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My cat Gus went over the rainbow bridge today

I have never done this before so I'm sorry if it's not done correctly.  My boy Gus had to be put down today.  He was at the vet to have his teeth checked because his mouth had been bleeding and a tooth fell out.  He was a Russian Blue and was solid muscle.  I named him after Cinderella's big mouse named Octavius that she called Gus.  The doctor said he had Cancer in his mouth and it would not, of course, get better an could not be cured.  He said he was in silent pain but I knew he was in terrible pain.  He had a heart murmur so it was sketchy giving him anesthesia.  Had to take him to a specialist to confirm we could do it.  We've had him since 2002 and he was a joy, as the other 4 cats have been.  I really hate this part of having a pet but I would never give up any of the cat and dogs I have ever had.  They have all made my life rewarding and wonderful.  Even better than any human.  I am so sorry this is long but it has been therapeutic for me.  Thank you for being here for me.

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Re: My cat Gus went over the rainbow bridge today


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Registered: ‎06-24-2016

Re: My cat Gus went over the rainbow bridge today



Oh, I am so sorry!   You did the right thing, but I know how it hurts.  Bless you and your family for losing a faithful, beautiful, true loving friend.   

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Re: My cat Gus went over the rainbow bridge today

Please, there is no need to apologize for your broken heart.  We all pretty much understand the pain and at one time or another we all need a shoulder to cry on.  Sending a hug for you and prayers for both of you.  God bless.

~Breathe In~ Breathe Out~ Move On~
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Re: My cat Gus went over the rainbow bridge today

I am so sorry for your loss.  A loss of one of our buddies is so hard.  I offer you comfort.

It never gets easier except for we have a choice to help them. 

I am glad you came here and know that we are here for you and that we understand. 

It is so nice to know we have a place to come to where the people are supportive to the fact that our pets are very important to us.  You will see Gus again.



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Re: My cat Gus went over the rainbow bridge today

So very sorry for your loss of Gus.  You had a wonderful life with him and a lot of beautiful memories which will be with you always. My prayers are with you.

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Re: My cat Gus went over the rainbow bridge today

It is never fair to make our pets suffer to make ourselves feel better by not giving them up. You did the right thing for Gus. Heartfelt prayers and sympathy for you over the loss of your beloved family member.

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Re: My cat Gus went over the rainbow bridge today

reading your post was so sorry for your loss of beautiful Gus, the Russian Blue

Cat, Grey, Animals, Pets, Animal

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Registered: ‎06-01-2010

Re: My cat Gus went over the rainbow bridge today

I’m so very sorry.  I hope all of your happy memories with him will bring you peace and healing. {{{Hugs}}}

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Registered: ‎11-24-2013

Re: My cat Gus went over the rainbow bridge today

Oh I am so so sorry for the loss of your beloved Gus. I've lost a few kitties and feel your pain. IMO now he's in animal heaven, well and happy, and remembers all the love you gave him. Heart