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Do you have pets in your home? Have you ever been criticized for it?

I love home. No matter where I've lived, how humble it may have been (and in the beginning of my adult life, a few places were quite humble, to put it kindly), I have been a homemaker at heart. I love to decorate, entertain, and I LOVE TO CLEAN! I insist on a clean house.

But....we do have pets. At this time, we have two cats, and one old dog. I have had at least one pet in the house for my entire life. In general, I think pets are one of the things that makes a house a home. (OK, don't tear me apart if you don't have a pet for good reason...allergy, lifestyle that doesn't leave time to care for one, lack of money or the right place to have them, I do get that!)

My question is, do you feel you can have indoor pets, yet still have a clean home? I have had people tell me that they won't visit anywhere that had pets indoors, and especially won't eat at someone's home if they have pets. My husband's cousin married a woman who wouldn't eat at my house because we had a little dog at the time, but you should have seen the cockroach infested place they lived, totally gross!

I don't exclude someone's home being clean, just because there are pets. Having pets, and being 'dirty' don't automatically go hand in hand to me.

What is your situation, and your opinions on the issue?

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Re: Do you have pets in your home? Have you ever been criticized for it?

We have always had a dog in the house. Now we have breeds that don't shed and they do get bathed every week and go to the groomer every six weeks. When people come they always comment about how they can't believe we have a dog in the house because the house is so clean and always smells so good. Even my Aunt who doesn't like pets in a house at all says it is amazing. A home without a dog for us just wouldn't be a home. We love our dog just like any family member. He is also well trained.

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Re: Do you have pets in your home? Have you ever been criticized for it?

Five pets here! Two cats and three dogs! I do not equate cleanliness (or lack therein) to pet ownership. I have been in homes that were spotless that had pets and homes that were unclean with no pets. I am not aware if anyone has ever hesitated to eat at my home or be a guest...I guess I hope not!

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Re: Do you have pets in your home? Have you ever been criticized for it?

"My question is, do you feel you can have indoor pets, yet still have a clean home?"

My answer is, no. My house looks great but it is not clean to my standards of cleanliness. But it's ok. I accept it. I'd rather have pets. I can certainly understand people who might not visit or eat at a person's home who has pets. They are not my kind of people however.

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Re: Do you have pets in your home? Have you ever been criticized for it?

My Mom was not a fan of pets in the house but when I moved into my own home, I had dogs and they were part of the family, so to speak. I now have 2 cats and they, too, are part of the family. Yes I consider myself to have a clean home so I'm happy.

Other people may not agree, but to each their own. I don't tell them how to live, they don't get to tell me how to live at my own house.

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Re: Do you have pets in your home? Have you ever been criticized for it?

We have neighbors who frequently go away for the weekend with their pets loose in the basement. They also let them run loose upstairs when they are home. The whole place has been "marked" by both cats and dogs. I guess they are "nose blind" to the problem,. but the house just plain stinks. And they wonder why they can't sell it.

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Re: Do you have pets in your home? Have you ever been criticized for it?

Their loss as far as I'm concerned. I have 3 dogs and 5 cats. If people don't want to come over, no loss. I'll take my fur babies over some moron any day.

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Re: Do you have pets in your home? Have you ever been criticized for it?

I don't have pets but a neighbor has a young dog, a cocker I think. It seems like she has Stanley Steemer in to clean carpets every four months.

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Re: Do you have pets in your home? Have you ever been criticized for it?

As long as our home is clean enough for us and our dog I don't care what others think. We are happy with you or without you.

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Re: Do you have pets in your home? Have you ever been criticized for it?

We have 5 dogs and 2 cats. If you do not care for pets then stay away. I always tell people you are welcome any old time but you really, really have to like pets. We have always had pets. From the kitchen I can see our pet cemetery. DH put a special rock on the grave of my Sweet Pea so I can always see it.

I will tell you another wonderful story. Mom died about 5 years ago and we would frequently talk in my dreams. One night I told her we had gotten another dog and she told me how happy she was for me because she knew how very much I loved dogs. 2 days later my DH told me that he had found a dog we were looking for on the internet. The 4 of our dogs and the 2 cats are rescues but he got Charlie from a breeder. Friend of ours told us he was sent from heaven. (He is)

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