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Re: When did the price adjustment policy change?

This definitely changes my purchases here.  I hope HSN doesn't start doing this "new" rule.

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Registered: ‎04-28-2010

Re: When did the price adjustment policy change?

Well reality IS going to kick in sooner than later.  The old timers (me and many of us - 50+ gals). Are the ones that spend money here.  I don't know anyone that I know that shops at QVC, that THEIR kids or grandkids who shop here. They definitely do NOT shop here.  

Posts: 74
Registered: ‎07-14-2010

Re: When did the price adjustment policy change?

I guess that I don't see the big deal here with their change in policy. If they used to give price adjustments on items that later went to a clearance price, perhaps QVC was overly generous and had to change their policy on this. I know that Kohl's DOES NOT give price adjustment refunds for items that have moved to clearance either. Only if the item is at a lower "sale" price.
Posts: 74
Registered: ‎07-14-2010

Re: When did the price adjustment policy change?

P.S.: I am an old timer (65+) as well! : )
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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: When did the price adjustment policy change?

[ Edited ]

@CatsOnMyLap wrote:
I guess that I don't see the big deal here with their change in policy. If they used to give price adjustments on items that later went to a clearance price, perhaps QVC was overly generous and had to change their policy on this. I know that Kohl's DOES NOT give price adjustment refunds for items that have moved to clearance either. Only if the item is at a lower "sale" price.

@CatsOnMyLap - True.  But once Kohl's moves an item to clearance, they don't raise the price again!  It just keeps getting lowered until the item sells or they dispose of it.


(And, if you bought the item within the six-month return period, you could always purchase it at the lower price and return the higher-priced item.  Their return policy is much more generous than QVC's.)


QVC is the only retailer I know that raises the prices on clearance items.  If something doesn't sell at a particular clearance price, do they really think someone will buy it at a higher price?  Whoever is in charge of pricing needs a reality check, IMHO.

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Registered: ‎06-02-2023

Re: When did the price adjustment policy change?

[ Edited ]

Why do we have to play these games? Why can't this all be more straightforward on the part of QVC? As Gary Goben and Jayne Brown say, "Ain't nobody got time for that."


If QVC is no longer going to give price adjustments then just say so! I don't give a rat's patootie about all these "terms" they attach to the current price of an item....clearance, one day only, last clicks, final sale, clearance sale. It's irrelevant what they call it...if the price has gone down, it's gone down. If QVC indeed wants to tout they have a thirty day price guarantee, then honor it and don't confuse and alienate customers with these semantics games. If I purchase something and the exact same item number has a lower cost within thirty days, an adjustment should be given no matter what term has been slapped on the item price by QVC. 


If they wanted to try and make a change I would have been more open to them shortening the window of time you could get an adjustment. Instead of thirty days, go to ten days or something like that. Something more straightforward and less confusing then this mess. At this point is anyone clear on exactly when you can get a price adjustment? What terms and stars in the sky have to align to qualify? 🙄 And I know for a fact that the customer service reps aren't understanding how this all works either. Great...just great. 


Ain't nobody, myself included, got time for this mess.  





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Re: When did the price adjustment policy change?

How come I can’t find this topic under the title? Sending this post to see if it pops up for me. 😜
Respected Contributor
Posts: 2,578
Registered: ‎02-01-2015

Re: When did the price adjustment policy change?

[ Edited ]


who in the heck came up with this idea?



probably the same person who came up with get rid of knowledgeable hosts and hire don't know stuff yet folks.



and to make matters worse, this person probably makes 6 figures +



Q sometimes you are your worst enemy

~~who/what is responsible for your joy? YOU!~~
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Re: When did the price adjustment policy change?

@PansyBoo   Agree 100%!  Why all the different terms--

clearance, one day only, last clicks, final sale, clearance sale, as is, etc etc..   It's on sale or it isn't.  And be clear about how a price adjustment, if there is one, is applied.  Obviously even the customer service people and the "social team" don't know.  QVC is going downhill fast.

Honored Contributor
Posts: 29,409
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: When did the price adjustment policy change?

So, now they can call any reduction in a price a clearance item if they want and that will keep them from having to give a 30 day price adjustment, sure hope HSN doesnt follow same pattern.