,


I have not been here for a few days, and just now caught up. @beauty junkie, I am praying for you to receive relief in these trying times. You are very brave, and I know you are very strong, Bless your heart,


My Mom has not been doing well st all. She has had to stop the blood thinner for a few days, and it may be the Eliquis is causing some of the latest health problems. I tske her Friday for a scan on her lungs. She has been experiencing shortness of breath, and she is also very fatigued.


Yesterday was a warm 80 degree day. Gorgeous. Today is cool 60's, and very windy. April is always back and forth with the weather.


@Sammycat1, I hope you are feeling better, and your Frankie and Fay Wray too. I am glad you got your knee brace returned to you. Smiley Happy


@Shop Till you Drop, I hope your Mom is doing better, and also that you are feeling better after the flu.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

Tuesday report:   Greetings to all Schmoosters! So much to write and respond to each of you, but today I'd like to focus on Beauty Junkie.



Thanks for alerting us to Beauty Junkie's health decline. Like you, she is a founding commenter on the Schmoo thread and dear to us all.


@beauty junkie

I wish I could fly down there and present you an entire photo album of "cute cat pink jelly bean toes" to ease your pain. To answer your questions, Finn the Cat has completely recovered - he basically had cat food poisoning from a rancid can of cat food.  Frankie and Fay Wray are doing OK; Fay Wray seems better after her nebulizer treatment.


TrinTrin is holding her own and topping out at 8 pounds, testimony to the Kitty Sitter's love and care. Today I thought I'd post a photo taken by her West Coast Kitty Sitter, who is now watching her while Kitty Sitter visited her own mother this Easter.


This is a selfie of TrinTrin with her sitter in the background. She demands to sit on everyone's lap, and for hours.  And all puppy and kitty lovers oblige these kinds of demands:


TrinTrin sitter sized.jpg

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Registered: ‎11-07-2017

Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

Ive had an interesting week. I discovered an injured cow last Wednesday. She had developed a very large bulge on her belly. I couldn't get close enough to feel it, so i took some pictures of it and sent them to my bro-in-law, he spent several years working with cattle so I thought he'd know what might be wrong. He thought hernia, which is concerning because they are only repaired surgically, and surgery on a cow is very expensive. So i had the vet out to the field Friday, got her confined in a pen and he said it wasn't a hernia, hooray, but he was not 100% sure exactly what it was. He thinks it's a large hematoma. But he couldn't lance it for there was nowhere on the bulge to cut safely. So, he put a strong antibiotic in her and told me what might have caused it etc. One cause could mean it would continue to get worse and not be treatable. So, as you might understand, treating an injured/sick cow isn't like cuddling or taking care of a sick kitty, sometimes it's really hard to help. She was in enough pain that she never layed down to rest for 3 whole days, she just wouldnt or couldnt lie down. (Cows actually dont sleep much but they do lie and rest) Saturday the swelling was less, so I was thankful for that, but Sunday she had a setback. She was limping, standing odd, favoring her hips. Its Easter, I had to go to church and my sister's afterwards, so I just left her in the Lord's hands. Monday she was a little better, Tuesday a little more, and now I hope I can finally say she's better. The belly bulge is still noticeable, but the vet said it could take a month or so for the swelling to completely go away. So...phew! Animals sure are fun! And scary sometimes. 


All my kitties are good right now thankfully! I pray for everyone here and i hope you're all doing better each day. God bless!

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Posts: 6,433
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

Thursday report:  Greetings, Schmoo family.  Grappling with income taxes and a knee that heals nicely for several days, then knocks me down with a pain that could snap you -- but that's the nature of its healing. 



My heart aches for you and your mother. Such courage she shows in the face of so many twists and turns in her illness.  You must be proud and worried all at once. I'm in awe of your stamina and hers -- I hope if I have to face cancer, I do it with half of the composure you both share.  Prayers for peace and comfort, as much as possible, for you both.



When I read the story of the poor cow and thought immediately of James Herriott's book All Creatures Great and Small. You are so right, pain is pain whether the animal is tiny and lives aside us or is big and likewise has bigger digs to call home.  Bless you for caring for all creatures great and small in your own special way.


No matter their size, they need us.  And it's our special responsibility to cherish and care for them -- for we all share this earth together. I can't imagine any other way:


Schmoo and Mommy at vet - dental 2.jpg