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Jean, I'm not surprised at the change in weather. I asked the girls shouldn't we buy snow boots but they say that there is no where to find any around here.

Ann, I love my Clif (peanut butter flavor though they have many kinds) Bars. They have 4g fiber, 11g protein, and about 150 calories. I keep them in my car and at work in case I am in a hurry. Today I got fast food and it was awful. Blah! Luckily the HR dept ordered pizza and offered me a piece.

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LL, It is too bad about your DGS falling on the ice. Hopefully his treatment will help him out. I also hope that your tooth will be a quick fix for you. I so look forward to getting my haircut next Tuesday. I have never had a bad haircut from my stylist in over 25 years. Prayers for you SIL too. Nothing in families surprises me anymore mine included.

Jean, Your area is unreal again. We have had a really good winter. It is cold today which I like & the sunshine is great. It heats up the house & makes the hot tub fun. Being without heat would be the worst thing. When we didn't have water a couple of weeks ago for 8 hours I was always trying to turn the faucets on. I can't imagine not turning on light switches or appliances that are used often. That plane collision could have been so much worse. It is especially scary when water is close by. The only time I have been to LaGuardia was back in July of 1967 when I flew to the UK with my mom, dad & brother.

Marijane, You must be up to your eyeballs in snow too by now. We will be starting a warming trend starting tomorrow & by next Tuesday they say 50's. I will send our weather to you. We have little snow on the ground.

pinky ann, getting a dusting of snow is fun. It makes everything look so pretty. I think Easter shopping is fun. So many pretty things to decorate with. I keep things simple, but it is still fun.

RC, I think you have gotten more snow this year than we have. Have fun with the new dresses & I hope you do KEEP all 4 of them. I love wearing my many fleece coats/jackets & a nice pair boots. I hate hot weather & it seems like I can't take enough things off. I prefer to add a layer or two but not like LOGO.

Today is a beautiful day. It is cold but the sunshine is wonderful. Last night when I opened a new box of lancets I discovered that my clinic had sent the wrong RX to Shopko. Today I returned them for the right ones & bought my DGD a really cute purple top with a few sparkles on the sleeves & a pair of matching shorts for her birthday. She loves purple & green & anything sparkly. She is so much fun to buy for. Now I hope to find something in green.

DH & I then went to a town about 15 miles away to order our anniversary cake/DGD's birthday cake. It is a really cute Swiss town with lots of beautiful chalet homes & the best bakery I have ever been to. This is not on DH & my diets but we will indulge in one piece & leave the rest with my DD & family. The cake will be marble with a wonderful raspberry filling. We have been getting cakes there since our DS graduated from HS in 1989. We had a good lunch as there are several nice restaurants. It was very busy for a Thursday too.

I talked to mom today & she said the eye doesn't hurt at all. Now I pray for some of the sight to return. She seems in better spirits so that is a good sign. My cousin called me last evening & said she will visit mom one day & stay overnight while we are gone. That is very nice of her to do this for me. My cousin lives in the same town that we will flying out from. Only an hour away.

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Hi girls!

Well, my school work is DONE - I'm free until May! {#emotions_dlg.thumbup} I got the exam finished last night, and it was a close call - they gave only an hour for 50 questions, which was ridiculous; I did complete it, but with only 37 seconds to spare. When I do the review of the course I'm going to mention that exams with as many questions like that need more time, at least 90 minutes.

It poured all night and has finally stopped, but there are warnings of ice on the roads until tomorrow. I have no plans to go anywhere today; I had trouble getting to sleep then woke up with a headache, so I think I'm going to have a lazy day before I start tackling the spring cleaning.

Jean, you're really getting slammed this year with snow! {#emotions_dlg.scared} It hasn't been bad here (especially not compared to NY), and I was surprised when I spoke to a young lady who worked at Popeye's the other night; she told me her high school has been closed for over a week because of the weather. I can't imagine why; we had only the one snowstorm, and that was just 7-8".

LindaL, I wonder if the weather or air pressure can have an effect on tooth pain. {#emotions_dlg.confused1} Last week I had one tooth or another hurting; I knew I couldn't have a problem with several teeth and sure enough, it just passed.

I'll pray for your SIL; I agree with Jean, family dynamics can be something else! I have cousins I didn't even know existed until recently, because my mother didn't talk to most of her siblings for many years; she even turned her face away from two brothers who came to see her on her deathbed.

I remember when I used to really look forward to Fashion Day and often stayed up all night to make sure I didn't miss the shows I wanted to see, but it's been years since I bought any clothing from QVC. They just don't have nice, unique items like they used to anymore; I can find similar things locally for far less, and don't have to pay S&H. Bob Mackie is the only exception, but most of the things I have from him came from eBay. You know what I wish would come back into style? The pants outfits that used to be so popular.

Glad to hear mom is doing a bit better, twinny.

Speaking of comfort food, I picked up a box of Marie Callender's chicken pot pies at Publix yesterday as they were BOGO and I hadn't had one in many years. I made one for lunch and it was very tasty, but there sure as heck wasn't a whole lot of food there - I was hungry for the rest of the day. {#emotions_dlg.crying} There might be enough for a little kid to eat in one of those, but...

I'm just now getting moving so the comments here are the first I've heard mention of a problem at Laguardia; I'll have to check it out. My LH worked at JFK, and since we're both pilots we were familiar with all the airports in the area. We used to get a kick out of the TV reporters; they would get even the most basic facts wrong - like mess up the runway designations, citing numbers that didn't exist anyway. (No runway number can go above 36, since the numbers represent prevalent wind direction.)

The dogs want no part of going out today - they did their business and ran back in - so I'll have them underfoot.

Hope you're all staying warm - have a blessed day!

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Registered: ‎08-09-2013


Jean, Thanks very much for letting me know not only the brand of protein bars that you like, but also the particular flavor. I will be checking for them on Amazon later on, and if they have them, I'll be ordering. I have to have something with me when I go out for a few hours, as I have an issue with hypoglycemia, and often lose track of how much time has passed since I've eaten. This will be a tremendous help!

Kathleen, How nice that you get to wear your coat regularly now. I know you do love it. Thanks for reminding about the Clif bars. If I had thought of it, one of the stores I was in always have them, and I can usually find a flavor I like. I was in the cereal aisle in the market when I thought of it, but what was offered in that area were more like a candy bar than protein. I have to get much better about carrying snacks. I did good for awhile, then got off track again. Glad HR came through for you! I don't have fast food often, but would like to have it even less. Having a supply of good tasting, healthy bars to take with me will be a far better option.

Arlene, Glad your exam was completed in time. It isn't much time for so many questions. I started to make pot pies every so often about two years ago. It's nice to have them nice and full of food. Not a fan of store bought for the reason you mentioned.

Twinny, Glad your mom is happier and not having pain. I hope she has her sight return in that eye soon. The cake sounds wonderful! I'm happy you and DH got to go out to such a pretty place today. I'm sure your DGD will love what you bought her. I keep my decorating very simple too. I found two very neat hanging pieces to put up on the mantle that hang down, with a very pretty inset piece that moves if the air does. They were in Dollar Tree, so I figured why not? They store flat too, which is a nice bonus. pinky

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pinky, we have a very nice Dollar Tree. I don't go often as it is a little further away from our regular shopping places, but I am going to get our DGD some nice birthday balloons. FHG, today when we were coming home from our outing the sun was so hot. I thought about you having the A/C on yesterday. DH said "turn the heat off."