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She is on a headset..these children are very loud.

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We used to have a girl who sat on the fence between our houses. A six foot fence mind you and scream day and night. Mommy and daddy did nothing. She could have been getting hurt back there and no one would have known because she screamed constantly. They finally moved away after about a year. 

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@Meowingkitty wrote:

We used to have a girl who sat on the fence between our houses. A six foot fence mind you and scream day and night. Mommy and daddy did nothing. She could have been getting hurt back there and no one would have known because she screamed constantly. They finally moved away after about a year. 


Maybe someone would have checked on her when the screaming stopped.

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[ Edited ]

OP-On your original post you said the same neighbor's asked you to have your dog stop barking, (and you now trained your dog to stop barking)


OP said: "They have complained about our little dog barking so we have trained her not to."



What I was trying to say is that the neighbor asking your dog to stop barking  (assuming a lot) is a legitimate reasonable request. Asking kids to stop making  noise during the day, is not.



I am sensitive to noise, but I can't stop my neighbors from doing things. If the noise was loud druring the middle of the night then I could lodge a complaint.

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I live in neighborhood that recently "turned over" and I went from being one of the youngest in neighborhood to the oldest very suddenly.  I don't mind the kids playing on bikes and skateboards, etc. but what does drive me nuts is several of my new neighbors have small dogs that constantly bark. BTW I also have a dog and he occasionally barks but I never leave him in the backyard barking.  

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I work remotely from home now, so I can relate but honestly, this is something your daughter should have thought about before she took a job like that.  I actually had to apologize and rescheduled a phone call today because the maintence crew was mowing the grass and power washing the exterior.  I couldn't hear myself on the phone.  Your daughter can try politely speaking with the neighbors but if the noise is just kids being kids, she probably won't have much luck.  Why should they change their play habits just for her?  Bouncing a basketball after 7 is a noise nuisance.  Little kids playing during the day and just being not.  

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[ Edited ]

Leave the kids alone.  Let them be kids.  I live next to noisy kids and just shut my window.  I can barely hear them in the closest room when the window is closed. Or your dd might want to move to a different room to work.  


 Different noises come with working from home than in an office.  It's not the kids' fault.  



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I find it refreshing that the neighbors kids are playing outside instead of inside huddled around a TV or computer. 

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@CalminHeart wrote:

Leave the kids alone.  Let them be kids.  I live next to noisy kids and just shut my window.  I can barely hear them in the closest room when the window is closed. Or your dd might want to move to a different room to work.  



I think it's easy to say, "let them be kids" when you can close a window and not hear them.  Clearly, that's not the case for the OP's daughter.


And it's not the case for me.  There are kids who play outside in my area, and they can be very noisy.  At times, I have difficulty hearing my own TV even with all the windows closed.  Fortunately, it doesn't happen often and never for long periods of time.  But I can see that it would be annoying and disruptive if it was more prolonged, whether or not someone was trying to work.


Since the neighbors have made requests re noise to the OP, I don't see any harm in mentioning the situation to them.  Maybe they can reach some kind of compromise that works for everyone.  Of course, ultimately children should be allowed to go outside to play and children of course by nature are noisy. 

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@RedConvertibleGirl wrote:

What is with parents that let their kids scream non-stop?  In our old neighborhood one little girl just did it all the time.  Even her young brother asked her why she did it, her answer was to keep screaming at the top of her lungs.  Hour after hour.  Why aren't parents stopping this?!


That neighborhood was heck to live in.  All the (young) kids were allowed to stay out until midnight making noise and screaming.  Talk about bad parenting.  I just do not get it. It's one thing to hear kids laughing and such, but the constant screaming is beyond unacceptable.


We couldn't move out of there fast enough.


So weird that you talked about this! They must be the kids in our neighborhood that are from 2 families!

I don't mind an entire football team playing in the pool or a rousing game with loud noises.

But until last year I've never heard of children who scream everything for hours! They don't ever talk ! They just scream-really! I'm not exaggerating.

This must be a different culture or something and yes I noticed too , there is no supervision. I think the parents are there but they sit far away and are on their phones or talking to themselves.

I sometimes just want to scream back to them-"you can have fun without SCREAMING!!! Aiyiyi!

It does drive you (me!) crazy after several hours of it!

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