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Good morning, shopping friends. I'm getting ready to head for the city to meet my niece for lunch at the Outback, as well as delivering some gifts to others. The friend who just had heart surgery is down because he can't make his usual cookies for Christmas. It is just a token but I'm taking him a big platter of a variety of cookies made by the culinary lab of the local career center. One of its students is heading for chef school upon graduation from high school, so he is credited with the beautiful selection.

I have an Emjoi epilator which works very well. I don't need the TSV although it is tempting to update the one I have.

I think as we enter this final week of the holiday season, we need to keep in mind that the greatest gift we can get is that of good health. Until you are faced with a multitude of health issues, it is so easy to take what we have for granted.

Have a great day. If you shop, shop wisely.


**************** "A black cat crossing your path just means that it is going from one place to another." Proud owner of a black cat and a shopper of QVC since the merger with CVN.
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Kona sounds like you have a fun day planned. You are so right about good health after what my DH and I went through it truly is a gift. I stopped in at my DHs' dialysis' center and took the nurses some goodies yesterday. I had been putting if off I had not had contact with them since Lee passed. I am so glad that I stopped in , lots of tears, but dialysis gave me 2 more years with him, that I treasued and the staff was wonderful. I really did me good.

I am finished shopping and wrapping.

I will have to pick up some fresh aparagus Tuesday after work for Christmas Eve dinner, that is it.

Tuesday our boss will bring in lunch for us, we always pick Olive Garden and then we will exchange gifts. We are a small office of 4 women I bought everyone a different Philosophy body wash.

Saturday I am going to see a Christmas play at the Barter Theater it is a historic theater about 2 hours from here. Looking forward to that.

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I think for me the greatest gift that we can get is knowing that I planted seeds of Jesus in other's hearts. I know "the world" doesn't understand, and it's not that I don't care about my health, but the time we spend on earth is but a vapor and the condition of my heart, the kindness that I show others, my walk with my Creator are the most important things in this short lifetime.

I do hope to live a long life, see my girls grow up and have families, hold my husband close, and enjoy life to the fullest, but if I was to be gone tomorrow I am ready! Smiley Very Happy This is a good thing, to me (but as I said not to "the world").

A family in need was put in my heart at our party. Yesterday I drove home thinking about what I could do for them. I went home, checked the mail and got a card with $100 check in it that I would NEVER have even suspected, from the man who owns the other carriage that we do rides with. I went to Kohl's and picked out 3 $40 gifts, 1 for each boy in the family. Of course they were discounted, and with my 30% coupon paid $50 for the whole bunch, which included some stocking stuffers for the parents too. I'm not trying to brag about what a great person I am - it's easy to give when one has extra. But it made me so very happy to do this. My Mom and another Lovey have both told me they want to do something, and my friend who told me about the family is buying groceries and also a gift. So I think we will have 4-5 gifts for each kiddo, a good bit of groceries, and then I have a couple gifts for each of the adults in my gift bag.

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Jean, Have fun with your niece today at the Outback. It is so nice that you were able to get those wonderful cookies for your friend & help the culinary lab out at the same time. Can you eat your lunches there? Yes, it is too easy to just take life for granted. Your poem is a good reminder of how great life really is. I

Rosa, It was so nice of you to stop at the dialysis center. It must have been difficult to make the first move, but I am sure the nurses were very glad to see you again. 2 more years is something to be grateful too. My shopping is done, but the wrapping has not started yet. Maybe tomorrow. Your lunch with asparagus sounds yummy as does the rest of the menu. Your boss sounds really nice. Enjoy the Olive Garden & you bought some really nice gifts for your co-workers. I love Philosophy bath gel. I usually buy them at Marshall's as they are a very good deal without s/h. Your theater show on Saturday sounds like fun too.

DH is out for his morning walk. After being promised sunshine for 4 days in a row, it is still cloudy but mild. They say light snow next week Mon-Weds. so we will probably have a White Christmas after all.

I didn't sleep well last night (worse than normal). Too many things from yesterday to keep my brain rambling all night long. Today it is grocery shopping so I will be ready for our luncheon next Weds. Tonight DH & I are going out with friends.

I do need to remind myself that my mom is 94 & still in her own home. Since we are getting so close to Christmas, this thought just came to my mind. When my dad passed away 23 years ago at age 70, he donated his corneas. We don't know who got them, but that must have been the best Christmas that person ever had.

Hugs to all of you.

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Rock chick

I think for me the greatest gift that we can get is knowing that I planted seeds of Jesus in other's hearts. I know "the world" doesn't understand, and it's not that I don't care about my health, but the time we spend on earth is but a vapor and the condition of my heart, the kindness that I show others, my walk with my Creator are the most important things in this short lifetime.

also agree, I know that I will be with Lee in heaven and that does bring me much comfort. But while here I treasure my health.

Twinny I always enjo reading your posts, always kind and very positive.

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Good Morning! Thanks for getting us started Jean. Hope you have a wonderful lunch, and enjoy delivering your gifts. That gift to your friend sounds very thoughtful. Good health is so important. Like you, I have a previous (and smaller) version of the TSV, so I will not be purchasing this one.

I have had some "issues" with my small appliances lately -- first, my electric toothbrush wouldn't hold a charge, and it died for good a couple of days ago (would not charge). I had ordered a new one before our trip, so I was ready. Then, my pedometer stopped working. Fortunately enough, I had ordered an extra pedometer several months ago when I thought I had lost that one. But, then my Clarisonic broke -- it keeps running and running. In fact, it kept going on and off all night the night before last. I considered buying a new one, since I do really like it. But, then I found a much less expensive unit from Oil of Olay on sale at Amazon. One special sale, the unit plus two replacement brushes costs about the same price as one replacement brush for the Clarisonic. If I really don't like the less expensive unit, I can always go back to the Clarisonic when my bank account is a bit fuller.

I love asparagus Rosa, as does DH. Imagine they are pricey this time of the year, but with just two of us that might be a nice indulgence. Glad you went by the dialysis place -- I am sure it was difficult, but they sound like very good people. Enjoy your Christmas lunch next Tuesday and the Christmas play on Saturday.

It certainly sounds like that family will have a much better than expected Christmas thanks to you and your friends Kathleen. I'm sure that makes you feel great, and how fortunate that unexpected check came in the mail.

Waves to twinny (praying for you), Arlene, Susan, Marijane, LindaR, Karen, Gayle, and all of our posters and readers.

I plan to go to COSTCO today -- there are some needs, and I should purchase some more batteries, etc. Hope it isn't crazy busy, but I don't want to have to wait until January to go there.

It is a cool day here (in the 30's with high 50's expected), and so far cloudy as well. I got so cold yesterday evening that I put on an extra sweatshirt. Boy, am I becoming a weather wimp.

Tomorrow is the volunteer appreciation brunch at the senior lunch program site, and I'm taking DH with me. I think it should be fun.

Have a nice day everyone!



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Hello All,

This really is the time of year to reflect on the blessings and challenges. My husband has multiple health issues but I feel blessed that he still enjoys his hobbies and has a passion for them. I know things with his health could be better but they could also be much worse.

It is rainy today. I managed to walk the dog but the rain hit towards the end. She does not like getting wet so that concluded the walk.

I did a little baking this week. Tomorrow is a family dinner but the family involved are easy to get along with so there is no "dread" involved.

I can't believe it is already Friday! I hope everyone has a good weekend.

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I have to agree there have been some challenges this year. I still have not written our holiday letter, not sure yet what to write. Gayle I'm glad you have some fun family time planned!

Linda, when it rains it pours!! I had to buy a part for my car and our mechanic here at the school is going to put it on for me. Add to that a crown, and I have another appt for another crown, and still haven't sat down and paid my bills since getting paid. I have much to do!

Rosa, I also absolutely love asperagus. I tried the frozen but it was kind of awful.

I didn't mean to imply that I'm not grateful for my health. Was just writing 'off the top of my head', sometimes those thoughts are better kept in there! lol

Jean I always think of you when I see coconut shrimp! I know your friend will love the cookies.

I got my purple boots today - the box was sitting there when I left for work - and they were hard to squeeze into but stretched out a little already and I am tickled purple. I showed them off to everyone and wore them for an hour. And finally told DH, and told him he could wrap them if he likes. Smiley Very Happy

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LL, the stores here aren't busy yet & the traffic is good so far. I did get my groceries that I need for our luncheon next week. Sorry about your small appliances, but I'm glad that it isn't the large ones. Have fun at the sr. lunch tomorrow. We have been cloudy for a week, but the temps are still on the mild side.

RC, have fun with the purple boots. I am so happy with the 2 pairs of new boots that I bought recently. It certainly wasn't a need but I just wanted to treat myself kindly. That was so nice of you to buy that family a lot of nice things. Surely they will be happy.

Gayle, Yes we need to count our blessings especially when we are going through various struggles. Hoping your DH's issues are manageable for both of you. Have fun at your family dinner tomorrow.

I did get all of the groceries I need for our family Christmas luncheon next Weds. I am keeping it as simple as I can. I am putting a nice ham in the oven & making scalloped potatoes for my Nesco roaster. DD is doing some baking for me & my SIL is making some kind of a fruit salad. I did buy a shrimp/cocktail sauce combo for those that like seafood. Last year I bought one & forgot to take it out of the freezer. I will make up the cheese/sausage platter the evening before. Punch will round out the meal. There will be 7 kids (age 9-21) & 7 adults of all ages. I did buy throw away plates/cups & nice Christmas napkins. I don't want to do a lot of dishes. After lunch we will all play a variety of games. Our DGS's just learned how to play euchre. Early dinner before the guests leave will be leftovers from lunch. Our DD & her family along with DH & I will be opening gifts before they head for home.

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Hi girls!

It can't possibly be Friday - wasn't it Friday just yesterday? {#emotions_dlg.scared}

Well, I got a bunch of baking done last night, cupcakes were delivered today, and my rum cakes and some other gifts were shipped via FedEx, since I'm totally disgusted with the PO - a gift I sent my BFF last Thursday via Priority Mail didn't arrive until today! {#emotions_dlg.mad} I had wanted it to be waiting for her when she got home from her brother's funeral to cheer her up a bit, but they made sure that didn't happen. I wasn't about to take a chance with my baked goods, and as it turned out, FedEx was cheaper anyway. No wonder the PO is doing so poorly and people are taking their business elsewhere!

I'm also at the end of my rope with Angelica. As usual, as soon as I opened the car door all three dogs hopped in, ready to ride, and when we got home again I found that she had totally chewed up her brand new leash. She seems to think I'm made of money; this is the third one she's ruined. Well, she can forget about special treats for a while, and the next leash will be a heavy-duty chain. Then I came home to find the demon cats have a wall hanging knocked off kilter and hanging by one nail. {#emotions_dlg.mad} I need a vacation!

Twinny, seeing how crazy the stores were and how bad the traffic is, it's a good thing you got your shopping done. I have no intention of going into any stores until after the holidays; it's insane out there!

Hope you had a good lunch, Jean. I haven't been to the Outback in ages.

Well, I need a nap - have a blessed evening everyone!