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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

This is a question for anyone:  does anyone know how to search for Limited Quantity Items on the website?


So many times recently, I've stumbled across LQ items by accident.  Things that I really wanted, but didn't know had been reduced or were even still available.


I've tried every combination of words to search for them, with no success.  Is there some "secret" way to bring these items up?


It seems to me that there must be others who would be happy to buy these items, IF they knew they even existed.  Surely QVC doesn't want these things just sitting in the warehouse?  They don't come up under normal clearance, lunchtime specials or any other category listed.

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Registered: ‎09-15-2016

Search: Last Clicks & Blowout Clearance. Good Luck.

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Posts: 10,430
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

@kitcat51 - Thanks, but neither of those categories brings up Limited Quantity items.


Here's an example:  A367128.  It's a QF top that I wanted for a long time and luckily I had put it in my wish list way back.  Suddenly the price dropped, but it didn't show up in any of the other clearance sections.


If it hadn't been in my wish list, I'd never have known they even still had it in stock.  I've found a few other things that way, too, lately.  But no search I've come up with results in a list of available LQ things.

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Posts: 4,620
Registered: ‎09-15-2016

@Venezia wrote:

@kitcat51 - Thanks, but neither of those categories brings up Limited Quantity items.


Here's an example:  A367128.  It's a QF top that I wanted for a long time and luckily I had put it in my wish list way back.  Suddenly the price dropped, but it didn't show up in any of the other clearance sections.


If it hadn't been in my wish list, I'd never have known they even still had it in stock.  I've found a few other things that way, too, lately.  But no search I've come up with results in a list of available LQ things.

Last Clicks has Limited Quantity items, I search it often & sometimes I find what I'm looking for but sorry neither suggestion helped you. Be well @Venezia.

Honored Contributor
Posts: 10,430
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Thanks, @kitcat51 , I'll keep trying that in the future!