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Re: Hosts and vendors need to give handbag measurements while presenting

Great point, @Catch71
I also think giving the WEIGHT of a handbag is critical information and should be given right at the beginning of a presentation.
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Re: Hosts and vendors need to give handbag measurements while presenting

[ Edited ]

@jaxs mom 


This is true but I am not sitting at my computer when watching the presentation on tv.  I need to know the measurements before they sell out of the color I may be interested in. Waiting to get to the computer can make me miss out., which is probably a agood thing as I really dont need another bag - LOL

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Re: Hosts and vendors need to give handbag measurements while presenting

For me the empty weight is important, but rather than measurements, I need to see someone carrying a bag (or wearing it if it is a backpack).


Recently, I was looking for a Kipling backpack to replace the crossbody I bought last year.  QVC had sold out of the ones I wanted.   I went to both Kipling's & Amazon's websites and found some others, but wasn't convinced they'd be the right size (one I felt was probably too big, a couple of others too small).  Eventually, I got to Macys and they have a figure holding/wearing the bags that is 5'4' or 5'5' (as does Saks; I'm sure others have this too).  This was a big help and I found one that is working for me.  

For me, the big advantage to TV shopping for clothes and accessories is that I see stuff on a live model and since they have all sized models now, it is even more helpful.  Photos on Amazon don't have the same impact for me.  


As for the weight, I'd prefer leather bags, but can't deal with the dead weight Dooney's anymore.  Going back to a backpack to get the weight off my sore right hip and to evenly distribute it.  

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Re: Hosts and vendors need to give handbag measurements while presenting

@Catch71 wrote:

Size matters when contemplating buying a handbag!  It is hard to tell the size watching on tv. Seeing them on the models helps, but  I know from measuring handbags I own, just what size works for me.  I watched the Radley presentation last night with Antoinella ( I like Radley bags) and the British speaking vendor and A did not give measurements as they presented, instead giggled and joked about having wine after the show, their favorite cocktails,how cute the bags were, etc.  I am not against having some fun, but please give us the info we need to hit the submit/purchase button.




While I don't disagree with you, I would never purchase a bag from just a TV presentation.  I would read every word of the online information, which always includes the measurements ... AND usually gives some reviews, which are important, as well.


One thing I really dislike is the lack of time given to the INTERIOR of each handbag.   It's a functional accessory and the interiors are practically more important than the outside!   


And I wish they offered more SILVER hardware on handbags.   Take note, QVC !!