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Re: Can I use sour cream in place of creme fraiche in a strogonoff recipe?

Sour cream is the original and I think best in stroganoff. Just don't let it come to a boil.

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Re: Can I use sour cream in place of creme fraiche in a strogonoff recipe?

On 12/30/2014 ValuSkr said:
On 12/30/2014 house_cat said:

Thank you for your prompt responses. I would buy the creme fraiche, but I have a container of sour cream that is likely to go bad if I don't use it. I do also have heavy cream on hand. I'll have to google what ration to use.

I don't use sour cream much but have wondered how you know when it goes bad.

It lasts a long time.....far beyond the "expire date". The only way I would throw it out is if it shows signs of mold.

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Re: Can I use sour cream in place of creme fraiche in a strogonoff recipe?

I started making beef stroganoff when I was a teenager and that was a long, long time ago. I always used sour cream, as that was what the recipe called for. That is the traditional way to make it. It was delicious. I think the key is to use good quality meat. The better the cut, the better the stroganoff. I think the main reason some are putting creme fraiche in the recipe now is to update it and make it fancier and hipper. While I'm sure it would be good, I'm not sure it would be better. Maybe it helps the flavors to meld better? But I never had trouble with the flavors melding either. I don't think I've made been stroganoff in a decade or so.

The reason to put the sour cream in at the end and off the heat is so that the sour cream doesn't curdle, i.e. separate. It will still taste good, but it won't look as attractive and won't seem as creamy. You don't want the sour cream to be too cold when you add it, so let it sit out a bit while the rest of the dish is cooking and then add it with the heat turned off the pan. But even if you add it with the heat on, the main thing is to avoid boiling it after adding it. I'm sure it will be yummy!

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Re: Can I use sour cream in place of creme fraiche in a strogonoff recipe?

My mother's family is from Russia, around Tbilisi. Sour cream is a staple. I cannot imagine the original stroganoff recipe made with anything else. The crème' fraise is probably a lighter updated recipe. My grandmother had sour cream and yogurt on the stove culturing all the time. It went on blinis, piroshky, meat, it was used as a marinate, they pickled fish in sourcream. The original stroganoff had tons of glazed onion and the beef was more like chunks or done with tender loin steaks ,with tons of mushroom., Sour cream served on the side with pickles. That's another thing, Russians don't have a meal without pickles, or pickled something

stroganoff.jpg - Gerhard Egger / Getty Images

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Re: Can I use sour cream in place of creme fraiche in a strogonoff recipe?

Thanks for all the great advice! I've never made this dish before. I was seeking a recipe that used sour cream since I had it on hand. I chose that particular recipe because of the good reviews. I'll simply substitute the sour cream for the creme fraiche.

~ house cat ~
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Re: Can I use sour cream in place of creme fraiche in a strogonoff recipe?

On 12/30/2014 Beebee2 said:

Sour cream is the original and I think best in stroganoff. Just don't let it come to a boil.

I have never used anything but sour crème in mine. Sounds good today!

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Re: Can I use sour cream in place of creme fraiche in a strogonoff recipe?

Stroganoff using sour bet. That is how I always make mine.

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Re: Can I use sour cream in place of creme fraiche in a strogonoff recipe?

On 12/30/2014 ValuSkr said:
On 12/30/2014 house_cat said:

Thank you for your prompt responses. I would buy the creme fraiche, but I have a container of sour cream that is likely to go bad if I don't use it. I do also have heavy cream on hand. I'll have to google what ration to use.

I don't use sour cream much but have wondered how you know when it goes bad.

A container got buried in my fridge. When I opened it, it had mold on it.

I don't think it can go sour, though.

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Re: Can I use sour cream in place of creme fraiche in a strogonoff recipe?

I have always used sour cream, my recipe is an old one out of the red Betty Crocker book, that is 3 ring binder. i have used other recipes and always come back to this tried and true.

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Re: Can I use sour cream in place of creme fraiche in a strogonoff recipe?

I agree with the others that the sc will be perfect.

Every recipe for this dish I've ever seen uses sc anyway, plus I believe that crème fraiche and sour cream are basically the same thing.