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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

@Sammycat1 wrote:

Saturday report:  Well the wonderful Mom's Day wishes to all Schmoosters are coming in already -- and rightfully so.


Mothers to humans and furry ones alike have the power to make all the difference in the lives of those for whom they care.  Moms are the voices of calm in the night.  They're the laughter that rings out when those in their charge fare well.  They're the warm and cradling arms that keep the dangers of the world and the cares of a fretful soul at bay.  They're the champions for those who need a hero. They're the touch that says, "you're not alone."


They're the devotion that never rests and never flinches.  They're the love that knows no bounds, the love that soars forever:



Sammycat-beautiful dear!  Anytiime you are "stuck" in your writing you need only to come back and re-read your posts! 

Everyone that is a Schmoo sister/friend- prayers to each of you.  (((((Sammycat, BJ, Beastie, Tissyanne, NEW, Shop, Anika Brodie, Street, everyone))))

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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

Hello to all my fellow Schmoosters and neighbors, 


I feel as though I have been kind of lagging behind lately. I am helping my Mom with her errands, and it does take time in addition to my home chores. 


beauty, I am so sad to read that you have been ill. I pray that you get your sinus problem resolved asap. You and your DH are always in my prayers. 


newtoallthis, I will give my Sugarbear a gentle hug from you. I am hopeful that your two little diners will continue to become more comfortable with time. Smiley Happy


shop, love the pictures of your precious boys. They are darling. 


Everyone enjoy the evening. It is very warm here, and windy. 

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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

Monday report:  BrbfromTX, thanks for your very sweet words.  Tissyanne, I know that feeling of lagging. 


I was writing down some "tweaks" to the Schmoo Tales, and last night, in my dreams, I heard a scuffing noise....just the noise, no visual in the dream.  Then this morning, I went into the bathroom and instantly remembered what it was:  When Schmoo got sick, he had to have a litter box on every floor, and the upstairs one was in our bathroom.


After he had his "moment," he'd scuff softly on the wall. His was the noise in my dreams, where he visits me from time to time. 


They are a part of us forever, these wonderful balls of fluff, inhabiting our conscious and subsconscious worlds alike.  What a great gift to us all:


Schmoo subconscious.jpg 

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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

Oh Sammycat! You will never know how this touched my heart! Our boys will be with us always and forever!
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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

Sammycat your post was just what I needed tonight. My Grand kitty Tiger,the most gentle sweet loving boy went to the bridge today. he was 14 and in complete kidney failure. He stopped eating and was hiding so it was time. I am heart broken.I loved him like he was mine and have been crying then read your psot and I know Tiger is in Heaven now and making lots of friends.

Tissyanne thanks for thinking of me even when you aren't feeling the best.I'm sure its not easy helping your Mom and taking careof your Sugarbear. It seems most of us have a lot oging on. I saw the ENt today and need to have a CT scan.He siad it looks bad on the xrays and for now more antibiotics and prednisone.My hubby isn't responding to his antibiotics and we need to call his dr tomorrow.We coulld sure use some prayers right now.

All of you are in my prayers and I hope no one is in the midwest where the storms are happening. Frightening tornados.

We do not remember days,we remember moments.
The Rainbow Bridge!!!
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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

Tuesday report:   Newtoallthis, I know you hurt over Tibbs.  And Beauty Junkie, I'm sorry to hear about the passing of your grandkitty Tiger.  Boy kitties are special in their own way, just as girl kitties are, too.


Another poster in the forum, IAMASTAR, just found out her boy cat has lymphoma -- and she is very fearful.  If you have a chance, post an encouraging word to her ... for nothing is as comforting as one pet parent who has walked the walk consoling another facing uncertain times.


Ladies, back to you:  I truly believe your boy kitties, once they cross the bridge, have found where other man cats await them ... to welcome them into the light, into a new band of brothers:


Schmoo band of brothers.jpg

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0



Schmoo subconscious.jpg 

Wednesday Morning Greetings



My heart goes out to you on the loss of your sweet grandkitty Tiger, as well as with everything that you and your DH are dealing with right now. As always, you're both in my prayers.



There's no doubt that your boy did pay you a visit the other night. It was his way of letting you know that he's right by your side 24/7 as you work on your mega best seller, Schmoo Tails!!! Cat Wink


Wishing everyone a beautiful and fur-bulous day!


(((((HeartGROUP HUGHeart)))))



All of my children have paws  =^..^=









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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

Sammy that picture of the Precious one is just about the most gorgeous I have ever seen him!  That is full out here I am The Man, and I love you so much Mommy and Daddy in his eyes.  Hug dear Friend.


BJ- I am lifting your family up in prayer.  I am so sorry for the loss of Tiger, but he is with so many at the Bridge that will love him.  I pray you and your DH feel better soon.


All our Friends Have a Blessed Week. I am taking Mom to the oncologist this afternoon, one month blood checkup.  Praying all will be good.

(Hugs to all)


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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

[ Edited ]

Wednesday report:    Good evening, Schmoosters.  Tonight I had a good chuckle while writing a chapter on Schmoo and his litter box habits ... and it took me back when many posters would write "poo tunes" to encourage Schmoo to dance and get the internal pipes moving (for those of you not with us then, his myriad of medications often made him constipated).


Although so many contributed to his "playlist," the person who had the most #1 hits that produced the most successful #2s was Beauty Junkie.  It never failed when I'd sing one of her compositions that he'd make his way within the hour to the litter box and do the deed.


And when he was done and in repose shortly thereafter, his tail usually kicked upward, as in the photo below -- an indication since he came to live with us that he was lighter in his loafers and, indeed, feeling fine:


Schmoo lighter in loafers 2.jpg

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Posts: 1,601
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

Hi everyone. I want to thank you all for the very kind owrds regarding my Grand kitty Riger. He was such a little love and its sad but his suffering was over.I can just imagine all our boys together,kind of like a little gang like in West Side Story,yeah we're the Schmoo's and we're bad,lol.

Shop&beastie thank you for the prayers for my DH and I. We sure do need them.

Sammycat when I get to meet MrSchmoo the first thing I am going to do is sing my first poo song.The Hokey Pokey Schmoo style,lol. It made me so happy to be able to help move things along in that dept. for Schmoo.

I hope eveyrone is doing well,all the ladies here. Always in my prayers.

We do not remember days,we remember moments.
The Rainbow Bridge!!!