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I was not really sure whether to post this in fashion or jewelry.

But to me glasses are jewelry for the eyes.


Last week, I went to the optometrist for new glasses.

I told him that I wanted a cats eye shape and I didn't mention

any color preference.


This was the first one that he brought out. I could not believe it when I saw that translucent turquoise, the color of the ocean in Bermuda. (my happy place)  I was in love.


How did he know that I was turquoise person?


Just to be sure, I tried on a couple other frames, but those turquoise frames called me back. I amazed myself, picking the first one shown. They will go with so much of my jewelry and clothing.


The last time (I kid you not), I was at another shop and spent three hours to pick out frames for two pairs of glasses.(I think that I must have set some kind of record at that shop).


When I brought these glasses home, I thought of you and wanted to share my new love.

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@Enufstuff. Very pretty glasses.  I did something similar a few years ago.


Someone posted a frame in turquoise and I was in love.  They were manufactured in GB, I tracked them down and found a pair ON SALE in a shop in Canada.  Got them at a bargain price and took them + my prescription to Walmart and had lenses made.  I loved them but misplaced them about a year ago.   I'm sure they're someplace in the house, so when I find them I'll have new glasses.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Beautiful color. 

And I agree, difficult category to decide. I think of glasses as Wellness or Fashion accessories, but think any would be fine.

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@Enufstuff     Those are lovely!  Cats eye is my favorite shaped glasses too!  I love the color too!  I bet you look beautiful in them.😊💝

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Re: Love at First Sight

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@Kachina624   You are quite the researcher, finding that frame in Canada and on sale too!  Good work.


I have mostly bought brown tortoise frames in the past, a neutral that would go with all my work outfits.


I had never seen turquoise frames before I saw these. They are just for reading, but I know that if I had not gotten the turquoise frames, I would be thinking about them until I did.


I'm sorry that you misplaced your beautiful turquoise glasses.

If they are in fact in your house, you will find them.


Ask  St. Anthony, to help you find them. (It works) It can take a while, but with patience and diligence, your glasses will appear.


In the past, on two occasions, I lost a ring in the house. First, it was my diamond wedding ring. It went missing in the fall. I looked and looked and was even thinking that it may have been stolen.


Every night I asked for St. Anthony's help. In June, on my wedding anniversary (which is also my deceased mother's birthday) my ring appeared. I could hardly believe it.


I had gotten out from my closet, a short sleeved summer robe.

The wedding ring was in the pocket! I must have put the ring in the pocket, when I was removing makeup, before going to bed. Putting a ring in a pocket is not what I usually do.


The nights were getting cooler, so that summer robe was put in the closet and I started wearing my warmer winter robe, until June.


A few years later, a tanzanite ring went missing for about a year. I kept asking for St. Anthony to help find it and I also had a St. Anthony candle that I lit occasionally. One day, the ring appeared on my bedroom floor, by the foot of my bed. I probably had put that one in a pocket too, and it fell out, or I had placed it on the bed and it got stuck in a folded quilt.


There have been many other times, misplacing things for a day or less and they have been found after asking St. Anthony.

He is the patron saint of lost things. It's worth a try.


Maybe they could be in a spring or summer handbag that you have not used since then.


I hope that your glasses turn up. Let me know if that happens.

I'll ask St. Anthony to help you too.


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@Enufstuff  I LOVE those glasses. I want a pair of readers that color now. Thanks for sharing.

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Re: Love at First Sight

[ Edited ]

@cheriere   Cats eye shaped glasses have been my favorites since I was twelve years old in 1959. I had two pairs of sunglasses, cats eye shape, one white frames, one black frames.


I have worn sunglasses ever since, not knowing that wearing sunglasses help prevent lines around eyes and crowsfeet lines.


When you squint in the sun, it creates those dreaded lines. I didn't even know about that until I was in my 40s.


Only after my mid 70s have I started to get those eye corner crinkles.


Just trying to be fashionable all those years, paid off.


Only in my 40s did I start to need reading glasses and I think that the cats eye shape is the most flattering on me.



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@Enufstuff    Cats eye are the shape of my readers too!  When I can find sunglasses in that shape it's always my favorite too.  I've always worn sunglasses and like yourself, now in my fifties have yet to get crows feet.  However, I can't say that for other parts of my face sadly lol.

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My daughter's first pair of glasses was when she was six. She chose a pair of turquoise frames. They were not cat eye though. I love them. She had long blonde hair that reached below her rear.  We gave her the gift of Lasik when she was in her early twenties.


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@Enufstuff  Beautiful cat eye glasses in such a pretty and cheerful color! Those will look fantastic on you  Smiley Happy