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Re: Helen Mirren In L'Oreal Paris Fashion Show

This is one of those if you have nothing good to say......say nothing moments.

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Re: Helen Mirren In L'Oreal Paris Fashion Show

runway or not, high fashion or not, new style makeup or not, runway or not........this is probably one of her worst looks EVER.

"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing." - Albert Einstein
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Re: Helen Mirren In L'Oreal Paris Fashion Show

@chrystaltree wrote:

This is one of those if you have nothing good to say......say nothing moments.

@chrystaltree I could agree you if it weren't a public and much photographed event obviously for buzz more than admiration.  

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Re: Helen Mirren In L'Oreal Paris Fashion Show

Why is it reverse cat eye?  It looks like regular cat eye to me.

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Re: Helen Mirren In L'Oreal Paris Fashion Show

I like the edgy make up and hair for the runway.

I hate the shoes and think the look would be so much better with a sling back stiletto or even a pair of Dr. Martins.

Those shoes are a no for me. Runway or not.

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Re: Helen Mirren In L'Oreal Paris Fashion Show

Helen is a beautiful woman.  A timeless beauty and someone we older women can look up to.  That said, that eye makeup does not flatter her one bit.  I didn’t even recognize her.


The poster with the “mutton trying to look like a lamb” comment brought me back in time.  My mother was a kind woman, but a few times I heard that from her.  Oh, and “Oh, the poor dear must have put on her rouge in a closet.”  That was something I heard her say a few times.  She did have a sense of humor, and I still miss her so.



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Re: Helen Mirren In L'Oreal Paris Fashion Show

The irony of L'Oreal sponsoring this show is that the theatrical stage makeup looks awful on Helen. She has a lot of sun damage that shows here and it's quite a contrast to the heavily edited L'Oreal makeup advertisements that Helen is a part of.

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Re: Helen Mirren In L'Oreal Paris Fashion Show



It doesn't even look like Helen Mirren to me...She looks much older and harsher...She does wear that outfit well as she does with all her fashion...I bet she had a blast...just enjoying life and having fun along the way!

~~Formerly known as "WildFlowers"~~