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Shopaholics ODAT -Feb. 2 - Happy Groundhog Day

Good afternoon ladies, hope all is well.


Got some running around done this morning and just got some cleaning done.   I am finally feeling human with this cold and I was getting cabin fever, so out I went today. 


Not much else is going on here today, I just stoppped in to say hello.  What is everyone up to today?


Have a good afternoon.

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Re: Shopaholics ODAT -Feb. 2 - Happy Groundhog Day

Hello ladies, thanks for starting Susan.....nothing here today either.  It is  a beautiful day, 50 and sunny, think we are in for some rain later and tomorrow..that should wash the rest of the snow away.    I'm making spaghetti sauce for dinner with meatballs/sausages so that should do for a few different meals involving that.


Last night I pick up a OTO on IM 24/7 ankle them!     Have a nice day everyone...Marijane

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Re: Shopaholics ODAT -Feb. 2 - Happy Groundhog Day

Hi all, thanks for starting us @PAlady. And @Genny1. I got nothing happening today either. I did take in some pants today I bought several years ago (Linea) that I want to wear next week and were very much too big for me now. made Chicken Parmesan for dinner. 64 degrees here today, sun shining after rain this morning. Waves to all...
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Re: Shopaholics ODAT -Feb. 2 - Happy Groundhog Day

I went to the city today to "enjoy" an appointment with the foot doc. The office was packed as this person is very popular. It looks as if I might be wearing this fashion-forward boot for about six weeks. I do have to go back in three weeks at which time progress will be evaluated. It keeps the medical coffers full.


I was originally scheduled to have the bladder and kidney scopes done on the 17th to see if the cancer was returning. It turns out that the State employees have the 15th off for Presidents Day, so it is more convenient for the person that has to take me if the procedure could be done on that day. I was able to switch it to the 15th. That makes it easier as the  prep days will be on the weekend and won't have to take off work because of need to continually visit the throne as I have my Spring Cleansing.


I went to WalMart and loaded up with some grocery items I needed, at a cost so much lower than locally. I also filled up with gas in the city as it was 25 cents a gallon cheaper than locally. I usually try to fill up with gas when in the city as I'm there at least twice a month.


Right now, I'm relaxing with a cup of coffee and watching Cottage Farms. No threat there!

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Re: Shopaholics ODAT -Feb. 2 - Happy Groundhog Day

[ Edited ]

Nothing exciting going on here either.  I was hoping for at least 5" of snow, but just got a dusting & then a little rain/sleet.  I did take a much needed 2 hour nap this afternoon.  I guess that I was worn out from running around yesterday.


 The ground hog didn't see his shadow so spring is right around the corner.  It has been a mild week again.


Friends are coming tomorrow afternoon for cards & then supper out at our famous Baumgartner's for ribs.


I didn't see mom today, but will visit with her tomorrow.


DH is out getting chicken from our grocery store deli which is always good.  I just need to make baked potato & veggie.


Hugs to all of you.

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Re: Shopaholics ODAT -Feb. 2 - Happy Groundhog Day

Heavy rain here this afternoon/evening, supposed to be mixed with snow as temps drop, hope it doesn't ice up.


Airport was slow today, arrivals really down due to weather in other parts of the Country, so I had no major problems.


Tomorrow will depend on the weather as to running errands.


Have burgers simmering in mushroom gravy along with rice, & will heat those buttermilk biscuits, they sure were good, need to figure out what else

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Re: Shopaholics ODAT -Feb. 2 - Happy Groundhog Day

[ Edited ]

Our state has its own groundhog which does predictions. Freddie just isn't as famous as the "rat" in the neighboring state. Now, the groundhog in the neighboring state says we will have an early Spring. Freddie begs to differ with him, saying six weeks more of winter.  Like weather people, the groundhogs' predictions are influenced by local conditions and are not assumed to be accurate for all. Oh well, the 60+ degree temps were great today.


I opted for an easy dinner. I popped a Lean Cuisine woodfire bbq chicken pizza in the microwave. I wasn't very hung so that is all I had for dinner. 


I had planned to eat out today but by the time I got out of the doc's office and visited a friend, I decided just go directly to WalMart for groceries and then home. Perhaps in honor of Groundhog Day, I should watch that movie but perhaps this will suffice:



**************** "A black cat crossing your path just means that it is going from one place to another." Proud owner of a black cat and a shopper of QVC since the merger with CVN.
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Re: Shopaholics ODAT -Feb. 2 - Happy Groundhog Day

Good Evening!  Thanks for getting us started Susan.  Glad you got out today -- cabin fever is no fun.


Hi Marijane.  Glad your weather is nice.  I don't think it even made it to 50 degrees here today.  I dropped DH off at the club, and took a cool walk -- I was wearing a warm jacket so it wasn't too bad.  You got me into those IM ankle pants -- I have a couple of pairs from eBay -- both fit me quite well, and no need for hemming.  


Nice that you were able to take in those pants, snicks.  I should be able to do that, but I usually just donate the pants instead.  I don't often change in weight, but sometimes pants that I thought looked good when I purchased them look baggy later.  I'm not a fan of baggy pants.


Sorry you need to wear that boot for a while longer, Jean.  Glad you were able to reschedule your appointment.  


Have fun with your friends tomorrow twinny.  It must be nice to have those times with your friends.  We used to do more, but the invitations have dried up the past couple of years, and it is just too difficult for me to entertain.


Do you work or volunteer at the airport snicks.  Reading about what everyone is preparing for dinner is making me hungry. 


Waves to Bernie, Kathleen, Arlene, LindaR (I'm so tired of all this election stuff as well), Charlene, Rosa, Karen, Barbara, Gayle, pinky ann, and all of our posters and readers.


My volunteer job went well, and so did DH's club.  After the senior lunch program, I went to the gym.  I'm working on increasing the weight on a couple of machines (I used to do higher weights, but backed that down after my accident, knee pain, shoulder pain, etc.)  I may never get back to where I was, but no harm in trying from time-to-time.


Hope everyone has a nice evening and sleeps well.






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Re: Shopaholics ODAT -Feb. 2 - Happy Groundhog Day

Hello all - it was a hectic day and I'm just now making it to the forums.  I have a groundhog that lives under my porch - I didn't bother it this morning, lol.


I think I heard on the radio that our local groundhog and some wildlife place said 6 more weeks of winter.  Honestly, this winter has been so squirrely weatherwise, I don't trust the groundhogs - they probably never really hibernated :-)

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Re: Shopaholics ODAT -Feb. 2 - Happy Groundhog Day

Morning, feeling lazy today so I'll stick aroud the house doing some chores.  The weather is a no-show, so much for all their warnings.


@LindaLatte, I volunteer at O'Hare, every Tuesday at the Info Desk, & then when Aviation has entertainment I bring the entertainers thru Security & then "baby-sit" them as they're not badged or traveling, TSA says they must be accompanied by a badged person.  Right now we're slow in the entertainment part, think our next one will be for St Pat's Day, Irish Dancers, really a well received show, those young girls are great.


Feeling like a spaghetti dinner tonite, so will thaw some sauce & make a salad,& garlic bread


Hope all have a good day