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Re: Could you take Lucy and Ethel?....

@Still keeper of the koi


It enrages me that people breed dogs for "easy mney."  The poor baby animals that suffer.


I'm sorry you are burdened again, but I'm happy for the little fat pups Smiley Happy  I hope the pups will be fine.   


You are in my prayers...... and I will mention the two little pups who need care.






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Re: Could you take Lucy and Ethel?....

@Sweet Caroline 1 wrote:

When I lost Sugars, the pain was so bad that I told God that I wasn't going to adopt anymore animals.  Too many heartbreaks to bare.  How did God reply?  He put a skinny puppy, going through garbage, in my path on my way home from work.  Where is that puppy?  With me!  I named her Josephine, my mothers middle name.  God works in mysterious ways.  Maybe he is letting you know that he wants you to continue taking care of his needy ones.  It doesn't give people permission to take advantage of you though.  You seem to be one of God's chosen ones to help him with his needy ones......  BLESSINGS

This is exactly what I thought when I first read @Still keeper of the koi‘s post.  You think you can’t, but He is showing you that you can, and will.  What is that old adage—you make plans and God laughs.


@Still keeper of the koi, you may not be able to continue helping animals in exactly the same manner that you have in the past, but those two little pups don’t care about your past.  They only know that they now have someone who loves them and will do her best for them, whether they stay with you or you find them someone else to love and care for them.  They have a brighter future because of you.  It isn’t about how many or how much or “how” at all.  


Prayers to you for answering the call, however it comes.  And strength to continue.  🙏❤️💔


And do keep us updated on the new little ones’ progress.

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Registered: ‎06-04-2017

Re: Could you take Lucy and Ethel?....

@Still keeper of the koi Everything happens for a reason. These pups are God’s creation and they have been sent to you to take care of. When He brings a situation. He always gives you the means and strength. 


Thanks for saying yes to God’s will. You are an amazing woman. 

Sometimes the strength within you is not a big fiery flame for all to see. It is just a tiny spark that whispers ever so softly "You Got This - Keep Going"
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Re: Could you take Lucy and Ethel?....

Bless you for taking in those pups!  As someone who volunteers for an animal rescue group, and a new rescue mommy, I applaud you!  

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Re: Could you take Lucy and Ethel?....

Not what I thought the title was about.  Oh Maryannne.........I'm so glad you have Lucy and Ethel.  I bet they are too.  To everything there is a time and reason. Good luck, prayers, and best wishes.

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Posts: 574
Registered: ‎05-04-2017

Re: Could you take Lucy and Ethel?....

[ Edited ]

Thank you for all for the support. The creator works in ways we can't understand ,yet. .I called our vet office ready to get loud,only to be ssked if so and so called you for advice about dealing with and medicating vision imparef animals,seems she found our address from our name.They were shocked she didnt want the  pups.They apologized over and over ,knowing what has recently happened,Told us to bring in the pups they would find homes Nope ,the girls are here,they need us,we need them..Tomorrow is a big day...eye dr a few hrs away, along with my cat and Shihtzu..Which ,brings me to ask a favor of those who pray,My little shihtzu,Riley has his eye swollen since last  night.He is diabetic ,had cateract surgery


a detached retina and glacoma..Please please, pray for him, he is my little man,he is 11,my special little buddy.My heart is full tonight,My furry kids could use prayer .especially Riley..Hugs ,love and The devine peace we are born to feel..MaryAnne

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Re: Could you take Lucy and Ethel?....

Please keep us posted about Lucy and Ethel.

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Re: Could you take Lucy and Ethel?....

@Still keeper of the koi


Special prayers for Riley!  🙏❤️


My husband’s favorite dog was a little Lhasa Apso, so I know just how much those little guys mean.  


See, you were headed to the eye vet anyway, what’s another two along for the ride?😄🙏🙏❤️❤️


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Re: Could you take Lucy and Ethel?....

Something tells me that Lucy and Ethel have found a new home. Hope no one stops over with Ricky and Fred or you will have your hands full.

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Re: Could you take Lucy and Ethel?....

You are such a kind and generous person @Still keeper of the koi....