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Get yourself a Silky Terrier. Not a mouse or rat dares enter our country house with the boys keeping watch.Their favorite prey...rodents! On duty 24/7.

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Re: Mouse in the house!

[ Edited ]

@AuntG wrote:

They can fit through the tiniest of spaces. I am extremely afraid of mice to the point of being irrational. Spiders and snakes are okay but not rodents.



I'm okay with snakes or mice ...... BUT cannot stand spiders nor those Big Roaches that live outside but like to sneak into houses for water...ARRRGGHHHH!!!!



This was sitting on my front porch stairs one day---its a Wolf Spider...they are as big as tarantulas!


WILD ABOUT TEXAS: The wolf spider is a good, camouflaged insect hunter -  Odessa American: Home


These can fly at you too-----

Dallas Metro Area Cockroach Identification & Prevention | Addison Pest

Animals are reliable, full of love, true in their affections, grateful. Difficult standards for people to live up to.”
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We haven't seen or heard or heard mice inside the house, but my husband saw one on the front porch, so we know they are always looking to get inside, and we keep bait blocks out year round.   Living with woods behind us, having outside dogs, and neighbors with visible trash in their yard, means we deal with this problem year round.  


When the exterminator came last month, the bait boxes he fills and monitors were all empty, showing we have very high rodent traffic.  I told him I was tired of "feeding" them, I want them to "eat bait and die!"  He baited with a more powerful bait, so I am anxious to see what he says when he checks the boxes next week.   

Valued Contributor
Posts: 538
Registered: ‎12-30-2019

We use D - con mouse trays.Usually 3pack from Lowes.Always works. Inexpensive.

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We have a number of feral cats in the neighborhood and I put out food for them and they keep any mouse or vole problem at bay. They're far cheaper than an exterminator and need to eat, so for the price of a big bag of cat food each month (about $7 here at Walmart) I kill two birds with one stone. The cats get fed and I have no mouse issues. Voles were a problem in the garden for a while but the cats solved that issue for me. 

Fly!!! Eagles!!! Fly!!!
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Registered: ‎10-28-2017

My friend lives in a rural area in New Mexico . Actually mice are every where . 

She had mice in her house . She went thru everything and put bate out for them . These mice are smart . Then put DCon and that did help . Also steel wool where ever you think that they may get in . Never leave open containers , use plastic bags and containers .Good luck.

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Registered: ‎10-26-2014

whei i did use the snap traps, i would use peanut butter, and some mornings i would wake up and the dang peanut butter would be gone! they are very smart to lick it off without setting off the trap, i was thinking it was the angle they were licking it at. they are smart. but they sure do like the peanut butter bait poison blocks that i now put out..