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Judith will be on from 6-7 pm EDT

Beth announced that Judith would be on the show this evening. For those who thought the show was cancelled, it seems the show is going on.  

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Re: Judith will be on from 6-7 pm EDT

She's been on this afternoon with Carolyn.  I don't usually watch her because her jewelry is just not my style.  When did she become a blonde???  Lots of good prices on this clearance show, for those interested.

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Re: Judith will be on from 6-7 pm EDT

Just my opinion but I prefer Judith as a brunette. There were some pretty selections  during both the overnight and afternoon shows.

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Re: Judith will be on from 6-7 pm EDT

I managed to catch some of the 1 pm show too. I expected Judith would be on there, and she was, but in the wee hours, Beth announced that Judith would be on at 6. Since some people on the forum thought the show was going to be cancelled, I wanted to make sure that those who were interested didn't miss it.  In the 1 pm show, Judith commented on her lighter hair.  I think it looks nice, but we're just used to seeing her with darker hair.  She looks great either way. 

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Re: Judith will be on from 6-7 pm EDT

I'm watching and I ordered her engagement ring in the gold clad and previously ordered the charms, 2 of them are on waitlist,so I hope I get them. I have always loved her stuff, but have not ordered anything lately. Today, I went overboard.LOL