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Is QVC saving up to go to Italy?

Evine did an awesome remote broadcast on Sunday from Tuscon. Beautiful, unique jewelry and they were actually IN Tuscon! Amazing scenery right behind them all day for the prrsentations. First class hosts and vendors were there. 


QVC used to broadcast from there. What happened????? Now they call a boring studio broadcast the "Tuscon Jewelry Fair Edition".


Are they saving up for the Italy broadcast??? Lol.

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Re: Is QVC saving up to go to Italy?

They can save all they want for an Italy show.  It's a show I choose not to watch.  Not a fan of what they offered from their previous road shows to Italy.  I wouldn't have minded an "on location" show from Tucson, or a similar domestic location.

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Re: Is QVC saving up to go to Italy?

I refuse to buy from the Italy show also.  Not that many years ago they let go of many employees but still kept the Italy show.  It left a bad taste in my mouth. 

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Re: Is QVC saving up to go to Italy?

I don't understand why a remote location for the show is a big draw.  The jewelry is the same whether it is in the studio or in a field in Italy. 

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Re: Is QVC saving up to go to Italy?

I don't remember them broadcasting live from Tucson. 


I only remember the Italy remotes and I remember Lisa was in Austria one time selling jewelry.


I don't understand doing any of these remote shows and showing the same old pieces you show right in the studios of QVC.  I also have zero interest in ordering jewelry that won't ship for several months.   

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Re: Is QVC saving up to go to Italy?

I enjoyed the shows from Italy with Antonella and I hope they do it again this year.  However, jewelry isn't something that QVC focuses on anymore. 

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Re: Is QVC saving up to go to Italy?

They would be wise to spend their travel dollars in America.   I for one don't give a hoot about watching Antonella in Italy or buying Bronzo Italiano.   Apparently they sent Jennifer to Tucson so why didn't the do the show from there? 


I remember when Jane did a live show from Arizona and it was ghastly hot.   I felt so sorry for her.   They needed to find a big window in an air conditioned building instead of expecting people to tough it out outside. 

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: Is QVC saving up to go to Italy?

@StillFuntoShop  Evinelive does these great jewelry shows from Tuscan every year.  Yjey have beautiful gems, designs, styles. 


I had to laugh outloud today when I actually looked at what was in the shows here at the q in these gemstone shows featuring tuscan gems/jewels.  Nothing new in them, practically everything was on clearance.  It's certainly not like they're making room for new items, not at all like anything Evine does.

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Re: Is QVC saving up to go to Italy?

Ha.    The last time, there were tons of complaints on here that the models were scrawny and dour looking............

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