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Re: Jake update and need advice

@ECBG wrote:

I wouldn't because they can't reason about things like that.  Then to sepreate them both will be a set back for both dogs.


I feel the kind thing to do is keep him home and don't take a chance on stressing Jake.  Animals greeve just like people.



The one wanting to bring some of his things to him is his human 'aunt', the sister of his deceased owner.


I agree that his 'aunt' should bring them to his new home, I wouldn't confuse him by taking him to his former home for her to do that.



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Re: Jake update and need advice

Keep Jake home--thank you for being a loving, caring new mom to him.

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Re: Jake update and need advice

It's so good to hear the positive bonding that has been taking place with Jake. It's why I wouldn't risk any setbacks with the progress made.


Old memories don't need to be stirred that will only result in confusion. It's one of those -- don't mess with a good thing situations. 

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Re: Jake update and need advice

Just another thought, dogs are very smart and if you were to take Jake back to his prior home, you may inadvertently "teach" him how to get back there.  I wouldn't want to risk him disappearing back to his old home.

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Re: Jake update and need adviceS

The sense of smell is strong for a dog.  I agree with all the posts.  Jake is happy in his forever home....I wouldn't risk the memories.  You are a loving mom and wishing many years of great joy with Jake.

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Re: Jake update and need advice

I just had another thought - don't know what the 'things' are of his that you're getting but Jake may associate them with his previous situation. If he's happy and has what he needs, I'm not sure about reintroducing those items. 

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Re: Jake update and need advice

Add me to the list of people who think you should leave Jake home.  And after reading @ThinkingOutLoud  comments, I think I agree that you might want to think twice before giving him whatever these "things" are.  Just because his aunt gives. them to you, doesn't mean you need to pass them on to Jake.


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Re: Jake update and need advice

[ Edited ]

Wow! Thank you all for the kind and thoughtful responses. I just wanted to bounce this off others who are more knowledgeable.
In my heart,  I knew this would be stressful for my boy. I already feel terrible that he had to endure losing Daddy Dwight. His story pains me and I give him so much love and affection to try t
o compensate for his loss. 

I wish I knew what he were thinking. I know he likes me, but he really loves my husband, and that's ok. I get it. He still stresses somewhat when my husband goes out without him, which isn't much.


Two weeks ago, my husband had to go for a sleep study and it was just Jake and me. He was great for several hours but then he started getting stressed. I was trying to calm him and it wasn't working. I held him and rocked him in the chair but he wouldn't have it. I put him up on the bed, it was a no go. 


Finally, we sat at the window together. I put him on a pillow and let him look outside. It seemed to distract him..for awhile. Needless to say; it was a long night for us both!


This is the reason I was hesitant in bringing him back to his former home. He lived there for 14 happy years!! I don't want to add to his anxiety.


@ThinkingOutLoud   @Citrine1  The items are a brand new stroller that  Dwight bought him when his legs started hurting him. It was never used.  Right now he's doing great and doesn't seem to need it. It may come in handy in the future.
A crate that folds flat, I think I will give it to my sister because he really doesn't need to be put in one he's so good. I think if I left him alone the crate would stress him more. And steps to get up on the bed. Also maybe some clothes.


He has one toy from day one that came with him. We bought him all new toys. He loves toys! 


With everyone's input, we have decide to drop Jake at my son's place while we go over to pick up the things. If the Aunt wants to see him, it will be at my sons place. 


Again, I'm thankful to everyone who responded to my question. I'll post again.

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Re: Jake update and need advice

Hi @KBEANS .  I'm glad you responded and let us know what the items are.  You've made the right decision regarding these items (in my opinion) and, as you said, you'll have the stroller for later should you need it.


I just wanted to comment on the part about Jake being a bit upset while your husband was gone.  I know it's hard to do this, but sometimes the best thing you can do is nothing at all.  Of all the dogs I've owned, I only had one who was terrified of storms.  There was absolutely no consoling her.  The best thing to do was let her be -- let her suffer in silence, if you will -- until the storm passed.  I know this isn't the same situation, but sometimes when you pay extra attention to a dog, they think something is wrong and they worry or act out even more.  I don't know if this is helpful information for you or not, but wanted to put in my two cents.


It sounds like you are doing a phenomenal job with Jake.  What a lucky dog he is to have such a caring new Mom.  

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Re: Jake update and need advice

@KBEANS   I may be the only one who has missed the stories about Jake. It seems you adopted him and he's happy and thriving. I do know dogs are quite territorial and easily confused when put in situations that were or are not familiar. They also tend to adapt to their new surroundings with some coaxing or no one would take a dog from a shelter for adoption.


If Jake seems comfortable in your hone and you've had issues with his becoming accustomed to your home, I'd leave well enough alone and retrieve his things by yourself. He may or may not be "happy" sniffing these again. Time will tell.