Honored Contributor
Posts: 20,019
Registered: ‎08-08-2010

What is the oddest thing you have used TT for.

Temp-tations is designed to be kitchen/oven/bake/dinnerware, but I was wondering if anyone else has used their pieces for something different or not what they expected when they bought it. Has it come in handy in some unexpected way?

I have heard people use some pieces as flower pots, or pet dishes. I had a situation arise over Memorial Day weekend that put my TT to work in a way that was so helpful. We have a reverse osmosis drinking water tap at our kitchen sink that is over 18 years old, and suddenly began to drip, almost run, nonstop. Of course it is a holiday weekend and the place for repair parts is closed. What to do? Could just shut down the system and use tap water, perfectly safe, but like the taste better from the osmosis system. Decided to set out my TT pitchers and catch the water, store in fridge and use. Could easily have set a pan in the sink but the TT looked beautiful as it caught water from the leaking faucet. The longer I thought, I remembered to get out my drink dispensers and set them under the faucet too. Before you know it I had pitchers and dispensers full of water, making lemonade, tea etc. and ejoying a leaky faucet! Was so nice to have an attractive way to deal with what is usually a headache. Had fun! (still haven't fixed the leak! need to get on that!)

Anyone else use their TT in an unexpected or unusual way?