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Registered: ‎08-01-2019

@DJP Would love to see photos of your new dog!!!!! 

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Registered: ‎03-11-2010

Keep that dog! I recently lost my beloved beagle to cancer. I am 76, my husband is in a nursing home, my 100 year old mother is on hospice, and I am thinking of adopting an older dog. Once I recover from recent total knee replacement I should be able to walk a dog down my steep and winding driveway. 68 is a spring chicken. These fur babies need us senior citizens, and we need them...perhaps even more.

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Registered: ‎03-19-2010

Craigslist and dog pounds are full of dogs needing rehoming and it not just due to old age.  It is younger people who work long hours and don't have time for the dog.  (I guess when they got it they thought it would take care of itself or maybe their work situation changed.)   It is people who suddenly have to move from their home and cannot take dog with them etc. etc.   Not matter what your age you could have to give up your dog.  If it is what you want do it.  The dog may make you live longer.  

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Registered: ‎03-19-2010

@DJP   If  you are in good health,  ADOPT A DOG!!!!   It's a responsible thought and concern to have,  but at your age,  I would hope you are planning on living A LOT MORE HEALTHY YEARS ahead.  Most dogs live to be 10-14 years old.  The smaller ones typically live a little longer.  ADOPT and give that lucky baby and yourself a wonderful friendship and company.   The only thing I would suggest is to make sure the dog does not pull you when out for a walk,  IF that could be a concern.   It may not be,  but that is something to consider. 

PLEASE let us know what you decide,  and post a pic of your lucky new baby if that is the ultimate decision.  

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Registered: ‎05-22-2014

I vote for adopting the dog!  My DH and I are much older than you,  but we elected to get another kitty when our last one passed.  The house seemed so cold and empty, but our kitty we adopted us fills our hearts with joy and laughter.  Our children offered to take him if we could no longer care for him.  But I don’t think that will be necessary.  Nothing like kisses from a pet you so love.












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Registered: ‎01-25-2023

Another vote to adopt a new dog! They help us as much (or more!) than we help them. There are days that I don't want to do much but I know that the animals need fed and then one of the cats jumps in my lap wanting snuggles....the love they give make my heart smile. The only rule we have for adopting is no babies, we try to make sure any of the adoptees are adults of at least 5-6 years of age. . . we have failed on this because if they show up in the yard and we can't find them a home....they have one with us.

Good Luck to youm and yes, please share photos!!

Critter Lover! (especially cats!)
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Registered: ‎01-09-2016

Yes, Yes!!


None of us know what will happen tomorrow and we need to live for today.


Adopt your sweet dog! I would just ensure (as others have suggested) you make arrangements for the shelter (assuming it's no kill) to take it back should something occur.


May you have many happy years together; I'm so excited for you!!



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Registered: ‎02-14-2017

That dog will have a wonderful life with you.

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Registered: ‎06-08-2020

We have adopted our friend Dwight's furbaby Jake. Dwight admired the way my husband always treated and played with Jake whenever he was in his presence. 

Dwight died in November 2021. He had asked my husband several years earlier if he would take Jake if and when he died.  My husband said yes. 

Jake is now 15 years old and fortunately he is still  acting like a young pup. You can too! 🤗 

It has been our privilege to take him in and make him part of our family. 

In the 15 months that we have had him; I can't tell you the bond and love we have with this gem!


Go adopt a dog! After you do; keep your eyes open and feel out friends, family and neighbors who are dog lovers. When and if you feel someone would be a good caregiver, (in case anything happens to you)  ask them if they would love your pup when you're gone.


You get a feel for animal lovers and you will know who would do it. There are many neighbors we have met that are kind loving pet people. They watch other's dogs in a pinch, walk them, etc. when needed.


You'll be surprised of the number of people you get acquainted with when you have a furry friend! 
There's a whole great community out there.


Please come back and let us know when you get your pup! 💕 @DJP