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Re: HELP!!! Problem with MS Word

Glad you resolved it - however troubles with word are unrelated to your internet access to QVC etc. Cannot imagine how you got the computer without media - suggest a couple of good tutorials should get you going. Good luck!!

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Re: HELP!!! Problem with MS Word

It isn't resolved. I opened a MS Word file on MY computer to verify that what I had typed was correct. Docsgirl still has a problem.

Hopefully she will come back to this site and finish the process.

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Re: HELP!!! Problem with MS Word

Docs girl, this is very simple to fix in the short term. Go online and find LibreOffice. Only get it from their site, nowhere else please. Install that program. It is a Microsoft Office replacement, and a very good one. It is what I had to use when my mom had to get a new computer and all her docs were in a very old Microsoft Works format. Despite her having a brand new Office package on her new computer, the new Office could not open its own older doc versions. Although I am highly computer literate and a Microsoft user and general supporter, I do not have time for nonsense, so I promptly installed LibreOffice on my laptop to up-convert and open her vital tax spreadsheets. It was done in seconds with no loss of data. And, I am now going to keep LibreOffice for myself, because it looks and performs almost exactly like Office......for free! Woot!
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Re: HELP!!! Problem with MS Word

Thank you all for your suggestions. I fell asleep but I'll try again after I get home from work this afternoon. Have a wonderful day. Thanks again. docsgirl

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Re: HELP!!! Problem with MS Word

On 3/4/2015 docsgirl said:


If it was a trial version, would it last for over 3 years, which is the life of my computer so far. I always thought trial versions were good for 30, 60, or 90 days. I'm beyond upset and embarrassed by my stupidity. Thanks so much. docsgirl

A trial version would have expired long ago. Somewhere in the original documents is the product key or on the bottom of the laptop near the Windows key. Another option is to install Open Office. It's a free full Office Suite you can find at
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Re: HELP!!! Problem with MS Word

On 3/4/2015 docsgirl said:


Thank you. I tried what you said and I was not able to open anything. I was able to open WordPad but it only gave me a blank page on which to type but I did not get any of the documents I moved to the Desktop. When I try to repair it, I get a message telling me I need to either provide the code to activate it or purchase it. If it was a trial version, would it last for over 3 years, which is the life of my computer so far. I always thought trial versions were good for 30, 60, or 90 days. I'm beyond upset and embarrassed by my stupidity. Thanks so much. docsgirl

I don't know where you got that idea but, the answer is no. Some of the computers QVC sells have a full version of Office or Word included. You posted this was an open box item so I assume it was not purchased from QVC.

If you did purchase Word or Office, it's either the download version or a CD/DVD. You get a product code number that is required to activate the program. The product code number is NOT located on the bottom of side of your computer. The number found on the computer is the product key number for Windows.

If you can't repair the version of Word installed on your computer through the control panel, the recovery panel, or using the disk/download, you will need to purchase a new copy. As posted, you can always download either Libre or Open Office which are free.

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Re: HELP!!! Problem with MS Word

Before you go paying MS for more software, I hope you can look into the free versions of office software available. One if them is called Open Office (I'm pulling that from my memory, not sure it it's one word or two) and there is another. One is more complicated than the other. I am vague about this because my kids have mentioned them to me over the years. Young people in the know do not buy that brand-name office software. What motivated the switch is the time limit on the use of that software. You have to keep paying to use it. Not fair!

I still have "permanent license" of my office software, but this laptop is literally hanging together by a couple of wires. I have to duct-tape the monitor part, lol. After that, new laptop, free office software for me. The free ones look a lot like the brand name, and can handle the file types as well.

BTW, these kids are professionals in their fields. They choose the free office software! - Bird

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Re: HELP!!! Problem with MS Word

FYI, I use Open Office. It read all my MS Office doc and spreadsheet files without any difficulty. I' very satisfied with OO.
Esteemed Contributor
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Registered: ‎11-15-2011

Re: HELP!!! Problem with MS Word

All of your suggestions are allright. Why go online and download another program when WordPad is already on your computer.

All you have to do is OPEN WordPad! It is a smaller version of MS Word and will open MS Word documents.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: HELP!!! Problem with MS Word

On 3/5/2015 Zhills said:

All of your suggestions are allright. Why go online and download another program when WordPad is already on your computer.

All you have to do is OPEN WordPad! It is a smaller version of MS Word and will open MS Word documents.

That might be OK if you never share your documents. If you ever switch to Apple, you won't be able to open them. Word Pad is not a replacement for Word. Libre Office or Open Office are.