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I HATE The New Video Embed...Dumb

If I go to take a look at the item, I do NOT want a video imbedded when I am reading the description. I want the video at the top of the page where I get a full screen look. What young bright mind came up with this bad idea? Someone should set that person straight and restore our ability to see the videos the way we LIKE TO. I have not looked a lot online lately so don't know when this awful idea started but it ruins my ability to actually see the clothing item so today I have just clicked off of them. I don't need it and if the Q makes it more cumbersome to take a look at an item...I'm gone.

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Re: I HATE The New Video Embed...Dumb

I was a bit put off by it as well.

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Re: I HATE The New Video Embed...Dumb

I'm puzzled. Can someone post a link to an example?

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Re: I HATE The New Video Embed...Dumb

I usually watch the online videos when I want more info on an item now, I don't watch QVC (tv) live anymore. So when I can't see a video I want to see, that's annoying. I haven't decided how I feel yet, about this new feature! I do think it's more "work" to watch the video, when you have to scroll all the way down, but I think the video quality seems better.

Sometimes they go crazy with "improvements" when they should be focused on more important things about the website (how to handle increased traffic, for one) and their customer service.

I think moving the video was unneccesary and I don't know that has really improved navigation, has it? Do we really need an extra step in trying to watch a video? I DO know that QVC's website is probably one of the sites that I visit that has the most glitches and is the least user-friendly. Oddly, I think that QVC rarely thinks of the customer's experience, when making these "improvements".

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Re: I HATE The New Video Embed...Dumb

First thing they need to improve is how long it takes to process your order. 3 days seem a little much. Need to hire more help in that dept.

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Re: I HATE The New Video Embed...Dumb

I'm sorry but I don't understand what you're saying. It all looks the same to me. I don't have the video portion interfering with the description of the product in any way. And when I start the video, I can still click on the lower right arrows to make the video full screen. Sorry, maybe I'm being dense, or could it depend on what browser is being used? I'm on Firefox.

"Breathe in, breathe out, move on." Jimmy Buffett
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Re: I HATE The New Video Embed...Dumb

i am not sure what the problem is either? the video is below the item photo/basic information and i can click on it if i want to watch the video OR just ignore it. it doesnt interfere with the description below or any of the other information. it is a big step up actually because before there were often times when you could not even get the videos to play.

"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing." - Albert Einstein
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Re: I HATE The New Video Embed...Dumb

At first I was puzzled too. . . for me, it depends on my browser. With Firefox, it's like the op described - the video is at the bottom and I have to scroll. In Explorer, the video is accessed through a tab at the top. I don't think it interferes with the description through. Either way, you have a written description and a video to use however you want.

“The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown.” H.P. Lovecraft
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Re: I HATE The New Video Embed...Dumb

Doesn't bother me. At least the photo is the default (I hated it when video was the default, which they did, on and off, all the time a few years ago). I can scroll down to the video, or beyond it, no biggie to me. QVC do seem to like messing with the site, changing things that weren't broken, rather than fixing things that are.

For example, at least 50% of the time when I type in the site search box, it brings up forum posts rather than inventory (when there is a separate box for forum searches). Broken. Buggy. Should not happen.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: I HATE The New Video Embed...Dumb

The only thing I'm not crazy about is we can no longer see the price or specifications for the outfit. I know the price changes, but it helps to know. It also helps me to know which colors sold out when the item was originally presented. I've had so many returns. I know if I order an item that did not sell out my chances are better of getting a new one! Wink