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Absolutely bring a gift!  How about a wedding ornament for their first Christmas tree?  Or toasting glasses for their first drink together at the wedding?  Something memorable, possibly with the year of their upcoming marriage!  Look on Etsy for a million great ideas!

Have fun!

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As many as your wide open heart enjoys giving!!


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Maybe a Williams & Sonoma gift card? I like the Etsy idea if you have enough lead time. 

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A card & a gift card...engagements breakup so I keep it simple.

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I would never go to a party without a gift. See if they are registered. If they are not a gift card from a from a place that sells home items or purchase something(that can be exchanged) for their new life together. 

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I give cash. They need it just starting out.

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@Trailrun23   Since it's a surprise in one week I doubt they would expect any gifts BUT I don't like going to someone's home or celebration without a little something even just a card with a some small dried flowers attached to the card. I've been to two engagement parties but they were casual outdoor gatherings and everyone brought a dish. 

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I would do a nice card with a small gift card inside--$25?  People now don't want stuff.  Especially things they have to dust, display or move.  

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I don't think a gift is necessary for an engagement party with basically no advance notice.  If I wanted to give a present, I'd wait until after the party. I'd ask what they want or need.  

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@Kachina624 wrote:

Next it will be a shower gift, then a wedding gift.  How many gifts are really appropriate or required for one wedding?

Don't forget the GoFundMe.  LOL