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I never watch HSN, but the other night they were selling a smoothie drink maker (cannot even remember the brand) and I got engrossed in all that the vendor was putting in the blender to make the smoothies. He used coconut water a lot. Can you buy that and in what department? I thought about making my own with water and coconut extract. Does anyone have experience with it. Guess I will watch ITKWD tonight to get drink ideas.

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Coconut water is very popular. You can buy it anywhere. I tried it but didn't like it. It tasted to me like I imagine dirty dishwater would taste. No detectible coconut flavor.
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Coconut water is such a "superfood"! It is sold in supermarkets, including Trader Joes. We buy at Costco, and they occasionally offer it on sale. It's an excellent addition to smoothies or just straight up-but make sure it is chilled for better flavor.

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I think it's delicious when it comes from Trader Joe's!

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They are also using coconut water today when selling the Ninja that is the TSV.

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You can get it in the grocery store. Goya sells it, or the Spanish aisle has several kinds. It's tasty.

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I think it's nasty, but a lot of people like it.

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Registered: ‎03-12-2010

Thanks for the info on finding it. Seems one either loves it or hates it. I guess I will give it a try one time. But, I still am thinking I might get a good coconut flavor with the extract and water.

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On 12/3/2014 nomasaid:

Thanks for the info on finding it. Seems one either loves it or hates it. I guess I will give it a try one time. But, I still am thinking I might get a good coconut flavor with the extract and water.

People do not buy or drink coconut water for coconut flavor. Coconut water contains electrolytes which, supposedly, make it a good choice for rehydrating (particularly after exercise). It has recently made it on the "superfood" bandwagon (despite the fact that there are no such things as "superfoods" -- a term which is nothing more than a marketing gimmick designed to separate those with little-t-no scientific knowledge from their money).

Water and coconut extract will not give you the same results. Just use another liquid such as juice, milk, or a dairy substitute.

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Registered: ‎03-15-2014

Sounds nasty to me. Why ruin perfectly good water with coconut.