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Registered: ‎07-11-2010

OT: Kids say the funniest things!

Today my niece started 2nd grade so I called her when she got home to see how her day went. She said:

I looked really cute when I went to school today. I said: Oh you did! What did you wear? Her response was: I wore a denim skirt and a pink shirt and, oh yeah, I wore shoes.

It was the afterthought about the the shoes that I thought was so funny.

But the funniest thing she said was in response to my question about who is in her class this year and she said:

There are boys in my class but Miss Diane says that's a good thing.

That cracked me up but I couldn't laugh about it until after I hung up the phone cuz she was being very serious. Obviously someone expressed an opinion as to whether boys were good to have around or not. LOL

I just love kids. You never know where their little brains are going.