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Re: Lisa R.'s NEW Career… Yay or Nay?

I don't think Lisa  R has to worry about income.  She was on QVC for many years making a sizable income.  She is intelligent and probably managed and invested her money well.  She seems to be doing what she wants to do now and is having fun doing it.  More power to her.

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Re: Lisa R.'s NEW Career… Yay or Nay?

@dooBdoo wrote:

@MomCat wrote:

@Bird mama wrote:

Yay or Nay?


I don't fully understand her new career so I can't say one way or the other.

Same here.  I open an occasional post here about her, but I never think about her otherwise.  I liked her just fine on QVC, but I don't get the following part.  What is there to follow? 



        I've never posted much about Lisa.  I had no problem with her style of presentation, and she wasn't a favorite of mine either.   I do read some of the threads, and when I see comments here now and then I look at her Facebook page and the older blog she had.   I don't really understand this as the "career," either since nearly all the posts on her new site are just copies of old posts from her Facebook page and the other blog she was using.   But as many have noted, she said this was the "first step" so maybe there's more?   I really don't understand the avid following, and I realize I don't have to understand it -- but it's certainly fascinating.   I wish all the former hosts well.Smiley


Hi dooBdoo.  Lisa actually was one of my favs!  I certainly wasn't impressed with her sense of style--very rarely, but I thought she was an excellent host.  She was gifted as a natural in front of the QVC camera.  I think the Q probably did lose a lot of sales after she left as so many tuned in just to see her.


She's still obvously very popular.  She had a bit of "magic" in so many people's eyes!


I truly wish her well and I hope she's happy.  I often wonder if she regrets leaving.  Maye she could have gone down to part time if she wanted to branch out into other endeavors.

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Re: Lisa R.'s NEW Career… Yay or Nay?

@Lilybean678 wrote:
I just wonder what she does for money? She flies to Europe and the west coast, spends time in NYC, has at least one person working for her, lives in a nice home, etc. But what does she do for income? I don't think blogging pays all THAT well. I just don't get it. I follow her on Instagram, so I just see pics. So maybe I'm missing something.

I think blogging is just for fun at this point.  She retired last year so I am sure she has plenty of money to do the things she wants.


I do think she had other plans that may not have worked out but I really doubt she actually needs a real income.  She can probably lives well off her investments.  I remember her talking about how she invested her money for years.

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Re: Lisa R.'s NEW Career… Yay or Nay?

I totally agree that his was not Plan A.   Actually, it re confirms in my mind that she left as a Result of things not going her way. Something had to be going on behind the scenes that didn't sit well.    One doesn't  walk away from the kind of money she was earning to end up with a blog, no fabulous new job nor word of a fashion line etc after over a year.  I don't love or hate and I never considered her a fashion or beauty expert.  That was a title marketed by Q.

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Re: Lisa R.'s NEW Career… Yay or Nay?

@Lilybean678 wrote:
I just wonder what she does for money? She flies to Europe and the west coast, spends time in NYC, has at least one person working for her, lives in a nice home, etc. But what does she do for income? I don't think blogging pays all THAT well. I just don't get it. I follow her on Instagram, so I just see pics. So maybe I'm missing something.

I know at one time, Lisa stated on TV that she was in debt but Suzie O helped her.  I am sure she was well paid and well invested after that.  Maybe she got a sizable parting package from QVC?  She doesn't take the exotic trips any longer, drives to NYC, visits family and contacts in LA....quite different than when she was working.


A successful blogger writes about relevant issues or unique, original recipes etc.  I imagine her fans are loyal and adoring so maybe she gets what she needs from them.  But, the clothing she shows/wears  or fashion shows she attends do not represent clothing worn by "regular" people.  She wears very high end products and her vendors for the give aways are those contacts she made through QVC.  I don't see anything new or interesting.  So if her fans enjoy her blog, live and let live....if it makes them happy, what's the harm...I am not a fan of LR nor do I dislike her.  But, for a nice FB read, try Lisa Mason's truly inspirational. 

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Re: Lisa R.'s NEW Career… Yay or Nay?

I have to agree. I don't get it. I know she is self absorbed but what I really don't get is the whole stalker thing. If she is being stalked or so afraid she will be... Why is she posting pictures from home? Pictures from where she is traveling. She shows herself going back and forth to new York, having lunch with friends. Does she not understand a true stalker can find her using all these posts? 

  I dont think this is what she6had in mind either but, I wish her well in all endeavors.

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Re: Lisa R.'s NEW Career… Yay or Nay?

[ Edited ]

Color me crazy but what if she got a huge settlement from an employer, a vendor, for something we do not know of.  Even if there was a human resources disageement, a good lawyer could have gotten her a nice little termination package.  But then what if it was something even bigger.  Intersanctum stuff.  Only the Shadow knows.

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Re: Lisa R.'s NEW Career… Yay or Nay?

@Andreatoo wrote:

What's more 'baffling' than Lisa's new career is how much time you people expend bashing someone you purport not to care about....


Explain to me what is fulfilling (to your day to day existance) about this thread?

NAMEALREADYTAKEN:  No more than you spent bashing Marla Wynne.

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Re: Lisa R.'s NEW Career… Yay or Nay?

The blog appears very amateur like. 

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Re: Lisa R.'s NEW Career… Yay or Nay?

[ Edited ]

I'm sure she had a specific non compete for at least a year which is why you haven't seen much of her plus she sold goods on live tv in a high pressure situation for years - I'm in sales and I know she needed that break.  Lisa is very smart with a lot of great connections and I'm sure her Vlog is just her easing into something new or maybe just for fun!    I don't understand all the negative posts but women should really support other women..  As a gender we tend to tear each other down and it does none of us any favors!!!


update- I checked out her new FB as well as her website - that's simply her "brand" page - she has a huge following and it's very smart of her to create a way to stay connected while figuring out her next adventure!!  it looks like she's staying very well connected with her fashion contacts from the recent posts on FB!