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Shopaholic's One Day at a Time - Tuesda, December 15th

Good Morning, Ladies!  It is a pretty cool/cold day here in southern Arizona (only 28 degrees when I got up).  We are expecting even colder weather tonight, and our highs only in the 50's.  Just not my kind of weather.  It is sunny today, which is better than yesterday's clouds and rain.


DH and I have the senior lunch program today, and then I'll take him to physical therapy.  Wish things were going better with him, but not much that I can do.


DD received her Dennis Basso coat yesterday, and she loves it!  I really like it when a gift is so well received.  Our neighbor who is having dental work in Mexico is finally going back to have the work finished today.  Several appointments have been canceled.  She has a good attitude, but I know she wants to get this over and get used to her dentures soon.


Waves to Jean (working today), Kathleen, Arlene (sending you many positive vibes and prayers), twinny (thinking of you), Bernie, snicks, Susan, Marijane, spix, Linda R, Charlene, Rosa, pinky ann, Karen, Gayle, and all of our posters and readers.


Please check in if you have time, and have a good day everyone!





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Re: Shopaholic's One Day at a Time - Tuesda, December 15th

LindaL, thanks for starting us off this morning.


Do you think the PT is too aggressive for your beloved?  The only reason I ask is that when I had arthroscopic need surgery in the mid 80's (I was in my mid 20's), I remember seeing the physical therapy room (glass walls) on the way in to the sports medicine doctor's office.  Before I sat down I said, I hope you have some home exercises in a book or something because I sure won't be doing that (as I pointed out of the room) lol.


I was a good patient and rehabbed at home. Nothing like fear to motivate me, lol.


I hope that you have a nice time at the senior lunch.


I'm happy that your DD loved her coat.  It makes me feel so good when I buy a gift for someone that really bowls them over :-)



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Re: Shopaholic's One Day at a Time - Tuesda, December 15th

 Hello Ladies....still warmish today and the sun is out...I think we will be getting rain towards the end of the week and colder.   I hope your DH has a nice day at his PT apt and the both of you have a great senior lunch LindaL.     I am happy that your DD liked her coat, what color did she get ?


Bernie hope the day is going quick for you at work.  Buy any new goodies from your favorite store.  I have been getting so many emails from all the stores with such deep discounts....usually that happens after Christmas.


We went out this morning  to get the tree....bought the 1st one we looked at...have it up standing but no lights yet....that's the part when I say every yr we are getting an artificial one.    I also ran over to Home Depot for a few items and was surprised it was empty....I went out with more than I thought I wanted to get...isn't that always the way though?


tHat's about it ...wondering what I will have for dinner tonight....have a nice day everyone.....Marijane 





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Re: Shopaholic's One Day at a Time - Tuesda, December 15th

Good afternoon;


LindaL:  You are having cool temps for your area.  We are expecting a front to drop temps later today.  We had rain on Saturday and Sunday---at times very heavy.


How sweet that your DD loved her gift.  Always nice to get something they enjoy.




Oh I can idetify with coming out with more than your planned to purchase.  Some times I can stick to my list--other times I can be tempted!.

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Re: Shopaholic's One Day at a Time - Tuesda, December 15th

Good afternoon!

We have been so busy at work, it has been chaos.  Thankfully things have slowed down.  We think that people are trying to get their "buisness stuff" done before Christmas.  At least that is our theory!

I have been to the grocery store and have a few more thing to get.  I only work 2 days next week, I am glad so that I won't be crazy busy and can enjoy Christmas time.  last year I did my best to enjoy but really I just endured.  It  was our first Christmas without my DH.

I must say I am enjoying a live tree, have not have one for many years.  Nothing smell as good.

I hope that everyone is well.

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Re: Shopaholic's One Day at a Time - Tuesda, December 15th

Hi Ladies,

    Everyone's  busy getting things done with work and the holidays. I miss a real tree Genny, but allergies and asthma put the kibosh to that.  We're ready for the holidays, and it's nice to be ahead for a change. I'm just keeeping up with my usual cleaning, and that's about all that's left.

   A word search book I got some time ago is finally finished. It's been here awhile... Next thing will be to start a book I bought at the library sale late summer, and haven't started yet. Spending more time reading and doing other activities I used to enjoy are top of my new years must do list, not resolutions, so I 'm  getting started now. I'll  still check out the boards, but just occasionally from now on. It's been on my mind so much lately how fast the time goes being on here, even when it's  just going to be a quick look. The one saving grace for me is that I only shop online when I need to buy. That would be really big trouble for me.

   I've got veggies roasting in the oven, and salmon patties for tonight. I'd better give them a stir, as they're starting to smell yummy!  Take care! pinky 

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Re: Shopaholic's One Day at a Time - Tuesda, December 15th

Linda--Thank you for starting the thread. It is difficult to deal with the temperatures you have been having when used to better temps.I'm glad that DD  likes her DB TSV coat; it is a nice one as I also have it and love it.


I worked in kindergarten today. It isn't my usual grade level but it was interesting to see what they did.


Right now, I'm tired and feel like I'm coming down with something. Hopefully, it will pass. I think  I am just tired.


I did get home in time to turn on the Q and see Nick Chavez at the end of his presentation. Now, I'm watching Gourmet gifts.

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Re: Shopaholic's One Day at a Time - Tuesda, December 15th

Hello friends!  Linda, thank you for starting us.  You are so good to remember everyone, even folks we haven't seen in a while.  I didn't even bring my DB to Houston with us, it seems so mild here it might never cool off!  I'm so glad DD loves hers too.  I still absolutely adore mine and blame Jean for my expensive taste.  Smiley Happy  Both our Dennis  Basso throws are still wonderful blankets.  The newest one is here (last years? that came with blue Teddy) and the original is back at "country house".  I hope DH does well at PT. I am so in awe of your caretaking skills. My heart goes out to both of you.


Bernie, I really love buying the right gifts too.  This year I adopted one of DD's good friends, and sent her a stocking full of packages (little mostly silly things).  She sent a pic today of it hanging in her room with a "love you" and it made me feel good. 


Marijane, what I wouldn't give to help you decorate.  My little table is overcome with my 2 plants, little ceramic lit tree (vintage-y) and this years singing snowman( Hallmark). I did put 5 decorations on the outside tree but it's not like having a real tree.  Still, not complaining. A friend invited me to come over and entertain her while she does all her baking.  It will be nice.  I thought about taking some stuff and baking too but I don't know who I would give it to.  Maybe will do some baking next week for the RV park folks and DH's guys.


Linda I missed the cold front forecast.  It's been very warm but I did notice it got overcast this afternoon.  I have windows open and Kyanne is protecting the door. She is so cute, sits under the dining table looking out the window when DH is to come home.

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Re: Shopaholic's One Day at a Time - Tuesda, December 15th

Rosa, I'm glad you are getting a few days off and enjoying it this year.  I can imagine enduring after the loss of a loved one.  I am having bouts of sadness just from my girls not being around.  I miss Stevie - we used to do so much fun stuff together.  Everything was fun when she was with me.  I have to remind myself that she got on my nerves too at home, leaving socks all over the floor and using my things and not putting them back.  lol  I know that is no comparison to your loss - not trying to minimize.  Another friend is without her Mom this year and I know she is hurting.


Ann!  I've been reading so much lately!  But I usually can't put a book down so very happy now that I have one I can read a bit and set it down.  I've been watching a lot of Hallmark movies and kid movies and I think DH is tired of it.  lol  That's ok, we have 2 tvs here so I can hide in the bedroom if I don't like what he is watching.