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Re: Anyone else gaining a little weight since the pandemic??



I gained so many pounds I'm now officially wider than I'm tall.

I beep when I back up. 

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Re: Anyone else gaining a little weight since the pandemic??

I'm back up to 112 lbs   At least this morning.  I was down to 109 lbs for a while there.  I was beginning to resemble (and feel like a  scarecrow.)  I have a  thin face, and dropping weight doesn't help it.  I'm prone to being thin (both my parents were, siblings too)  I spoke to the doctor.  He was't concerned.  My BMI index is normal.  (19.2)  Less then 15 is considered underweight.  Even when I was 109, BMI was 18. I'm 5'4" in case your were wondering

Posts: 66
Registered: ‎03-15-2010

Re: Anyone else gaining a little weight since the pandemic??

Last April I could see where this was going so I rejoined WW online. I walk every day 25-30 min. In mid Oct I hit my goal. I lost 17 lb & it fluctuates 1-2 lb, but nothing more. I highly recommend online digital WW. You weigh yourself weekly & monthly. I always hated the in person meetings & it's a lot cheaper too. If I hadn't taken that step, I'd be 17-20 lb heavier.

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Re: Anyone else gaining a little weight since the pandemic??

Well I'm still round and since that's a shape I deal with it.  I've been up and down the scale.  Would like to be more down than up but it's on me.  I own it.  As always I am a work forever in progress.  I beat myself up from time to time but in the end, it's still up to me to change.  I have remained the same round shape through the pandemic not sure if that's an achievement or a statement on my geometry skills.  Smiley Happy I am trying harder though.  Those who are blessed to be thin, or still the same shape as high school my hats off to you.  For those of us who didn't so much as "let ourselves go" but rather enjoyed too much of the sweeter side of life, it's for me I tell myself I'm going to get better at algebra (the scale numbers) and not so good at geometry because I'm not sure if oblong is really a shape i want to wind up as. Smiley LOL

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Re: Anyone else gaining a little weight since the pandemic??

DH is now officially guilty of the
“quarantine fifteen” but I have managed to keep the poundage down to less than five. We are trying to get outside more now that the weather is nicer and increase our walking time.
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Re: Anyone else gaining a little weight since the pandemic??

No, just the opposite for me.  In summer of 2019,  I radically changed my diet and implemented consistent intermittent fasting.  I took my health back and lost a significant amount of weight,

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Re: Anyone else gaining a little weight since the pandemic??

you betcha  lack of exercise and the frig starring you in the face....please get the vaccine

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Re: Anyone else gaining a little weight since the pandemic??

Ugh don't ask...🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

As a my daily attire flip flops, bathing suit, tshirt and shorts the real eye opener happened going up north for 3 days..I almost cried my "winter" clothes were a little snug😡😢😢


guess those "few cookies" added up...

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Re: Anyone else gaining a little weight since the pandemic??

@haddon9 wrote:'s stress eating for me and I'm too afraid to get on the scale!


I happened to hear on the radio just a few days ago that the average "Pandemic weight" gain is 16 lbs.

I'm finally above average, at something!!

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Re: Anyone else gaining a little weight since the pandemic??

Actually it gave me an opportunity to spend more time cooking and eating healthier. I had a 2 hour total daily commute to the office. I didn't have to go to the office so I tried to eat healthier rather than just grabbing snacks at work or being so hungry when I got home that I just ate anything. I did put on about 10 lbs from stress and sadness eating when my mother went into the nursing home last January. We couldn't visit and I was so angry and sad. She passed in July and honestly I healed seeing her at the end. I'm still working on a pesky 5 lbs. I am going to give myself grace since it is the holidays.