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Registered: ‎11-30-2015

During this last dooney program airing at 7pm ET host Albany mentioned losing the licensing. Guest host Ashley seemed surprised, WHAT HAPPENED?! 

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Didn't hear what was said because when i see that albany is hosting, i just can't listen to her......she's too way over the top......too hyper for me......

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I watched the video and Albany was referring to the "Happy Birthday" song losing their licensing. It used to be that if anyone sang "Happy Birthday" they could be charged a licensing fee by the creators of the song. The creator recently lost the license and now anyone can sing Happy Birthday!  She was not referring to Dooney....thank goodness!!

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Posts: 2
Registered: ‎11-30-2015

Thanks for clarifying, recording & rewinding comes in handy for times like this. I was unsure exactly what she said and meant by that. Keep those Dooneys coming!!!