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Are you concerned about getting too old to know your house is dirty?



Compared to my mom's standards, I'm a slob.  She was one of the most fastidious people I've ever known.  Then, when she was in her 80s I was living 3,000 miles away from her. I'd visit several times a year and eventually would spend the three or four days cleaning her house - because I knew that if she was aware of how dirty it was getting she would be horrified.  My brother and I offered to get her a cleaning service once a month, but she made it clear that she would have no part of it. When I moved her to live near me, I paid for a cleaning service for her and my dad, against their wishes, even though I couldn't afford it at my own house - the reason being that she could no longer see the mess and I couldn't possilby clean both of our homes. Before you think I'm exaggerating the issue, and without getting too graphic, let me just say that my dad had a number of health issues and wasn't capable of cleaning up after himself.  Mom had dementia the last few years and simply didn't understand the situation.


I'm almost 59 years old and cleaning my house has become a challenge. I can no longer clean it in one day, and it's not a large house.  As a result, I think I'm lowering my standards a bit.  Sometimes I find a mess somewhere that stuns me - I can't believe I hadn't noticed it.  I'm really concerned that I'm going to be living in a filthy house and won't even know it.


I get it... this sounds crazy.  Am I the only one whose ever worried about this?

~ house cat ~
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Re: Are you concerned about getting too old to know your house is dirty?

No I don't worry about it but I think that was really thoughtful of you to get a cleaner for your parents.

I know its a lot of work to keep our parents homes okay and ours too!


I used to be very particular about having everything clean and beautiful -it made me feel good.


But after I lived with my 3 granddogs who could do no wrong in grandma's eyes and heart, I didn't care so much about the house.

I loved every hair, didn't mind cleaning up anything they decided to drop off or chew up.


Now I just have a very relaxed cleaning and kind of do it as I go.


Though I do think as we all get older, we may not see as well, our senses become duller and physically there's just so much we can do.And maybe thats okSmiley Happy At least I hope it isSmiley Happy

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Re: Are you concerned about getting too old to know your house is dirty?

I'm also 59.  I don't think you are lowering your standards.  I think, if you're like me, you've reached a more relaxed place in your life.  And, I think that's a good thing.  


I have some health issues and can't clean like I used to.  But, when I look back, I was obsessive about my cleaning, and it really took over my life.  


Is my house now spotless?  Heck no!  Is it filthy?  Nope to that too!  I do what I can, when I can.  My husband helps out with the floor scrubbing, etc.  It just doesn't get done, from top to bottom, each week.  And, I'm ok with that.  And, I learned it at least 20 years before my mother did...if she ever learned that her cleaning controlled her whole life.


And, if I want to spend the day sewing, I don't feel at all guilty.  Life's too short.  

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Re: Are you concerned about getting too old to know your house is dirty?

No I'm not concerned at all, I'm 67 and I do have health problems, but for the last 2 years I really do not like to clean my house. I do it because I don't want the place to walk, but I'd rather be doing something I actually like doing at this stage of the game. My husband and I live in a small log home, but there's 2 floors that have to be cleaned. I clean one room a month except the bathroom and kitchen gets cleaned once a week and it takes me the bigger part of the day. I don't have a problem with a housekeeping service coming by once a month, but I'm holding off on that until I really can't do it myself.

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Re: Are you concerned about getting too old to know your house is dirty?

I'm in the same boat.   I've been sick for the past few years, had surgery & other hospital stays, I just can't keep up.  I'm only 64!


My kids are gently nudging me to de-clutter.

If I could do that it would be easier to clean.

I've just accumulated too much.

We had 3 homes at one time, when we sold 2 of them we brought much of our possession back to our primary home.

When my parents passed, they were both living together in a home they had for decades.  I sold a lot of their stuff but brought a lot of it to my house, too.


I try to vacuum and dust regularly but I was looking at some of my shelves and it looks like a haunted house.    I barely make a dent in it.  I can't believe how 1 little old lady can make such a mess,


I'm going to retire in a few months and God willing, I'm going to clean out & clean up!


Hire you some help for yourself.   



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Re: Are you concerned about getting too old to know your house is dirty?

I'm 83 and I believe it would be one of the last things I'd know. It's probably more likely that I will not be able to wear 4"+ high heels before I don't realize my house needs cleaning.

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Re: Are you concerned about getting too old to know your house is dirty?

@StylishLady wrote:

I'm 83 and I believe it would be one of the last things I'd know. It's probably more likely that I will not be able to wear 4"+ high heels before I don't realize my house needs cleaning.


Having known you on the boards for a number of years and having seen the photos of your lovely home, I sincerely believe you!

~ house cat ~
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Re: Are you concerned about getting too old to know your house is dirty?

No, I don't worry about it.  Nothing is "dirty."  But, I have some clutter.  


I have stacks of books all over the place that I need ready access for my research project, and my latest knitting/crochet projects are sitting there by the couch.


And my dress form is sittng behind the loveseat wearing recent finished projects that haven't been put away.



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Re: Are you concerned about getting too old to know your house is dirty?

I think as we get older we do let a few things slide because we realize there is more to life than just cleaning house. Now I am not saying we shouldn't clean and try to keep things up but hopefully we all learn that we should be enjoying our lives and taking time out for things like a nice cup of hot tea and a good book. I have a housekeeper that comes in every three weeks and cleans from top to bottom. I keep things up in between but it is worth every penny for me to have the free time to enjoy life.

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Re: Are you concerned about getting too old to know your house is dirty?

At that point, there are far more things to worry about than if your house is dirty.