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I love what Isaac just said to Courtney

On PM Style just now, Isaac was talking to Courtney about the TSV pants and he pointed to her jeans and said "obviously we need to get you a pair of them, just sayin'". She looked kinda embarrassed and said 'love you' and changed the subject to an upcoming shirt. I think Isaac was calling her out for not wearing the TSV. Just my opinion, but I think every host should be wearing it, to help sell it especially on a STYLE show. Obviously QVC doesn't care or she'd be wearing them. But it just seems weird since other hosts today are wearing them and I found it funny that Isaac said that on air.
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Re: I love what Isaac just said to Courtney

I love how Courtney responded more! She is too young and hip for his stuff (which I happen to love but am not young or hip).

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Re: I love what Isaac just said to Courtney

It really never ever bothers me if the host is not wearing what the TSV is ...

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Re: I love what Isaac just said to Courtney

My personal opinion is, the host should wear what they tsv is. If qvc was smart they would enforce it. It would definitely drive sales for the tsv. Back in the 80's, 90's I worked at The Limited and we were made to wear what was current. What was being sold in the store at the present time and it really increased sales.
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Re: I love what Isaac just said to Courtney

Good for Isaac.

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Re: I love what Isaac just said to Courtney

Which part of part of which item was on? I would love to watch it!!

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Re: I love what Isaac just said to Courtney

OP, it's true. Courtney looked out of place since all the models were wearing the TSV pants. It does make you think the hosts (Courtney and Sandra) don't like the pants if they aren't wearing them. Sandra looks great in them.

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Re: I love what Isaac just said to Courtney

Isaac can get a little pucker-y if the hosts aren't totally focused on him and his stuff, drooling all over it and him. Don't get me wrong, I like him and I like his fashions .... I even enjoy his shows but once in awhile he'll shoot a soft zinger.... lol

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Re: I love what Isaac just said to Courtney

I imagine Courtney wore what she was told to wear.
New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: I love what Isaac just said to Courtney

Not a wise move, Court. I would not want to deal with a slighted or miffed Isaac in the long run.

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