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My phone does not identify texters (unsure about callers yet). Anyone have any helpful hints? Thank you :-)
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Do you have your contacts set up?

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You have to identify them first by putting them in your contacts. Then they will be identified by name.

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I know what you mean. My sisters have been in my contacts list for years now but every once in a while I'll get a text from their phone name listed. Once I touch it to reply it'll show their name but it shows on the screen as just the number.

I know it's just a quirk and never gave it much thought. I'll check back to see what others might have to say.

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Here's an idea... start by telling us what Iphone you have and what version of IOS you use. After you type tt, copy and paste it into GOOGLE adding contacts not appearing. Problem solved.

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I have had the 4s for a year. Everything had been set up in my contacts since then.

This week I installed update 8.2 and ever since...

While I was out this morning, I received texts and things seem back to normal. I had another issue this week, where the phone would not turn off. Looked at a few communities and found a way to turn it off and restart, so far, so good.

Thank you for your replies. I may need you again soon because... I am waiting for the next shoe to drop.

I think that update was evil.

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On 3/20/2015 just4me said:

I have had the 4s for a year. Everything had been set up in my contacts since then.

This week I installed update 8.2 and ever since...

While I was out this morning, I received texts and things seem back to normal. I had another issue this week, where the phone would not turn off. Looked at a few communities and found a way to turn it off and restart, so far, so good.

Thank you for your replies. I may need you again soon because... I am waiting for the next shoe to drop.

I think that update was evil.

No evil update likely, in this case.{#emotions_dlg.scared}{#emotions_dlg.laugh}

I did a quick search and found several discussions, some specific to the 4S, and some go several years back so it's a random occurrence and spans a number of iOS versions.

Lots of suggested fixes. Here's just one search for a basic "iphone texts contact names" lookup:

Few things reveal your intellect and your generosity of spirit—the parallel powers of your heart and mind—better than how you give feedback.~Maria Popova
Super Contributor
Posts: 347
Registered: ‎03-23-2010

Thx dooBdoo... this technology... you can't live without it these days!