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Registered: ‎10-24-2010

How many dogs and cats do you own?

I have 3 shelter dogs and 2 indoor cats. They all get along.

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Re: How many dogs and cats do you own?

For now I have just one shelter cat. He came to live with me with his brother and both lived here a long time, but now there's only the one left. I want another cat, but I think he's just too old to adjust.
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Re: How many dogs and cats do you own?

I have a three year old miniature schnauzer and he is more than enough to provide for with routine vet bills, pet insurance premiums for unexpected vet bills and his food. 

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Re: How many dogs and cats do you own?

I don't have any pets.  My 18 year old cat passed away in March.  I hope to get another in the future.  Not ready yet.

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Re: How many dogs and cats do you own?

2 dogs... no cats but  2 cockatiels and one Parakeet.

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Re: How many dogs and cats do you own?

Two kitties.


Just curious, why  do people say they have a "rescue" cat or dog, or a "shelter" cat or dog?  Why do they distinguish where their pet came from?

-- pro-aging --

Rochester, New York
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Re: How many dogs and cats do you own?

2 chihuahuas and a yorkie, love my babies 

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Re: How many dogs and cats do you own?

One small, white mixed breed long haired rescue dog, 8 yrs. old. Had him from about 10 months old. Agree with previous poster: grooming, vet bills and food are all my budget can take. Besides, he is the best dog I have ever had. Perfect companopn for me. None better. 


On occasion I watch my grand dog, too. They are the same size and get along well.


Valued Contributor
Posts: 966
Registered: ‎03-24-2010

Re: How many dogs and cats do you own?

5 dogs, all either death row rescues or strays, 5 barn cats all strays, 2 horses.

Saving one dog won’t change the world, but it will surely change the world for that one dog
Richard C. Call
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Posts: 6,407
Registered: ‎07-07-2010

Re: How many dogs and cats do you own?

All rescues--2 old dogs, 3 cats.

The next time that I hear salt and ice together, it better be in a margarita!