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Re: Help me, my cat didn't eat anything for few days

First, get to the vet.  It might be serious or maybe a huge hairball.  A spoonful of pumpkin (unspiced) daily will stop that from happening.  Again, call the vet. 

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Re: Help me, my cat didn't eat anything for few days


Not everyone knows cats cannot tolerate not eating. We had cats for years before a vet told us that. Not nice to call names. Ok?

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Re: Help me, my cat didn't eat anything for few days

I am with @SXMGirl on this one.  If OP knows to post something on this board, she knows something is wrong.  She SHOULD know to call a vet, not post on a board.  You don't need a vet to tell you that any animal not eating for days is not right.

-- pro-aging --

Rochester, New York
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Re: Help me, my cat didn't eat anything for few days

Welcome to the Community @blackmarch103


Is your cat drinking water and eliminating okay (pee and poop)?  Can you share the age of your cat? 


Cats have the ability to mask illness until it reaches a critical point which is why it's always a good idea, when you see something out of the norm for your cat to have it checked out by a medical professional.

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
Posts: 67
Registered: ‎05-26-2010

Re: Help me, my cat didn't eat anything for few days

   Years ago when my 3 cats were young one stopped eating.  He was active and showed no signs of sickness, but he would walk over to his bowl at feeding time and walk away.  The other 2 cats would eat his food and he didn't seem to mind.  After a few days I took him to the vet and after a bunch of tests and even an X-ray to see if there was a blockage she sent me home with a tube of essential nutrients saying there was nothing wrong to give him a finger tip of the paste and come back in 2 days if he wasn't eating. The paste would also stimulate his appetite.  I was back in two days with Scooter Pie still not eating. This went on for a week . I would go back every 2 days and she would give me samples of food to try and I would leave only to come back 2 days later.  I had mentioned on the first visit that the only thing different about the 3 cats was that Scooter Pie had a smelly brown discharge in his ears that the other cats didn't have. She dismissed this as a build up of yeast and said it was nothing.  After a week of this back and forth I was really upset and said I wanted his ears cleaned out.  She did this claiming it had nothing to do with him not eating and prescribed ear drops.  lol and behold the cat started eating.  Years later I read that cats unlike dogs who will eat anything, will not eat things they can not smell. The yeast must of filled his sinuses and he couldn't smell his food so had no interest in eating it.  Now my 3 kitties are elderly boys.  I keep a tube of the nutrient paste and meat baby food in the house at all times.  Needless to say I changed vets after that,  I felt like If I didn't insist that she clean his ears I would of been coming back every 2 days and Scooter Pie would of gotten very sick from not eating.  Go to your vet but don't be put off.  When an animal stops eating there is a reason.  Sonia

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Registered: ‎05-18-2018

Re: Help me, my cat didn't eat anything for few days



"People joke about cats and their finicky eating habits, but it’s actually a serious issue if your cat won’t eat.

Although a refusal to eat is concerning for all pets, it can be more dangerous for cats.


When animals don’t eat enough, they must rely on their fat reserves for energy. Before stored fat can be used for fuel, it must be processed by the liver. This step requires adequate supplies of protein.

With rapid weight loss in a cat that stops eating, protein supplies are soon exhausted and the liver becomes overwhelmed by all the fat. This results in a dangerous condition known as hepatic lipidosis, which can lead to liver failure.


A cat's loss of appetite often indicates illness, so you should consult your veterinarian as soon as you notice a change in your cat’s eating habits. The more quickly you respond to the problem, the more able you'll be to do something that will help."


Go here:




Posts: 55
Registered: ‎06-16-2010

Re: Help me, my cat didn't eat anything for few days

The OP is a troll. First post and it's on Pet Lovers. Come on!

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Posts: 276
Registered: ‎03-12-2018

Re: Help me, my cat didn't eat anything for few days

For  anyone that this may help. My senior cat stopped eating a few years ago. Just sat in her bed and didn't eat and seemed very different. Nothing made her want to eat.

i took her to vet and the problem was not liver, it was a heart murmur he heard that she didn't have before. 


He put her on Enalapril daily and problem solved! She was back to old self immediately!

she has been on it ever since and will be 21 this year! 


So that was an easy fix and just a trip to vet did it and a pill.

its not always as bad as we might imagine so please go to the vet and find out what is wrong !  Maybe it's a bad tooth ?? That may hurt when it eats, worth a check up!  

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Re: Help me, my cat didn't eat anything for few days

@theBabe wrote:

The OP is a troll. First post and it's on Pet Lovers. Come on!

I agree it’s a troll post. No follow up to say how it kitty is doing. No thanks from OP to those who offered help. This person planted a post to stimulate answers but not to need help. We all offered sincere advice. Where is the OP? Nursing the cat or smirking about how many people get sucked in to pet owner anxieties.