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Registered: ‎08-08-2013


To add to the shipping mess- they use mail innovations which does not serve the customer well!  Let customer choose which method of shipping WE want since we are paying for it!

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You think its a mess now?  If everyond chose a different method of shipment it would really be a fiasco.


I don't order much but what I have ordered I have gotten in a timely manner.  I also do not order anything i need in a hurry. 

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Registered: ‎06-21-2011

@floridagal46 wrote:


To add to the shipping mess- they use mail innovations which does not serve the customer well!  Let customer choose which method of shipping WE want since we are paying for it!

You CAN use your own shipping method.  It's on the check out page where the shipping info is.  There's a SMALL red arrow that says edit near the shipping.  Click that and you get a drop down menu of shipping methods.  The first one is the 3.50 one.  That's mail innovations.  I use the second one.  That's UPS ALL THE WAY and in two days I get it.  Yes, you will have to pay more but I don't want to baby sit my orders for weeks.  I guess the ol' saying get what you pay for.

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@77yangya   Thanks for posting this information.  I've been shopping with QVC for over 20 for the majority of those years.  I've never noticed that.


Right now, my TSV diamond band has been sitting at my local Post Office for days, and they haven't even "accepted it" into their system.


"I've been here since October 2006. Wow!"
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Registered: ‎06-21-2011

That's a shame, seriously.  A diamond band?  Wow, I'd be upset.  I see the post office is not even dealing with the package.  Probably because it has low priority.  Most don't want to pay more for shipping but I think it's worth it.  This kind of thing is unacceptable to me.  I learned about the shipping thing from another poster.  So glad I did.


I'm sorry for your problem.  This never used to happen but a lot of quality with the Q has gone way down.  I've been buying for years and now I always bump up my shipping.


Hope you get your stuff soon.  If not, I would call customer service and ask about a replacement or some kind of "fix".  Let us know. Smiley Happy