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In the last 6 months,


1 well pump burned up

10 new car tires (8 of which we have had warranty issues and not such good results with)

2 new car batteries

3 new televisions

1 septic repair

1 timing chain in my car

1 alternator in my car

1 windshield replaced in my car (stone chip)

3 different breakdowns of the tractor, that we need up and running to mow 3 times a week this time of year (it's more like mud running right now, though! lol)


1 leak in the roof, that we cannot seem to pinpoint how or where it is happening


1 leaking foundation in the family room, that we cannot get fixed because it won't stop raining here for more than a 48 hour period, with flooding type rains every week or so


now the air conditioner in my car is on the fritz and the muffler is beginning to rumble (husband can fix both, but still.......)


AND the washing machine is down as of this past week (again, parts ordered and I'm pretty sure it will be good as new for under $75 when he gets them and gets them done) 


I'd really like to see it stop for awhile! At least the are 'small' problems compared to what life can deal you! For that I'm grateful.

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Registered: ‎08-22-2013

Life's a bi--h and then you die!

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Registered: ‎06-30-2014

@Mominohio wrote:

In the last 6 months,


1 well pump burned up

10 new car tires (8 of which we have had warranty issues and not such good results with)

2 new car batteries

3 new televisions

1 septic repair

1 timing chain in my car

1 alternator in my car

1 windshield replaced in my car (stone chip)

3 different breakdowns of the tractor, that we need up and running to mow 3 times a week this time of year (it's more like mud running right now, though! lol)


1 leak in the roof, that we cannot seem to pinpoint how or where it is happening


1 leaking foundation in the family room, that we cannot get fixed because it won't stop raining here for more than a 48 hour period, with flooding type rains every week or so


now the air conditioner in my car is on the fritz and the muffler is beginning to rumble (husband can fix both, but still.......)


AND the washing machine is down as of this past week (again, parts ordered and I'm pretty sure it will be good as new for under $75 when he gets them and gets them done) 


I'd really like to see it stop for awhile! At least the are 'small' problems compared to what life can deal you! For that I'm grateful.

@Mominohio I'm so glad you realize that these are the small things.  Just deal with it, it could be worse.  But you know that already.  This too shall pass.

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@Mominohio  I feel your pain, because in the last 8 months, it seems like my home has become a money pit.  Between needing a special line installed for the freezer, finding mold in the basement ($5K), garbage disposal stopped working, toilet leak in the powder room, fireplace insert had to be replaced ($6K), doorbell had to be replaced, deck boards had to be replaced, door to the cabana had to be repaired, shutters had to be rehung, siding repaired, etc.


Right now, I am through with anything else in this house for the next year.

The next time that I hear salt and ice together, it better be in a margarita!
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Registered: ‎07-27-2015

Thought I was the only one having to shell out the big bucks on the home in the past couple of months.

$475 Septic repair and not including cost to clean up after the disaster.

$7,000 Air Conditioning unit replacement

$ several thousand on vehicle repairs

$2,500 in vet bills


It does get better!


LOL at least I don't have anymore easy pays or flex pays remaining. 


Esteemed Contributor
Posts: 6,643
Registered: ‎05-22-2014

@Mominohio, Wow, have you been hit!  And others here, too.

I am sorry to hear about all those expenses.  Sure, there are bigger problems, but none of us (that we know of) are printing money in the basement.


Reminds me of a conversation with DH years ago. We had been to Newport and toured the mansions.  Yes, they were “summer homes” in their era.  Of course, they all have their special names.  Only me would think this would be a time to give our house a name.  I told DH we should come up with a special name, like the “Breakers.”  His response:  “We’ve already got the “breakers.”  Subject was dropped.

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

@Mominohio.  Maybe your Amish neighbors are on to something with their horses and washboards.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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@Mominohio  wow, you have had a lot of are lucky in one respect that your hubby can fix things!  Yes, it could be worse, but still stinks!

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Registered: ‎11-24-2011

Okay now that I've read your repair needs I'm putting an end to the pity party I've been holding for myself over every thing I had to shell out big bucks for the past 6 months in and around this house. I hope all your issues get resolved quickly. I'd be banging my head against the hall in your shoes. Bless your heart.

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Registered: ‎04-14-2018

Sending good thoughts your way and blessings for a peaceful home where things are working well.

Your valley time will eventually change to a peak.