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My iPhone 6 finally "bit the dust" and stopped chargiing.  I think the port became loose or worn out from all of the connecting and unconnecting the charging cord.  So, I decided since I hang onto phones for years, I'd get the iPhone 13.  So far I like it and I'm getting use to the swiping up instead of a start button.  One thing I don't like and can't find how to change it is the camera shutter click or the absence of it.  I use my phone as my primary camera and really miss the sound which let's me know the photo has been taken.  Does anyone know how to restore the sound or is it gone forever? 

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@gadgetgal613   Glad you like your new iPhone.....I have been an avid Apple user in the past....not crazy about the "swiping".  Time for me to replace my iphone 6 plus, but I've been holding out due to the this feature.  My husband has a newer iphone and I don't like using his "swiping" phone.  It seems to be working out for you,  great! and I'm sure someone will be able to respond to the sound issue...good luck!

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@gadgetgal613, I don't have the answer to your question about the camera but I would suggest to call AppleCare or download a manual from iBooks. When I first got my phone with no home button, I didn't think that I would like it either. But, once I got used to it, I loved it. When I would use my iPad with the home button, it was kind of cumbersome. Hopefully, you'll get use to it soon. 

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@gadgetgal613 I'm going for a new iPhone (12, or 13) this week. I, too, was hesitant because of the swiping issue, but everyone I know was, too, when making the change. After a short time, though, they loved it. 


Change is hard. I still love my geriatric iPhone, but it's 3G and they will be cutting me off Jan.,1. But I'm going to make myself have fun with the newest version, one way, or another.


If I was you, I'd just call Apple Tech support re: your question about the camera shutter click. They can give you some quick advice on the phone. 

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Lint from your pocket could be in the sound holes in the bottom of your iphone where you plug it in , take a clean unused toothbrush or clean brush and wipe it out and see if that helps. 

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Registered: ‎11-08-2020

@gadgetgal613  look here for info...found by googling issue in case link gets proofed.  LM