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Good morning, shopping friends. The magic day is fast approaching and it is time to give thought to the true meaning of the holiday celebrated via gift giving. Soon we will be hearing, "New Year, New You" or words to that effect.

The reality is that the "new you" can begin on any day. One need not wait until the New Years to resolve to make a change. Probably the biggest reason for resolutions not being met is that the individual is looking for a dramatic change instead of doing it gradually or setting smaller goals.

Some will be setting goals about cutting back spending, portion size, etc. Want to cut back on coffee? Why not set a goal of one less cup a day for a week, and then the second week, add another cup not to consumed. Ordered 5 things from the Q? Set a goal of 4 things a month. Put $1000 on the credit card? Aim for $900, and then the second month, aim for less. What you want to see is the balance each month going down whenever possible.

I have a card on which nearly everything goes. The balance, at times, can be an ouch factor but the card is paid in full each month. My goal is to analyze the statement and see what can be eliminated or reduced. I have another card on which there is a balance, but that balance is declining each month.

Have problems remembering to pay bills? In today's busy world, it is easy to do that. I have a master calendar and at the top of each month, I list the company and check it off when it is paid. This includes auto payments to utility companies.

Right now, I'm not in a real shopping mood, although I may pay a visit to Kohls sometime this week just to see what they have. I have been known to spend two hours in there and walk out empty handed. I don't care what the lure is to get me to buy, if I'm not overwhelmed by an item or see some purpose for it, I won't be buying. I'm one of those who can put things in a cart and wander all over a store, giving myself time to consider the items in the cart.

I've had my financial ups and downs, especially down during a period of depression when buying equaled comfort. This is why I am very sensitive to the reason behind a purchase now. Experience can be a dear teacher; no one can go back and undo the past but they can learn from it.

Have a great day. If you shop, shop wisely.

**************** "A black cat crossing your path just means that it is going from one place to another." Proud owner of a black cat and a shopper of QVC since the merger with CVN.
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Good afternoon ladies, hope all is well.

Jean - Thank you for starting us today, I have also been thinking about New Years and things I am wanting to change. I won't call them resolutions (I never keep them), if I did I would be skinny and rich by now. Oh well. I have a credit card I used A LOT this Christmas and I know it will take a couple months to pay it down. I have also walked thru Kohls and at the end of the run look down in the cart and think - Why do I have this in my cart? - and then return everything in the cart to its' rightful place in the store.

We have a couple dinners to go to in the next week and I have decided I will make due with what I have here, yes, I do need to get a couple nicer pieces of clothing for dressier times, but I am not running out this week and finding something to "make due" with. I guess I had better get looking.

Sorry about my rambling here, I think I am starting to feel the pressure of the next week and a half. So I had better get moving and see what I need to get done.

There is also an interesting thread starting in the Fashion or Beauty area about what you are going to do different next year. If you have time stop by and take a look at it.

Well off to get some caffeine and get something done before my dentist appt. this afternoon. Have a good afternoon everyone.

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Registered: ‎07-03-2012


Jean, Yes the big day is soon approaching. It is amazing at how far people can stray from the real meaning of Christmas. I never make a resolution as I don't like to say I will do this or that & then fail myself. I am not looking forward to all of the Nutra System shows that will soon be upon us either. I hope you have some relaxation during your school vacation.

Susan, Have fun at your upcoming dinners. I don't need to dress up for our Christmas Eve lunch here on Weds. or when we go to my DH's brother & SIL's on Christmas day for lunch.

This morning I did order the "Footprints" necklace in silver on the steel by design show. It was my first QVC order in more than a year. I love that saying & have a wall hanging with that message on it. It will be a birthday present for me. It should arrive 01/02/15.

Our Christmas program at church last night was very nice.

Today I am relaxing as tomorrow will be clean the house day for me. Mostly washing the floors as DH vacuumed all over on Saturday.

DH & I are thinking about going to Aruba for our anniversary in March. I just called the retired principal of the grade school that both of our DC went too (many years ago). He & his wife love to go there. They only live around the corner from my mom. She is calling me back tomorrow with some fun things to do. It is a good thing that I called today as they are leaving next Monday for 2 months in AL to be with their son. It is difficult for me to make plans too far ahead because of my infusion schedule.

It is cloudy again today but mild. Last night on the TV they said this has been the cloudiest December in over 50 years. We have only had 2 days of sunshine this month.

Hugs to all of you.

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010


Susan--Sometimes, we make bad decisions when feeling the pressure to do the task ASAP. Chances are very good that you have an appropriate outfit that you can change with the addition of an accessory. One of the advantages of having clothing that can transition into different needs is that with the addition of an accessory, people are focusing more on what you are saying or have to offer than on the trendy outfit being worn, an outfit that may not see much use again. I do hope your dental appointment goes well.

Twinny--I think a trip to Aruba would be great. You deserve a nice treat. Planning ahead can be beneficial but as you said, your infusion schedule is a factor to consider. At least, you can be taking time to review information. The necklace sounds nice and warrants your breaking your year of not purchasing from QVC.

I'm doing odds and ends. I'm going through drawers right now and determining what can go but am taking a break for lunch. The school may be closed for the break but the principal just called from it to book some sub days for me in February.

**************** "A black cat crossing your path just means that it is going from one place to another." Proud owner of a black cat and a shopper of QVC since the merger with CVN.
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Good Morning! Thanks for getting us started Jean. I have been known to do the same sort of thing at Kohl's and other stores. That never seems to happen at Wal Mart, however. Mainly because there is always some sort of food item or whatever that I "need". LOL At Curves they are having a challenge that started in mid-November and goes to mid-January. You need to do a certain number of workouts, etc., and there will be some prizes at the end. Anyway, they have a big sign saying why wait to make changes. No reason at all. I never was one to make New Year's Resolutions, so I doubt that will happen this year. But, I certainly try to establish goals for myself.

I'm beating myself up right now since I placed an on-line order with Amazon for some Clark's boots yesterday evening. Total impulse buy. I tried to cancel the order this morning, but they said it was too late. Of course, I can return the boots. Maybe they won't fit well, so I'll have a good excuse. Anyway, I'm trying to get over my regret since I can't change it.

Most of my bills are paid automatically through my checking account or a credit card, but I do a weekly financial review on Saturday where I check all the charges and bills paid/upcoming that week. Works for me, but DH thinks it really isn't necessary.

I took care of some nagging business today -- called the sewer company (long story), sent an e-mail to my lawyer (another story), and changed my cell phone plan. I am now able to have unlimited talk and text -- progress, but I have less data and I will pay more. If I use less data, I can change it to a less expensive plan later. I just didn't want to get into data overuse. Texting is new to me, but I think I can get a handle on it -- I used a Blackberry at work, so it shouldn't be too difficult.

The Oil of Olay cleansing brush came, and it isn't great. I would say the Clarisonic is in a whole different ballpark. Oh well, I can always buy the Clarisonic later. The one Q was featuring a Clarisonic brush, etc. over the weekend was way more expensive than what I want to pay, but I imagine they will have a less expensive model as a TSV later.

Hope you enjoy your dinners next week Susan, and hope your dental appointment goes well. We are way late in going to the dentist, but I think I'll wait until next month to get an appointment.

Hi twinny -- glad you enjoyed the church program, and hope you love that necklace. That is one of my favorite stories. A trip to Aruba sounds great. I would be very unhappy with such cloudy weather. That is one big advantage of living where we do in Arizona. Although there are times in the summer when I would jump for joy to have a cloud or two.

Waves to Kathleen (praying for you), Arlene, LindaR, Gayle, Rosa, Marijane, Karen, and all of our posters and readers.

Yesterday, I finally made a batch of cookies (just chocolate chips) and some muffins. My plan is to make some Christmas cookies this afternoon. I had ordered a Emjoi (?) micro pedi for DD (surprise), and she loves it. It always makes me happy if someone loves a gift I give them.

Have a nice day everyone!



P.S. I forgot to mention there was a twitter bomb threat for DGS' high school, and there were police, etc., around this morning. Later, the police said that it was a "prank". Yikes!

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Posts: 513
Registered: ‎06-11-2014


Good afternoon!

Busier today at work than we thought it would be, the morning flew. Lots of glass claims!

I have been invited to meet my "friends" family at brunch Christmas morning. It is ridiculous how anxious I am about what to wear and will they like me thoughts{#emotions_dlg.scared} I just ran across the street to the Hallmark store and bought a Yankee candle to take as a hostess gift. My Mother always told me never show up empty handed so....

We spent the day together on Saturday eating out, seeing a Christmas play and looking at lights. I had a wonderful time ,when I was home alone i could not help but remember fondly the wonderful times I shared with my DH doing things like this. Very emotional day but yet good.

I will go to my DHs' family dinner later in the day. They continue to be so kind and supportive.

I tend to make the same New Years resolution every year, spend more time reading the Bible and quit interrupting people.

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Jean, February seems so far away right now. How nice of the principal to schedule some school days for you.

LL, Good luck at winning another prize at your exercise center. It is amazing that you couldn't cancel the shoe order. Maybe they will be very nice shoes & you will get lots of wear from them. I don't like "nagging" business like you had to take care of today. I don't mind cloudy weather when the temps are above normal for this time of the year. We have a lot of windows in our home so that helps a lot too. In the summer I am not supposed to get much sunshine, so that is a more difficult situation for me to handle. I had a friend that really got depressed in cloudy weather. She liked sunny & bitterly cold.

Rosa, Your Christmas day brunch sounds so nice. I thought that maybe you already knew your "friends" family since you have known him for a long time. what a nice gift that candle is. I love candles in the wintertime. I am sure that Saturday with your friend was emotional but nice at the same time. It is nice that your DH's family are so supportive of you. That would make having fun with your new friend nicer.

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Twinny, his family lives in another town about 30 minutes from here, I have met his parents many years ago but not his brothers and their families.

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Twinny--February may seem far away, but I have sub dates already scheduled for March and April. These are days in which some teachers are obligated to be in some type of training or peer evaluation. In addition, to principals evaluating teachers, some teachers also periodically visit other classrooms for peer evaluation,etc.

Rosa--The Christmas brunch sounds exciting. I can understand your being nervous at meeting the friend's family. It will be a time of mixed emotions. The candle sounds like a nice gift to take. It is good that your DH's family continues to be supportive.

Linda--I had the Olay version but I agree that the Clarisonic seems to be better at deep cleaning. Amazon has the Mia for sale, but then Amazon has nearly everything for sale. I have some Clarks boots that I got from Amazon which were priced far lower than on QVC.

I have a black cat demanding my time. I did get a 30 gallon bag filled, so there is some progress. If I would spend time each evening, I wouldn't have to play "catch up" when not working.

**************** "A black cat crossing your path just means that it is going from one place to another." Proud owner of a black cat and a shopper of QVC since the merger with CVN.
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Registered: ‎06-25-2011


Hi girls! Checking in real quick - I was running around town delivering cupcakes today. My "free" handyman was just here to pick his up and fixed the new lock that's giving me trouble again (he said the house shifted and it wasn't going all the way in), brought the medicine cabinet he put together for me, and my pool guy came by for his cupcakes as well - turned out it's his birthday, so the timing was good. {#emotions_dlg.thumbup1} His new wife (less than a month) went to the doctor as she wasn't feeling well, and was told she has the flu...and a baby on the way! They sure didn't lose any time, lol! Between the handyman and the pool guy they're going to get my pool up and going come summer; the handyman is an electrician and said he'll fix the pump at no charge. I sure am blessed! {#emotions_dlg.thumbup}

Last night's dinner was excellent - I was pleasantly surprised, and I think this restaurant is going to be one of my favorites. I thought it might be good when they brought out the salad and there was no iceberg lettuce to be found! I ordered chicken parmesan and got two large breasts smothered in cheese and sauce, with spaghetti on the side - it was the best I've had in years, and the entire meal was less than $12.

Tomorrow I have a few more cupcakes to deliver, and want to take the computer in for an estimate on repairs; apart from that I'm going to just veg out - maybe get some Chinese food.

Hope you end up loving your boots Linda - they may not be a need, but a treat is nice once in a while.

I see my FedEx packages were all delivered today, so that's one less concern.

Glad you're doing well, Rosa - don't worry, your friend's family will love you.

Have a blessed evening, everyone!