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Greetings, shopping friends. I took a quick look at the TSV when I was up early. I awakened at 4am but couldn't go back to sleep, so I spent early morning hours looking at YouTube videos on rotator cuff surgery. I don''t know that surgery is definite but time will telll. I'm actually doing well as the affected shoulder and arm is not my dominant one. I still use it and there are few problems except at rare times. I think I have learned how to live with it. After all, we are going into 5 months of dealing with it.


I did make a purchase and it is in the mail. I went to Etsy to check out their masks, as the super cute one on FB are pricey. It has a place to put a filter plus it shapes to fit nose area.. I already have the disposable types, and an animal looking one, but I wanted another to fit my personality. I am woman, hear me roar!! This is not me but this is the latest mask:




The other animal mask is not as conservative. It features an open mouth with fangs. I didn't think I should wear it to the ortho appointment where they require cloth masks.


I hope you have a good day. If you shop, shop wisely.....and as always, be safe!!

**************** "A black cat crossing your path just means that it is going from one place to another." Proud owner of a black cat and a shopper of QVC since the merger with CVN.
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Good Morning/Afternoon and thanks for getting us started, Jean.  Hope your surgery goes well if you have it, and you enjoy your mask.  I prefer pedal pushers to other short pants (like crop or capris) since they go past my knees (I like to cover them), but don't come to the awkward part of my leg like crops or capris.  And, I like IM ankle pants, so the TSV is tempting.  But, not tempting enough at the TSV price (plus S&H).  For some reason, I always feel like shorter pants should be less expensive than longer pants.


It was a little cloudy yesterday, so it "only" made it up to 100 degrees and today's high is predicted to be 96 degrees.  Not exactly a cool spell, but it was nice on my walk this morning.


My audiologist appointment went extremely well.  I went to the office door, and someone came out and took my temperature, asked some questions, and gave me some hand sanitizer.  I was allowed to go into the waiting area that had a few chairs set wide apart.  There was only one other person waiting, and the audiologist called me quickly.  He was wearing a mask and gloves the whole time, but I think he is pretty young and bearded. 


He recommended a hearing aid that does not use batteries (you put them in a charger overnight), and does not require a dongle (works with an Android phone).  They are more expensive than the old ones, but not bad.  I could have gone for a couple of more expensive versions with more features, but decided against paying extra. 


The problem is that my older cell phone is not compatible with any of the hearing aids.  So, I needed to order a new/used phone, which was not inexpensive.  I guess it was relatively inexpensive since it is an older model and reconditioned, but more than I have paid for a phone in the past.  I know I could have purchased a phone by adding to my cell phone bill each month, but I prefer to just pay for the phone.


I go back next Wednesday to get the hearing aids, and the phone should come on Thursday or Friday.  The audiologist said I can bring the phone in when it comes, and he will help me get connected.  One of my grandsons will help me with getting the new phone set up.  He used to work at Best Buy and is very knowledgeable about cell phones.


Like Fressa, I love your stories about your sister, Bernie.  I always wanted a sister, but no such luck.  And, my brother passed away nearly nine years ago.  I know you treasure your sister, and I think it is lovely.


Waves to all of our posters and readers.  Hope everyone has a nice day and stays safe.







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Hi Everyone!


It's cool and cloudy today. They say no rain but I'm seeing quite a few storm clouds over our area. It looks like we're going to have the off/on rain for the next two weeks. The temps seem to be all over the place but mainly in the 50's but cool at night. The pollen counts are already too high for me and the dogs but that's the season. So far, the plants are surviving in the garage but I know they need to get into the ground soon.


Today I'm cleaning bathrooms and pushing the Dyson on the upper level. I sure can have a good time around here. LOL I was so tempted to do an errand or two today but since I wa sout yesterday I thought I better not push my luck.


I received an email this morning from QVC that the TSV bench I ordered is now on "order delay". WHAT!!! The same thing happened with the hand sanitizer two months ago. I'm just hoping that it is a NEW bench and not a return whenever it does show up. I find it frustrating that QVC can't seem to count their inventory. That's my rant for today.


I did receive another email from our health insurance that the doctor offices are going to staff a few more doctors after June and to start re-scheduling your appointments. There was no info about the labs. I'll have to call because I need the lab work done before the dr. appt. to get the most information from the appt. It's encouraging and that's good.


This afternoon our Governor was having his news conference about the restrictions and revisions. He's a slow mover but at least we are having a few more "opens". Like quite a few others, he's closed the schools for the rest of this term. I feel bad for all those parents and kids. I think kids need some schedule and consistency in their day. At least, that was what worked best with my son and grandson. 


Stay safe & comfy. Have a good afternoon/evening.

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Registered: ‎07-03-2012


[ Edited ]

Jean, cute animal print masks.  I don't even know what the TSV is for today.  Good luck with your surgery if you have to go that route.


Linda L, it sounds like you made a good choice with your hearing aid purchase, even though you had to buy a different phone.


Fressa, it sounds like you will get your plants in the ground sooner or later.  I look forward to buying my 6 🍅🍅🍅 plants, but not for a few weeks yet.  I


Bird Mama, when we were in OK & NM last September, it was in the mid 90s every day.  Dry heat and it cooked my goose. Flippen hot is right.   Not to mention how dry my normally oily skin is.  


It was a nice sunny upper 60's day again, so I took my walk.  Just perfect for me. It's supposed to be in the mid 70's tomorrow and Sunday which is above normal right now.  I am praying that it's not going to be a hot summer.  


We have an Ethanol plant in our hometown & they have been very busy making liquid hand sanitizer for all medical personnel and facilities etc.  They were able to get a 5 gallon container. Now they have been busy making bottled sanitizer for the general public.  We were able to go there this morning and get a bottle of it the size of an alcohol bottle.  This stuff will be treasured. They had 2 large boxes put out & I 'm glad that it was one bottle per family.


From there, we went to BK drive thru for a sausage egg muffin/croissant.  


I was able to hang two loads of laundry outside this morning.  Exciting I know.


Hugs to all of you.



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Posts: 6,800
Registered: ‎03-10-2010


Linda--I adjust my hearing aids via the app on my phone. Looking back, I wish I had bought the rechargeable ones but I was looking at saving money. I do hope your new ones work out well for you. I have never liked the pedal pusher length but like you, I often wonder about the pricing. I used to have to buy a plus size at JCP. The same item in the regular misses would often be $3 to $5 less, when the sizing was about an inch different. I have also seen the price on shorts compared to crops, etc. being not much different, dependin upon the line.


Fressa--You are like me in that you are in a cleaning mood. Someone said to me, "But didn't you clean the bathroom yesterday?" I just replied, "It gives me something to do, and it is just a light tune up."  I am sorry that the TSV bench is on delay. Sometimes, it is "available' but not in the usual distribution center, so it has to be delayed until sent from another center or either moved to "immediate fill" center.  I don't know how the kids have been handling instruction, but ours are still on electronic teaching until the end of the year. The teachers chat with the students, go over lesson points, and assign work...and then answer any questions the students might have who email them afterwardss.


Twinny--Your temps were higher than ours. I do  hope the weather is bettere this weekend as I'm tired of the rain and gloom. I'm glad that you were able to get hand sanitizer. We have an alcohol beverage company in our state which is making hand sanitizer also. It is a good way to meet the public's needs and also is a good public relations tool as people will remember the name and hopefully buy future products from them.

**************** "A black cat crossing your path just means that it is going from one place to another." Proud owner of a black cat and a shopper of QVC since the merger with CVN.