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Product Warning (not a QVC product)

Though I've never posted a warning before, one product used yesterday, on Thanksgiving, was so bad as to get me fuming.


As a new approach, "Organic Better than Bouillon Turkey Base" by Superior Touch was used.  I really have to blame the failure on me, as I failed to read the nutritional facts.  Though we all know bouillon to be salty, a base should not be salty like a bouillon.


What I ended placing on my table tasted like a salt lick.  It was horrible and was placed in the garbage disposal, once we realized how salty it was.


How salty:  This morning I sat down to do the math: keep in mind that 1 (one) teaspoon contains 660mg of sodium, which is 28% of the recommended daily allowance.  Superior Touch's turkey gravy required 3 TABLESPOONS of this base.  Since there are 3 tsp per Tbs and 3 Tbs were required to make the gravy, 9 tsp x 28% (daily allowance per tsp), the total sodium contained within my gravy boat was 252% of the daily allowance.  A salt lick for sure!


I'd highly advise finding an alternative to using this product to create turkey gravy.  (And, yes, I've made my own gravy from scratch for years, but wanted to try something different.  Boy was that a mistake!)

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Product Warning (not a QVC product)

I know several really good cooks who love Better than.... -  I'll have to ask them how much they use because I, too, hate salty.


Apparently lots of people like it.  I sent a complaint about excessive salt content to Progresso last spring.  Their reply was that the soup I had complained about was a favorite among their customers, but they would send my coupons to try their low sodium.


I'm disappointed for you about your experience - there's already enough salt and fat in most holiday dinners without that kind of    "find."

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Re: Product Warning (not a QVC product)

How much gravy were you making?  That sounds like too much to use, so perhaps the recipe was wrong.


While I normally keep a jar of the beef and the chicken bases in the refrigerator when I need a little, I do prefer using low-sodium stocks and broths when I can.  I use these products only in recipes when I need a cup or so of broth.

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Re: Product Warning (not a QVC product)

[ Edited ]

Where did you get the recipe?  I regularly use BTB, and it's usually a tsp. to one cup of water.  3 TBSP. does sound like overkill!


Sorry you had this problem. Woman Sad

Honored Contributor
Posts: 13,072
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Product Warning (not a QVC product)

I've never used buillon to make turkey gravy.  I do use the packets of Simply Organic turkey gravy along with pan drippings and the water from steaming butternut squash and green beans.


Makes a good gravy from what I've been told! 


Sodium is around 13% per serving (spec of salt used steaming veggies.  I don't even rub salt on my turkey.  Just peppper!


Hope you had a nice Thanksgiving!