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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

Hi everyone,

So grateful even the storms haven't been horrible and no loss of power so I am ever so grateful.

Tissyanne I wish I could sned you our rain and to the west also.If only they could get just one of our rainstorms. I gave Cookie multiple treats from you,lol. and give your Sugarbear a kiss from me. I am better then I was,much better,still in a flare with a rash but nothing like what I was suffering with so I have to be grateful.

Sammycat I am glad you are happy we will all keep his thread going while you recover and having your best friend and your DH is so wonderful. I too am one who doesn't like people to fdo for me,I am such a type A person but I leanred the hard way,you have to listen and do what they say after surgery. I was htinking about a gift,you know that beautoful throw you have with Sammy the cats picture,how about one like that for Kitty Sitter with Kiki Girl and Chubby's picture on it.Just a thought.

brb hope you are getting stronger with each day.

We do not remember days,we remember moments.
The Rainbow Bridge!!!
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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0


Schmoo profile 1.jpg


Schmoo Cecil.jpg



Monday Morning Greetings



Per your request, here are my suggestions for the purr-fect gift for KS. They are things that she'd have in her home and could look at everyday...and I know that they'd bring a big smile to her face.


Why don't you make good prints of the

photos of these two magnificent Lion Kings, have them framed professionally and perhaps have a small plaque attached at the bottom of the frame with a special saying from you to KS.


You could also order a cat themed quilt which is something that KS could put on her bed. She could then take a photo of her and Chubby chillin' on the quilt and send it to you. There are some sites that specialize in cat quilts that you can check out so if you want I'll be more than happy to post that info the next time that I'm here.


Sending more special prayers to all of the precious furbabies and homeless animals who are in need.


Wishing Sammycat,DH,KS, and the Mighty Clan a fabulous day! Heart



All of my children have paws =^..^=

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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

Dear Sammy, I wish I could fly to help you when it comes time for your revovery.  I have done it twcie with my Mom for both her knee replacements and I have it down pat now.  I am awsome with the ski lift machine and I am tough when needed to keep it going to make sure you dont develop scar tissue!  And I would love to help you with your daily exercises we had the exercise bed routine pat before we moved to the sitting and standing ones.  I know you will have all this down pat too, but I would love to help you as you have helped so many of us! ( hugs my friend..You will do wonderfully)

I like the idea of making a photo scrap book for kitty sitter or a painting rendtition from a photo.  It is amzing was can now be done with artwork. 

(Hugs dear friends and have a Blessed week)


Special prayers being lifted for BJ..Hugs My Friend

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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

[ Edited ]

Monday report:  First -- prayers, please, for longtime poster Streetangel's Radar the Cat, who apparently almost died last week from a serious kidney infection. They're not sure what's causing it. I only found out because she paged me in the Jewelry Forum and I didn't see it until tonight. She's beside herself with fear.


Great ideas so far for the Kitty Sitter gift.  We already gave her a series of prints that DH turned into watercolors of her kitty Kiki.  Keep them coming!  I have a little more than 6 weeks to come up with something.


ShopTillYouDrop, you brought tears to my eyes with your offer to come help me through the recovery of the knee replacement.  I could use an expert -- but I warn you: I'm like my famous kitty, pushing too hard, too fast, getting too impatient to get going.  You'll have your hands full. (DH says he's prepared to fly you and the Double J here if you're willing to come!)


This knee was bone-on-bone and ready to go when Schmoo was diagnosed with heart failure almost 5 years ago, but there was no way I was going to have the surgery when my boy needed me more. So now it's time. And I know heading into it I have the support of some of the most wonderful people I've never met.


How magical that he brought me to him ... and then he brought me to all of you.  And I know as I recover, my Schmoo will be right next to me on my pillow, an angel making sure I heal:


Schmoo recovery.jpg



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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

(((((((((((Sammycat, Beastie, Tissyanne, Beauty, Shop, slh)))))))

Love, hugs, and prayers.Cat HappyHeart

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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

Beastie I love your cat themed quilt idea!  Sammycat, You know they can put photos on t shirts and pillows- why not do a quilt using photos???? 

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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

Sammy I am in! And believe me, I was a tough cookie with Mom!  It's such a fine line to draw you cant do too much, and too little isnt good either because of scar tissue. Number one priority, dont forget to get the riser for your toilet Smiley Happy It is a must have on your list they will provide you.

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Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0



I think a pretty cat quilt would make a wonderful thank you for Kitty Sitter. I think quilts are so pretty, and there should be several on line to choose from if you decide not to put her Kiki-Girl and/or Chubby on it. I hope you are feeling better. 




I read that your Radar is doing better. I can imagine your distress, and am glad to read that the crisis appears to have passed.




I am glad to see you posting, and hope you are getting stronger each day. Continued prayers for you. 




I am so glad to see you posting, and that you are better. Continued prayers for you. 

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

[ Edited ]

Tuesday report:    Thanks to all for your kind responses on the other threads about poster Streetangel's cat Radar.  For those of you who don't know, Streetangel paged me on the Jewelry Forum by accident yesterday -- her cat Radar nearly died from a massive kidney infection and they're still trying to find out what brought it on.  So any continuing prayers for Streetangel are greatly appreciated!


ShopTillYouDrop, DH says pack your bags and the luggage for the DoubleJ -- he's ready to move you in as "Chief Nurse."  He said that Tissyanne and everyyone else is welcome -- collectively, you might stand a chance at keeping a "Type A patient" supervised.  I'm like my Schmoo, what can I say?


The Kitty Sitter is back after a trip she booked before she adopted Chubby.  She was a wreck worrying about him, but he did fine -- I worked long-distance with his local kitty sitter and he kept his weight up and ate well.  Tonight, Chubby and Mom are reunited at last -- he gave her a little bit of the cold shoulder but now they are buddies again.


Here are 2 cute photos taken this morning of Chubby having some me time in Kiki-Girl's old "Pirate Ship" -- you've probably seen these in stores.  In the first one, he seems a pensive statesman; in the second one, I love his "peeking" closeup:


Schmoo Chubby pirate ship 2.jpg

Schmoo Chubby Pirate ship.jpg



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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: That Schmoo, he is one tough kitty fighter -- 2.0

Hi everyone. Shop how nice of you to want to take care of Sammycat,sounds like you really do know what to do.It would be great if we all lived near each other cause its like one big extended family and we all have things we are good at. I of course am good at making up songs to go poo,lol..Thank you for the prayers and Tissyanne thanks so much for always asking about me.

brb I am so glad to see you here and doing so well.

beastie you had such a great idea about a gift for Kitty Sitter and showing the 2 great majestic lions together,how awesome,both such beauties.

Sammycat I knew you would be a wealth of information on cats with kidney disease and told Street to ask you. I told her I think of you as my online vet,lol.

What great pictures of Chubby,he is such a beauty and I just love his face.

We do not remember days,we remember moments.
The Rainbow Bridge!!!