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Olivia Palermo At Paris Fashion Week

She's basically "famous" for being stylish. What do you think of her look here? That's a pleated skirt. Almost looks like pants from that angle.



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Re: Olivia Palermo At Paris Fashion Week



She always looks stylishly great to me!

She pulls this look off too, IMO.

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Re: Olivia Palermo At Paris Fashion Week

I don't know much about fashion but I think that's just too busy.  There's too much going on.

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Re: Olivia Palermo At Paris Fashion Week

She looks nice but I don’t know who she is.

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Re: Olivia Palermo At Paris Fashion Week


All right but I'm not wild about those shoes.

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Re: Olivia Palermo At Paris Fashion Week

Even without those awful shoes not a good look and seems like it would be so uncomfortable!

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Re: Olivia Palermo At Paris Fashion Week

on her, it looks great.  even the shoes.  on someone else, i'm not so sure it would look so good.

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Re: Olivia Palermo At Paris Fashion Week

She can pull the look off because she's tall and thin, but I don't think the outfit flatters her,

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Re: Olivia Palermo At Paris Fashion Week

I have no idea who she is, but I think she is wearing too many clothes.  I don't like the shoes, and my first thought when seeing all the black is "nun."  I realize that many nuns today do not wear a black habit, just my first thought.

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Re: Olivia Palermo At Paris Fashion Week

[ Edited ]



I agree. The only person I think who can consistently pull off wearing way too much at once without it looking like a costume is Blake Lively.  It's her body and attitude. Playful, not serious.