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Registered: ‎04-29-2019

Re: Remember decorating BRs & buying colored TP

I was married in 1979 and I remember buying colored toilet paper. 


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Re: Remember decorating BRs & buying colored TP

LOL guess white tissues were cheaper because Mom only had them. Oh only had ivory soap, do they still make that? Then guess a sale on dial soap we got that, finally a soap that had a scent. I got a job and somehow this retired lady selling avon came to the house and she loved me, I got hair conditioner (never knew they made that) my aunt stopped selling avon. Bath bubbles (what is that?) I got it all. We had 1 bathroom so with us limited amount of time you could spend in there. I love a nice bathroom, even have pictures on the walls. When my DD was born and had 2 bathrooms (wow 2 bathrooms) I got all the kids bath products. 

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Re: Remember decorating BRs & buying colored TP

I watch a show on Buzzer tv called Supermarket Sweep, it was on the air in the ‘90s and they have colored t.p., Kleenex and paper napkins all in colors.

 I miss my pink Kleenex and blue t.p.

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Re: Remember decorating BRs & buying colored TP

I can remember colored TP and bought it.  Why I switched to white is a mystery to me.  SIL would only buy pink or green because it had to match the tile which was green.  God forbid if she used white -- but she does now because that's all you can buy.  I can remember Scott's costing .39/roll, buying 2 rolls at a time, and was shocked to see a single roll costs $1.39 today.  We now get the giant, economy size it at Costco or BJ's.  No running out at our house.   


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Re: Remember decorating BRs & buying colored TP

My Mom never bought colored TP because she thought it was harmful to use. 

I couldn't wait to buy it when I got married in 1980 and I did use it for about 1 year.

It was discontinued shortly after that...Mom was right...the dye was not a good idea.

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Re: Remember decorating BRs & buying colored TP

Yes I remember that and the TP was scented also! 

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Registered: ‎06-06-2010

Re: Remember decorating BRs & buying colored TP

I remember the colored tissues we used to make ‘carnation’ flowers on cars for weddings and floats.