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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

Hi everyone. beastie thank you so much for the prayers.I appreciate them more then I can say.

Sammycat thank you so very much for your post and for that glorious picture of those pink jellybean toes I so love.They made me smile thats for sure.My husbad got through the test without chest pains or any issues which was a godo thing as we were both concerned. Of course he is on a nitro patch which ha sbeen helping. We won't know anythign till they have the report,probably the end of the week. The waiting is hard but the prayers from everyone sure do bring me some peace and comfort.

I hope everyone is doing ok. ALways in my prayers and of course all the fur babies too.

I have to add that when my inlaws were here they went over to Cookie to try and pet her and she gave a roar like Simba from the Lion She sure doesn't like anyone other then my hubby and I but she is the cuetest kitty.


We do not remember days,we remember moments.
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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

Continued prayers for our beauty's DH, as he and beauty wait for his test results. I am keeping both of you close in thought during these difficult times. 


@Shop Till you Drop, I am praying for your Mom and you. I know that the strength both of you demonstrate will carry you through these difficult days. I also love the photo of Mr. Schmoo and his reflection. 


@Sammycat1, How is your ankle doing? I hope you are feeling better. Continued prayers, and positive thoughts. Thank you for being so faithful to us all. 


To anyone and everyone reading this. Enjoy this day. Cat Happy

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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

Tuesday report:  @beauty junkie, we are so glad your DH got through the tests well and we'll continue our prayers for positive results for you both.


@Tissyanne,  I have an appt. with the orthopedic surgeon for my ankle on Thursday.  I know it's my peroneal tendon, I just don't know what they'll do for me.


Friends, DH and I have bigger issues than my ankle, though.   On Thursday, Fay Wray must undergo a trans tracheal wash to take a culture in her respiratory tract/lungs plus clean out her sinuses; possible dental extraction; and x-rays to look for other causes of her problems.


But I'm writing to you with tears running down my face because we took Frankie in for a toxoplasmosis test--and to have the vet check her because she seemed low--and she may have FIP, which most of you know is fatal.  She had a fever tonight; she's got all the inflammatory problems in her gut, her ears and skin; the occasional head tremors; and she just was off.


When the vet called tonight an hour after we left the animal hospital, my fears that something was off this past week were confirmed.  Her proteins in her blood shot up way into abnormal and all of her issues signal multiple body system involvement.


It may not be FIP, too, and he considers the existing test for it wholly unreliable, so we're doing a lot of palliative care with vitamin B12 shots, antibiotic injection, diet modification, etc., to boost her immune system.


Forgive my rambling, but I said to DH, "Why does God send me kitties who choose me as their person--and they get horrible, complex illnesses? Am I being punished?"  And DH held me gently by the shoulders and said, "Oh, no.  God sends them to you because you're the one who will fight for them."


All the same, we are destroyed.  I didn't want to burden many of you with these developments because you are bearing so much of your own.


We will approach the care of these girls with the same spirit and zeal and love  that we've used before, because that's how we roll in the House of Schmoo--and pray that our TV-watching angel has more time with us:


Frankie TV sized.jpg



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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

Sammycat I am trying to type but have tears streaming down my face. Why is life so unfair somtimes.These cats had such an unbearable start in life and they get a chance at a life in a kind loving home but they have to be so critically ill.I don't knwo what to say other then I am praying for both Frankie and Fay Wray and for you and your DH for caring for these precious babies.I will be praying to St Francis to watch over both girls.

Wishing you luck with yoru ankle.They took a tendon from my sisters toes to rebuild her ankle.CIndy let hers go far too long. I do know the surgeon told her to wear wrestler type shoes for support.Thank you Sammycat and Tissyeanne for the continued prayers for my husband and I.

Sammycat your DH is right about these critically ill cats,you are led to them to give them whatever time they have left on this earth the best chance at happiness they can have.I so hope they both will have much more time with you.Hugs. beauty junkie

We do not remember days,we remember moments.
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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

@Sammycat1, I am very saddened to read your heart hurting words about our Frankie girl. Please know that your Mr. Sammycat is so right about you being led into these girls lives for a purpose. Without both of you there would have been no love, no care, no security, no chance to watch tv, no snuggling in bed with a loved one, no nothing. So remember all of this during the hard days, and we will be praying for more soft days. Heart  



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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

Fay Wray, 


You are being surrounded with love, and prayers as you go through medical procedures. Heart





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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

@beauty junkie wrote:

Hi everyone. beastie thank you so much for the prayers.I appreciate them more then I can say.

Sammycat thank you so very much for your post and for that glorious picture of those pink jellybean toes I so love.They made me smile thats for sure.My husbad got through the test without chest pains or any issues which was a godo thing as we were both concerned. Of course he is on a nitro patch which ha sbeen helping. We won't know anythign till they have the report,probably the end of the week. The waiting is hard but the prayers from everyone sure do bring me some peace and comfort.

I hope everyone is doing ok. ALways in my prayers and of course all the fur babies too.

I have to add that when my inlaws were here they went over to Cookie to try and pet her and she gave a roar like Simba from the Lion She sure doesn't like anyone other then my hubby and I but she is the cuetest kitty.


@       > > To @beauty junkie.


         I had checked back on Monday's night post to hear if anything that you may have found out, from the nuclear testing that I do know is very involved. 


 I did not come here any earlier, knowing that you would be very busy with family guest and [all] said procedure(s). 


I will wait for further news, if any, other than the nitro patch, now I have a window of 95% what is happening.


As I mentioned from my last post when I told you -from (what I read from your explanation) this was a _serious_ warning sign, but is to be monitored very carefully.

Your husband appears, from what I can read, is doing much better than what could have been..''Thank God for that''~~, yes.


Hopefully, this entire ordeal is or has lessen your fears, your anxiety, rightfully so, ` to a greater relief. 


I have prayed, thought of you, beauty 'j' for many months, and certainly have continuous prayers for you and your husband from everything you have told us. We are definitely very old friends.


 May I ask how your RA is at this time and / or any more injectable treatments for pain, any skin reactions that you have had very often, still exist as very frequently? 


 Coming back to keep a closer check, but wanted you to know that I have never forgotten our long lived relationship from these many years.


Please (when this is over-to some comfortable degree), and if you would happen to facebook Dawn, please let her know I have thought of her for over 15 months, maybe much longer, but do miss her very much. Her health issues; etc?


 Please, again, let her know I will try again and send a letter as soon as we / 'you' know everything is somewhat calmer at your home.  So very thankful this had not affected HeartyouHeart more, having a great deal of pain to endure from worrying.


     "I do remember what has happened over the years".


   HeartMissing you so very much. I care immensely. 


ps: As Dorothy too too would say, I am sending head bump from our Sashay to your Cat Very HappyCookie. 


lovingly, 'B'

                                 ~  NAES   ~



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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

Sammy, My heart hurts and I have a lump in my throat just knowing that your babies struggles are so terribly bad, but never ever doubt your strength and faith in our Lord above.  You are Blessed to give the VERY BEST lives to all HIS creatures that are are the luckiest of all to find themselves in your strong, loving arms.  Please feel our love wrapped around you as you go into battle mode once again.,  We will cry with you and cheer with you every step of the way...Hugs Dear Friend...You are such a Blessing to so many, including each one of us!

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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

[ Edited ]


Fay Wray scritch pad.jpg



Sending tons of very special love

filled healing prayers and love filled

hugs to your beloved Fay Wray and

tons of very special comfort hugs

to you and DH.


(((((HeartFAY WRAYHeart)))))


(((((SAMMYCAT & DH)))))


Please don't ever feel that you are burdening

us with anything. We're a loving family and

we're always here for each other no matter

what is going on in our lives.Heart


All of us are going to be with you,DH and

your beloved Fay Wray in spirit tomorrow.Heart



All of my children have paws =^..^=

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Posts: 8,008
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0


Schmoo Frankie candid.jpg



Sending tons of very special love filled

healing prayers and love filled hugs to your

beloved girl Frankie.Heart





All of my children have paws =^..^=