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Re: What does your Christmas tree look like?

I have to say, all of you who have posted pictures of your trees are so talented...each and every tree is beautiful!

I hope more are posted; I love to look at them.  If I was not techno-challenged, I would post a picture of mine! ha!

Thanks for sharing!

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Re: What does your Christmas tree look like?

I haven't put the tree skirt under it yet, but here's a photo from this morning...



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Re: What does your Christmas tree look like?

@Mominohioi have never seen anything like that picture tree.I just love your idea of decorating with family memories.You are a very gifted person.

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Re: What does your Christmas tree look like?

Can't get a good shot of my tree, or I would post it.
"To each their own, in all things".
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Re: What does your Christmas tree look like?

Here's my living room tree.  I'm posting 2 pics as the crystal and etched white ornaments really don't show up well in the photo.  I have only just started on my 5' Hallmark tree in my dining/sitting room.  I'll post a pic of it when it's done.



IMG_4700 2.JPG

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Re: What does your Christmas tree look like?

@Mominohio - What a unique and lovely tree of pics.  I love it and the wonderful frames are perfect


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Re: What does your Christmas tree look like?

@Buck-i-Nana wrote:

Here's my living room tree.  I'm posting 2 pics as the crystal and etched white ornaments really don't show up well in the photo.  I have only just started on my 5' Hallmark tree in my dining/sitting room.  I'll post a pic of it when it's done.



IMG_4700 2.JPG


This is simply elegant! What a bright spot in the cold and dark of winter. I'd be hard pressed to take this down after the holidays, as it would seem so dark and dismal after such bright beauty. Love it! @Buck-i-Nana

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Re: What does your Christmas tree look like?

This little tree is my sentimental favorite that I refer to as my retail tree. I spent twenty five Christmas seasons in retail and this display was my comic relief. There were days during the Christmas retail season, when I came home feeling a little puny and worn out like the Charlie Brown tree and a little "bah humbug" like my sweet little Boyd's bear. It always made me smile and reminded me of the true meaning of the season. I could just hear Linus saying "That's what Christmas is all about Charlie Brown." and it gave me a little perspective.  😊



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Re: What does your Christmas tree look like?

[ Edited ]

@mousiegirl - funny story. When I had just started to date my first husband , he rented a farm in the mountains to ride trail bikes, so he would cut a few Christmas trees down up there for some friends every year and deliver them. So I was living in a basement apartment and I was sitting in my living room and I hear a tremendous crash out in the hall. He was bringing a tree in for me - it was huge - and it got away from him and knocked him down - him and the tree on top of him crashed down the stairs.When I opened the door there he was , lying with his head the only part of him not covered by tree, and his head at the bottom of the steps while the rest of him was on the steps. He was embarrassed and was laughing and saying he was fine so then I started to laugh as well. He wasn't totally fine though , he ended up in bed for a week with back & hip and neck pain, so I got to take care of him - my favorite ever patient. That huge tree took up the entire apartment but we really enjoyed it tremendously. I think I fell in love with him that day , he was so adorable. 

Be careful with that tree - they can be dangerous!

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: What does your Christmas tree look like?

[ Edited ]

@151949 wrote:

@mousiegirl - funny story. When I had just started to date my first husband , he rented a farm in the mountains to ride trail bikes, so he would cut a few Christmas trees down up there for some friends every year and deliver them. So I was living in a basement apartment and I was sitting in my living room and I hear a tremendous crash out in the hall. He was bringing a tree in for me - it was huge - and it got away from him and knocked him down - him and the tree on top of him crashed down the stairs.When I opened the door there he was , lying with his head the only part of him not covered by tree, and his head at the bottom of the steps while the rest of him was on the steps. He was embarrassed and was laughing and saying he was fine so then I started to laugh as well. He wasn't totally fine though , he ended up in bed for a week with back & hip and neck pain, so I got to take care of him - my favorite ever patient. That huge tree took up the entire apartment but we really enjoyed it tremendously. I think I feel in love with him that day , he was so adorable. 

Be careful with that tree - they can be dangerous!


@151949  Wonderful story! Smiley Happy  Well, I bought a tree a while ago that I thought was smaller in circumference, but when DH took it off of the SUV rack, he told me it was heavier.  I told him to just drag it as only the underside of the branches would hit the ground, and I helped a bit at the top of the fourteen stairs, but turning corners was challenging.  He got it into the living room, and is now putting the stand on, then the lights. Next year will definitely be a faux tree for us.  I could not believe the cost of trees this year, crazy! 

I have a faux flocked white tree from here, gorgeous, and a green flocked tree from here in the kitchen, and they couldn't be prettier if they were real.  Faux trees are so much better than years ago, so I think it will be fine.  I will have to hunt to find a wide full tree, so will see what I come up with. Smiley Happy