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Posts: 2,745
Registered: ‎01-09-2016

That charcoal jumpsuit is amazing! Add my voice to the chorus of "Keep It". You look fabulous.


Love the colors of the skirt in #2. You look great in skirts.The mother of pearl bracelet is so pretty.


I purchased one BFD sweater on sale a few years ago. It was comfortable but to be honest, not more so than other sweaters I have. I couldn't justify the price.


I retired two years ago and my wardrobe budget was always spent on work clothes so I didn't have "play" clothes. Ive been adding some pieces to bring me back to the world of casual dressing including some wide leg jeans (which I hadn't worn in years). I wear them home and out with Kim Gravel and Susan Graver tops, most of which I purchased on clearance. I still have a few treasures including several Dennis Basso blazers along with a Louis Dell'Olio. 


Thank you for these lovely pictures @MacDuFF 

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Posts: 4,198
Registered: ‎03-11-2010

You do a great job putting outfits together. Love the red bag, yellow sandals and colorful braclets with the skirt. A white blouse a favorite for summer.



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Registered: ‎06-24-2011

@MacDuFF  Everything is styled beautifully. My favorites are the black jumpsuit and the accessories in #2.

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Registered: ‎10-20-2011

@Lisa Y  Maybe we really are long lost cousins because my (other) favorite Aunt called them knock around clothes, too hahaha! Thanks Cuz.

Thank you @Sooner . I tend to think of Mrs. Roper when I think of caftans haha. I have this BFD caftan on my "think about it" eBay list. It looks cozy for knocking around the house (heh)...could wear base layers, too. Definitely not Mrs. Roper, but...I don't know. I'll check Land's End, too...thanks for the tip!

I hear ya @Terrywu ! So far, I don't have "that" problem, thank goodness, but it can't be too far off, that's for sure. 

Thank you @queendiva . I try to avoid retail at clearance times...I made it a rule after The Purge when it became clear I had no self-control around a good sale hahaha. I'm jealous about the AK piping. And your new ON cardi uniform sounds perfect. Enjoy!

Hi @shoptilyadropagain  That jumpsuit isn't going anywhere if I can help it!

Thanks @DSD2  The prices for BFD have been a sticking point for me, too. I'm not sure I want to spend that much for around the house. Yes, that's what happened to me...retired and had lots of work clothes still in good condition, which ended up as casual/quick errand and at-home clothes. I've said this many times (wish someone had told me)...if you are within a few years of retirement, stop buying work clothes, make do with what you have, and you can thank me later!

Thank you @Iwantcoffee  Heart and @Desert Lily   Heart

~~~11th Commandment: Thou shalt not quote MacDuff's ridiculously long posts; once is ridiculously long enough. Amen~~~
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@MacDuFF Mrs. Roper!   Yes yes yes!  I had not thought of that!  You you "a stitch!"  


Diana Vreeland, another one, now that you mentioned it.