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Shopoholics ODAT Wed. 1/6/2016

[ Edited ]

Good morning ladies, didn't see a thread started, so here we go.

I am back from taking my truck driver daughter about an hour away to pick up a rental car (company paid), so she is on her way back to Chicago to get her truck, where it broke down just a couple days before Christmas. We are both shaking our heads on how long it has been without being fixed. She will be gone a long time trying to make up the money she lost during this time.  Stopped a the "Mart" store on my way home for a couple things I was out of. Now I need to get busy getting some things done around the house. Other than that, no much happening here. Oh, they did finish with my section of the water line replacement, got me hooked up to the main, the street, driveway and my yard are still a mess, but they promise they will fix it all, at some point, lol. Have a good day. Waves...

"To each their own, in all things".
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Re: Shopoholice ODAT Wed. 1/6/2016

Snicks and I posted a thread at the same time, lol.  I deleted mine and here is what I wrote:


Hello all, the sun is shining and it's warming up here ever so slightly.  Work is steady, but good.


Most of the orders I placed this month are on their way to my house.  Amazon is dragging it's feet with the bird supplies order I placed - thank goodness I wasn't out of anything that I ordered.


So how is your day going?

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Re: Shopoholice ODAT Wed. 1/6/2016

Hello Ladies...sun is shining  here too....about 38 a lot " warmer" than yesterday ....and it's suppose to go higher as the days come!!  Bernie congrats to you on your 35 th  year work Anny.....that's an accomplishment.  Hope you get your bird supplies soon....surprised Amazon takes so long you have Prime?


Snicks sorry to hear about how long it took for your DD's daughter truck to get repaired and she will have to make up that money lost.....  Now at least your water pipe is in place and that's for the finishing work!


Not much going on here....maybe that's a good thing.  I'm making chicken soup today so that will be for tonight .        Hope everyone has a great afternoon.     Marijane

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Re: Shopoholice ODAT Wed. 1/6/2016



I don't have prime, I just wait until I want something that meets the free shipping threshold from Amazon, lol.




I'm so glad they finished the water line to your house.  Did a plumber come out to snake the line one more time?

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Re: Shopoholice ODAT Wed. 1/6/2016

bernie, it' s good that your birds were not out of supplies, but I am glad that everything else is on it's way to you. 3 of the 4 things I ordered are on their way, or at least have the shipping label printed.


Genny1, I think it was a combination of things that kept her home so long, the holidays played a big part as the trucking company was on a skeleton staff a lot of days, also the repair shop was closed for several days, but that does not help her out any, for now. Your soup sounds good. I don't expect my yard to be put back to normal till Spring, probably. The dirt they dug up and replaced will have to settle, then more brought in to fill it in, then grass seed sown and straw scattered over it. The plumber has not been here yet to re-auger unless he was here this morning while I was gone. They told me he was very busy right now. I am very watchful when I run any appliances, believe me, lol. I will give these guys credit where it is due, every day when they finished for the day, one of them would come to my door to inform me of what was done and still remained to be done, so I thought that was nice of them, anyway.

"To each their own, in all things".
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Re: Shopoholice ODAT Wed. 1/6/2016

Bernie:  Congratualtions on your milestone.  It is rare these days for people to stay with the same job. 


Snicks:  Oh my--I think of your DD each time I see a big truck on the road---I know she goes all over the country. 


Had a bit of a bug and am still not feeling the best.  On Monday I went to drop off some paperwork at a church in the town where I worship.  I had never been to the office and wasn't sure which door to enter.  As I walked up a kitty was lounging at the door.  As I opened the door she ran inside---I was certain she didn't belong.  The church secretary assured me tht she was indeed the church kitty.  She attends meetings and she is kep inside at night.  About that time she jumped up on the desk and proved she was queen of the castle.  Beauiful siamese makings with blue eyes. 


I then ventured to the tax office for vehicle registation  Long lines--finally it ws my turn.  THn to the pharmacy.  I knew the doctor had provided them with my script---I had already checked on it.  Two hours--- lookeed around no one in the line.  So I left and came back three hours later only to be told they didn't have enough tio fill it!.  Argh.  Got a VM yesterday so I am sure it is ready for pick up---but I wasn't feeling up to standing ina long line again yesterday.


Today is a bit gloomy---after a beautful sunny day yesterday.  I saw on the news we had 60 inches of rain lat year----including several flooding events.  After years of drough five feet of rain in one year!.  Saw the news form CA.

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Re: Shopoholice ODAT Wed. 1/6/2016

Afternoon all, took out some stuffed shells & sauce from the freezer, leftovers from Christmas Eve, good quick supper as I'll go to our annual Board of Review Real Estate Tax protest, do it every year, some years works wonders, some not at all, but if you don't try you won't know.  We're getting a huge increase in the tax from our Mayor to replenish pensions that they raided, now we pay. I truly hate, don't trust, all politicians!!


Our weather is warming up also but deep freeze coming later in the week, then the squirrels will be in hiding, Sadie will miss them, they sure give her a run for the money, but good exercise for her, she hasn't figured out they are running on top of the 6 foot fence then off to the electric wires in the alley.


Hope all have a good day & Congrats @Bird mama, don't see that much anymore, good for you!

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Re: Shopoholice ODAT Wed. 1/6/2016

Good Afternoon!  Thanks for getting us started Snicks and Bernie.  Glad to hear your DD is able to get back to work and your water line problem is mostly fixed, snicks.  I had a broken pipe in the yard once -- terrible mess, and the workers replaced the pipe and dirt.  But, later the ground sunk where they had worked.  And, there were more issues (like the dirt under the front porch had washed away) so that we had to have concrete poured in the hole or it would have sunk down.  Most of this was "on our dime" as they say although we did get a little money from the company that made the defective pipes.  So, it is good that they will be coming back later when the dirt has settled.  (Sorry for the long story).


Congratulations to you, Bernie.  That was a very nice recognition of your loyalty to your company and hard work.  Hope that things continue to be okay as long as you want to work there.   Glad your orders are mostly on their way.


Hi Marijane -- chicken soup sounds good to me.  I had made some the other day, and I came up with a new twist.  I put in a cube of frozen "pesto" -- I take my basil leaves off the plant, add pine nuts, salt, and garlic, and put it into ice cube trays.  After it is frozen, I put the cubes into a freezer bag so I can use them as I like (add cheese or not, etc.)  You might not enjoy it if you don't like pesto, but I adore the stuff.


Sorry you aren't feeling well LindaR, and also sorry you had frustration a couple of places.  Not what you need when you aren't feeling your best.


Your dinner sounds good as well spix.  Hope your tax protest goes well.  I guess I have heard about asking for tax review, but I have not heard of the process they use in your area.


Waves to Jean (working today), Kathleen, Arlene, twinny, Rosa, Charlene, Susan, Karen, pinky ann, Gayle, Barbara, and all of our posters and readers.


Yesterday turned out to be a wild day.  I did get the papers in to hospice, but the nurse could not come this morning.  She should be here tomorrow morning at 9:00.  DH did get his Alzheimer's diagnosis according to the office manager.  Physical therapy was basically a review.  I did ask questions and get some seated exercises to try.  We went to the gym, and DH did well on his machine. But, he fell asleep while I was doing my workout.  One of the guys at the gym was kidding about it.  


DH is at the "club" today, and I need to staff a booth promoting the OLLI classes at the library.  


Hope everyone has a nice evening!







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Re: Shopoholice ODAT Wed. 1/6/2016

Hello friends! I slept in very very late this monrning, was awake in the night and then caught up. DH wanted to take me to Luby's for lunch so I picked him up. It's a very rainy day.  The high is 65 but it's about 54 and I'm thinking there are no errands that important and jammies are calling.


Linda that is sweet that there is a "church cat".  Snicks, my Dad was a trucker and I remember all the times he was deadheaded. And broke down. Glad they got the water hooked up and going.  Bernie I'm glad the sun is out.  The world of shipping is very curious.  I always wonder how they make money, then I add things to my cart to get it free!  ha ha!  Marijane, I know you are enjoying those "warmer" temps. Spix we feel the same about politicians.  I just read a good John Grisham "The Appeal" about a chemical company that basically ran a campaign and got a guy elected judge on the Supreme Court.  It was VERY interesting, something I've never thought about, but very appropriate in these times.  It got me thinking about it, you know? Our Kyanne sure hates those squirrels too but nothing keeps them away here. We will go home tomorrow to country home and she will chase them and do her best to harrass them back!





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Re: Shopoholice ODAT Wed. 1/6/2016

Good afternoon!

Sounds like a busy group. still busy at work but not as much.

Spix, you are correct not many people work the same job that long any more. Mark is retired and did work the same for 38 years, first job right out of high school.

Went to Goodwill yesterday after work...sadly no treaasures.  Then to Krogers , I am set for awhile.

I do check the lunchtime specials, I have snagged a few nice thing for less than $20.

Warmer and sunny today.

I hope that everyone is well.